View Full Version : Just type without thinking. Dont pause at any time to think

07-04-2012, 09:52 AM
Like the title says, don't stop to think! just TYPE! This will be interesting if people truly participate!

Write as much as you want, doesnt need to be more than a sentence tho, really.

I'll start...

Sitting here on zilvia drinking my coffee, damn this coffee, i put to much fucking milk in it... now the caffine wont work properly, i think im fucked! man i got work in like an hour and then i have to go take an exam fml i jus wwant to hang out with my friends and fix my 240. fuck.

07-04-2012, 10:03 AM
this is fucking stupid.

07-04-2012, 10:06 AM
Oh look it's Florida.

07-04-2012, 10:11 AM
If you want a small coke with your meal that will be an extra 5 dollars, well I dont have 5 dollars so what can I get with 25 cents. A giant stuffed bunny you just won at the carnival. But im at a mcdonalds where did a carnival come from? No clue its your brain thats thinking all this shit.

07-04-2012, 10:12 AM
^ thanks for contributing i lol'd MOAR

07-04-2012, 10:49 AM
I keep seeing quotes on the internet attributed to Albert Einstein. When I go to research if he really said it, its a mistake or no one ever really said it. I'm convinced people just make up shit in their head and then tag it as an Albert Einstein quote. I suppose people assume because if he said it, being one of the most brilliant minds in existence, that it must be worth gold. Then again the man didn't wear socks.

"Fuck It" -Albert Einstein

See what I did there? ;)

07-04-2012, 11:07 AM

07-04-2012, 11:10 AM
I figured this might be a cool thread, but then it failed to deliver...

07-04-2012, 11:13 AM
I figured this might be a cool thread, but then it failed to deliver...

yea it would be a cool thread.. cept everyone has to act like some kinda d-bag and fail to have a sense of humor...

mowgli 240sx
07-04-2012, 11:16 AM
^^^^^thats zilvia for u

becuz of the giant bunny that ate all the burritos from taco bell then flew away from earth into mars then back to earth to dance and eat moar burritos

07-04-2012, 11:19 AM
^^^^^thats zilvia for u

becuz of the giant bunny that ate all the burritos from taco bell then flew away from earth into mars then back to earth to dance and eat moar burritos

that would have been a cool story, bro cept you forgot to mention that ronald mcdonald forgot his dildo next to his lunch pail and then a black guy came in and rode of with his bike. it was a tragedy indeed! then the news reporter april from teenage mutant ninja turtle didnt have enough service on his cellphone cuz AT&T sucks balls so he just migrated to pogoda

mowgli 240sx
07-04-2012, 11:21 AM
that would have been a cool story, bro cept you forgot to mention that ronald mcdonald forgot his dildo next to his lunch pail and then a black guy came in and rode of with his bike. it was a tragedy indeed! then the news reporter april from teenage mutant ninja turtle didnt have enough service on his cellphone cuz AT&T sucks balls so he just migrated to pogoda

but he only took his bike bcuz gas prices are too high but they are going down but he is still scared of the monsters behind the s15 parked in a storage in the middle of the ocean

07-04-2012, 11:27 AM
but he only took his bike bcuz gas prices are too high but they are going down but he is still scared of the monsters behind the s15 parked in a storage in the middle of the ocean

that was my S15, too. im kinda sad that its in the middle of the ocean in a storage unit because i cant swim out to it without running off the cliff on the edge of the nation. if i was half as smart as the guy who invented the sandwhich i might be able to ask marty mcfly for the kjeys to his bad ass delorean then i could travel back to the past and prevent my s15 from getting stuck in the ocean, but wait, that would just happen again probably.. ,my s15 is destined for the ocean storage unit and i am forever fucked. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfu ckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck

mowgli 240sx
07-04-2012, 11:31 AM
that was my S15, too. im kinda sad that its in the middle of the ocean in a storage unit because i cant swim out to it without running off the cliff on the edge of the nation. if i was half as smart as the guy who invented the sandwhich i might be able to ask marty mcfly for the kjeys to his bad ass delorean then i could travel back to the past and prevent my s15 from getting stuck in the ocean, but wait, that would just happen again probably.. ,my s15 is destined for the ocean storage unit and i am forever fucked. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfu ckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck

the ocean dusnt exist tho its a figmentof ur imagination what is water all we know is orange juice bcuz when people run outside they end up in a playground full of crazy insane monkeys who like to study the studies of nuthn which is very interesting bcuz it invented the tricycle

07-04-2012, 11:33 AM
you mean to tell me this whole time the s15 was a fraud? a figment of my imagination?! thats crap? the monkeys you speak of must have contributed to this somehow! i am at a place in my mind where i am trying not to think about what i say so when i type it comes out all dbgflflkjdbshvf HOOBLAH! but then i realize some random dude is having a wacked the fuck out conversation with me and its 100% mindless and everything is okay.

mowgli 240sx
07-04-2012, 11:37 AM
you mean to tell me this whole time the s15 was a fraud? a figment of my imagination?! thats crap? the monkeys you speak of must have contributed to this somehow! i am at a place in my mind where i am trying not to think about what i say so when i type it comes out all dbgflflkjdbshvf HOOBLAH! but then i realize some random dude is having a wacked the fuck out conversation with me and its 100% mindless and everything is okay.

the dude u are talking to with a wacked out conversation isnt real either he is a figment of imagination YOLO!!!

07-04-2012, 11:37 AM
I knew this thread was going to be shitty, and it turned out to be shitty.

Oh yeah, lolfloridalol that explains it.

07-04-2012, 11:41 AM
^ says the guy with freakin ponies all over his posts... lol

07-04-2012, 12:11 PM
Probably definitely the coolest guy you know.

07-04-2012, 12:19 PM
The city of Inverness, Florida was originally named Tompkinsville. Settlement of the area dates back to 1868. A. D. Tompkins, later known as Uncle Alf, started the community. To attract newcomers to the town, he established mail service and helped erect the first saw mill in the county. He also gave his brother-in-law, Frank M. Dampier, Sr., a lot to build a store, with Dampier becoming the first merchant in town. Dampier is credited with laying out the town and naming it Tompkinsville.

Not many years later, the town of Tompkinsville was sold to a firm in Jacksonville and the name was changed to Inverness. According to the late historian Mary McRae of Homosassa, Inverness got its name from a lonely Scotsman, far away from his home, who gazed upon the blue waters of the Native American-named Tsala Apopka Lake and thought the area looked like the headlands and lochs of Inverness, Scotland, deserving the name Inverness. Inver is a Gaelic word meaning “mouth of the river”, and through the city flows the River Ness, originating from Loch Ness. Since the city lies at the foot of one of the chain of lakes in Citrus County, Inverness seemed an appropriate name. Per official city documentation, Inverness was incorporated on March 6, 1917.

Over twelve downtown buildings have been recognized by the historic plaque program and are presently active places for business. Central Business Development Grants have helped to retain the historic character of the city. In 1961 the historic courthouse downtown was used to film the courtroom scene of "Follow that Dream" featuring Elvis Presley.

The City has been designated a Gateway Community by the Florida Trail Association. Since 1995, Inverness has been recognized as a Tree City USA by the National Arbor Day Foundation and the US Forestry Service. In 2009, Inverness was awarded the national title of "City of the Year" by the Veterans honor organization the Forty & Eight.

The last full weekend in October is reserved for the Great American Cooterfestival, named after the Florida cooter turtle. A family focused event of music, games, crafts and more is held at the adjoining Liberty and Wallace Brooks Parks on Lake Henderson.

Oh, wait I did that wrong :lockd: