View Full Version : Riverside CA, Stolen Trailer.

06-28-2012, 05:02 PM
Hi guys, a good friend of mine had his robotics team trailer stolen last night. They're a non-profit organization that seeks to inspire students to pursue science and technology. He's an awesome person and so are the kids he mentors, please keep an eye out for the trailer.


Inside of the trailer was a robot (as pictured) along with an array of tools.

It was last seen last night at a church on Blair Road (near UCR) in Riverside CA.

Please keep an eye out for the trailer, and if you spot it, please contact me via PM and call the police.

It really fucking sucks that someone stole a trailer from a bunch of kids, at a church none the less.

Thanks guys.

06-28-2012, 09:09 PM
fucking thieves

06-29-2012, 12:26 AM
There going to hell for that! Im local & will definitly not miss that If I see it