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View Full Version : 300zx radiator problem?

06-26-2012, 11:38 AM
Hey my peeps! I got a 1991 300zx tt
And I got some problems and let me know what your diagnosis might be.
Let me tellyou how it started.
I turned on my car and all off a sudden a cloud of white smoke came out my exhaust, headgasket? Maybe? But after like 30 sec it stopped and never smoked again. So I drove it around for a while and I noticed the temperture gauge would stay normal then rise up about every 3 minutes. It would never hit the complete red line but it would go back to normal right away? Anyways I stopped at a market and notice some smoke coming out the engine? I put the key in the ignition and the temp gauge was at the max. I let it cool down driver it and it went back to normal . When I got back to my house the engine was smoking completely and all the water was spilling out?
Woke up this morning the water and coolant was gone and around the engine and all the radiator coolant was gone. Any ideas or suggestions would be helpful please

06-26-2012, 11:50 AM
head gasket.

Check for chocolate milk in your oil.

06-26-2012, 12:04 PM
I'm working on the car as we speak and I found that a hose connected to the turbo is leaking as soon as I turned it on when I added more water to the radiator what can that be?

06-26-2012, 12:10 PM
what do you mean?

It means you have a bad hose that needs to be replaced. clearly that where your fluid is leaking from.

Id still check your oil

06-26-2012, 12:16 PM
Fix the leaking hose, fill the radiator and overflow tank. Start the car and bring up to temperature, all while watching and listening for leaks.
Identify and repair further leaks.
Wash, rinse, repeat.

Also the dash temp gauge has three positions. Cold, operating temp, and your about to warp a head. If you ever get the temp gauge moving North of normal, investigate. I'll second what the previous poster suggested and say check for milky oil.