View Full Version : Saudi drifter to be beheaded from accident

Highway Riding
06-26-2012, 10:36 AM
Saudi court sentences joyrider to death by beheading for killing two people during 'drifting' car stunt | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2164979/Saudi-court-sentences-joyrider-death-beheading-killing-people-drifting-car-stunt.html)

Saudi court sentences joyrider to death by beheading for killing two people during 'Fast And The Furious-style drifting' car stunt

06-26-2012, 10:39 AM
fucking Daily Fail

06-26-2012, 10:39 AM
And we bitch about cars getting crushed lol

06-26-2012, 11:14 AM
That article fails.

Influence: The man struck his victims as he was 'drifting', the stunt made popular by Vin Diesel (left) and Paul Walker (right) in the Fast And The Furious francise

It was made popular by Bow Wow and Lucas Black (shit I had to look up his real name).

Wish we had something similar like that here in the states as a form of punishment. You kill someone, we kill you back. Good deal.

Highway Riding
06-26-2012, 11:28 AM
The article does suck. We've all seen those arab drift videos tho and man this was bound to happen. Guys are throwing FWD cars into a spin on main roads etc... Jeez

06-26-2012, 11:31 AM
edit: sometimes sarcasm escapes me

06-26-2012, 11:51 AM
i heard about this shit.

youd be surprised hte shit i see on the way to work
actually JUST drove by a dude getting airlifed frmo doing stupid shit.

06-26-2012, 12:48 PM
Didn't he know that shit is only for the sons of oil barons that can buy their way out of trouble when this happens?

06-26-2012, 01:33 PM
Didn't he know that shit is only for the sons of oil barons that can buy their way out of trouble when this happens?

...he did kill two people.

06-26-2012, 03:29 PM
Keep drifting fun lmfao...

06-26-2012, 03:39 PM
...he did kill two people.

So? Do you not realize how rich they are compared to the general population? It's probably happened before and been swept under the rug. That being said, it was a joke and not meant to be taken seriously.

06-26-2012, 04:35 PM
So? Do you not realize how rich they are compared to the general population? It's probably happened before and been swept under the rug. That being said, it was a joke and not meant to be taken seriously.

Actually no...unless you're part of the royal family and you're just a Saudi national, you don't get away with murder. You wanna see rich, fuck Saudi, I'd rather be a UAE national. Get paid for sucking air and making babies...

06-27-2012, 02:29 AM
Wish we had something similar like that here in the states as a form of punishment. You kill someone, we kill you back. Good deal.


06-28-2012, 04:14 AM
So? Do you not realize how rich they are compared to the general population? It's probably happened before and been swept under the rug. That being said, it was a joke and not meant to be taken seriously.
if it was a saudi national, then he must not have money, or really pissed someone off
normally if you kill someone, you just pay and be done. same iwth animals. if you kill someones animals, you pay for that animal, and 3 generations of animals after