View Full Version : Air Splitter Mounting/Supports

06-22-2012, 12:18 PM
Hey guys, I had a few questions I was hoping someone could answer before I move forward with my air splitter.

First question concerns mounting the splitter. I was going to make brackets that mounted to the bottom of the core support. The problem is, there's no where to mount them except on the tension rod brace things? By that, I mean the stamped braces that connect to the core via two bolts and then to the tension rod. Can I unbolt these to mount my brackets or will this throw my alignment/geometry off? I don't mean take it off, just take the bolts off, put my bracket on, then put the bolts back in through my bracket and the brace.

Secondly, I was going to make my own support rods with a turnbuckle and some fabrication. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to go about this?

Thanks guys.