View Full Version : Clunking noise

06-15-2012, 04:16 PM
Check it out guys I lowered my s14 last weekend with lowering springs, like a day later I started getting a clunking noise from front driverside area, it increases with speed but when the brakes a applyed it becomes less. A friend said possible the powersteering rack and pinion but im not to sure. also when there is less pressure on that side the noise is less but increses with more pressure on a turn pushing down on the driverside. any Ideas guys

06-15-2012, 06:03 PM
Did you make sure the lug nuts are tight?

06-15-2012, 06:14 PM
im about to go check that

06-15-2012, 06:48 PM
^Thanks for your spam.

06-15-2012, 09:10 PM
well i feel retarded and it was the wheel, the only one I didnt do. damn friends he even put the cap back on so i thought it was good to go lesson learned check everyones work if there helping you.