View Full Version : fuel smell problem

06-15-2012, 11:09 AM
car 90 se hatch
motor redtop sr20

really bad fuel smell comming from the cabin
did a fuel pump upgrade with the walbro 255
when i did that i replaced the o-ring gasket
fuel pump works fine but the fuel smells still remains
in the cabin windows rolled up its fine but once i
open windows its gets really bad in the cabin

so i decided to change the whole gas tank assembly
( got it for pretty cheap ) did that also repalce the
o-ring gasket again and replaced the 2 fuel line comming
from the fuel pump since i had the tank off ...and still no change
i also check the filler neck gasket and cap all lines good

06-16-2012, 01:13 AM
you must either be a) running super rich or b) you have a small leak somewhere. go a little more into depth with your search for a leak. remember, gas evaporates pretty quickly so you have to catch it as its leaking. also cheak your fittings that hold any of the soft lines onto the hard ones and re check all of your hardlines.

01-27-2013, 02:44 AM
:repost::repost: help

01-27-2013, 10:48 AM
jack up the car safely and check for leaks while engine is running. had the same problem with my 89 hatch and it turned out to be a cracking fuel hose.

01-27-2013, 12:42 PM
I just had a fuel smell problem too.
So I checked every clamp and my injectors.
I found my fuel filter bottem clamp was 4 turns loose
And some other clamps were loose now that my car is airing out I think I have it fixed

Did you drop the tank to do the new FP before you replaced the tank..?

Make shore you didn't roll the seal.

Check the lines under the car.

01-28-2013, 08:08 PM
jack up the car safely and check for leaks while engine is running. had the same problem with my 89 hatch and it turned out to be a cracking fuel hose.

yeah i actually replaced the 2 hoses from the tank to the main lines
under the car

I just had a fuel smell problem too.
So I checked every clamp and my injectors.
I found my fuel filter bottem clamp was 4 turns loose
And some other clamps were loose now that my car is airing out I think I have it fixed

Did you drop the tank to do the new FP before you replaced the tank..?

Make shore you didn't roll the seal.

Check the lines under the car.

no didnt drop the tank to do the fuel pump
i did the fuel pump replaced the o-ring gasket
when i installed the new pump and i noticed that
some of the screws that hold the pump were loose
so went to nissan dealership to get all new screws
still same same fuel smell
the o-ring gasket was replaced 2 times now
one when i installed the fuel pump and the second time
was when installed the other gas tank
i only get fuel smell when windows is cracked or rolled down

01-29-2013, 12:04 AM
Leaky injector seal?

01-29-2013, 12:08 PM
Leaky injector seal?

how to check that?

i did find a black box in the truck area of the hatch
near the gas tank filler neck ... dont knoe what it does
but it has a flap in the middle and connects 2 10mm nuts on
top ...

01-30-2013, 09:01 AM
Second time this week. Don't listen to any of these clowns. First thing you need to do is replace the o-ring that seals between the fuel tank and the fuel sending unit.

01-30-2013, 03:23 PM
Second time this week. Don't listen to any of these clowns. First thing you need to do is replace the o-ring that seals between the fuel tank and the fuel sending unit.

again? this will be the 3rd time I replace that o-ring
I know it's no that expensive but do I have to replace that
ring everytime I drive the car?

01-30-2013, 06:02 PM
I'm actually in the same situation. I've pretty much replace every single of the lines that goes to fuel stuff other than the evap. I haven't check the evap system yet which I was I was told to do..

06-12-2013, 03:32 PM
still need help!:rl:

LI NY 240sx
06-13-2013, 12:08 PM
jack up the car safely and check for leaks while engine is running. had the same problem with my 89 hatch and it turned out to be a cracking fuel hose.

Did you do this?

how to check that?

i did find a black box in the truck area of the hatch
near the gas tank filler neck ... dont knoe what it does
but it has a flap in the middle and connects 2 10mm nuts on
top ...

That box just lets the air escape when you close the hatch.

06-29-2013, 07:21 PM
sounds like thats how every 240 ive ever been in with a walbro

07-28-2013, 03:20 PM
sounds like thats how every 240 ive ever been in with a walbro

:wtf: ??????