View Full Version : Texas "Self- Defense" case goes wrong...

06-14-2012, 11:10 AM
Just heard about this incident and thought I would share....

Texas Man Found Guilty for Killing Neighbor in Dispute - Yahoo! (http://gma.yahoo.com/texas-man-found-guilty-killing-neighbor-dispute-053934284--abc-news-topstories.html)
A jury has convicted a Texas man for murdering his neighbor during a confrontation over loud music two years ago, rejecting a claim that he was within his rights to fatally shoot the man under Texas' version of a "stand-your-ground" law.
Raul Rodriguez, 47, faces up to life in prison for the killing of Kelly Danaher, 36. Sentencing is scheduled to begin today.

"I'm just glad he can't hurt anybody else," Danaher's wife, Mindy, said. "I love my husband, and I miss him so much ... and he helped all of us get through this today."

It took the jury less than six hours Wednesday to decide between self-defense and murder. Jurors, apparently agreeing with prosecutors that Rodriguez, a retired Houston-area firefighter, was a trigger-happy neighborhood bully.

"He felt like he had ultimate control, control to determine who lives and who dies," Donna Logan, Harris County Assistant District Attorney, said.

Rodriguez recorded the argument in May of 2010 when he killed Danaher, an elementary school teacher, and wounded two other people. The 22-minute homemade video was the key to the trial as Rodriguez's lawyers argued it was self-defense under Texas' version of the so-called stand-your-ground law, which is also at the center of the Trayvon Martin case in Florida.

It was after midnight when Rodriguez, complaining to police via telephone that the music was too loud, walked up to Danaher's driveway with a flashlight and gun.

In the video, Rodriguez can be heard talking to a 911 operator, saying, "I'm running the video camera right now and I'm talking to you and I mean, I'm scared to death here."

In the unfolding confrontation between Rodriguez and several unidentified men, one yells, "Tell you what, pal, you just pulled a gun on the wrong [expletive], OK?"

When one of the party-goers saw Rodriguez's gun, he suggested he is getting his own. "When I go in that house and come back," he warned, "don't think I won't be equal to you, baby."

"It's about to get out of hand sir, please help me. Please help me, my life is in danger now ...," Rodriguez told police over the phone. "Now, I'm standing my ground here. Now, these people are going to try and kill me."

Seconds later, a fight about loud music ends with the crack of gunfire.

"Look, I'm not losing to these people anymore," Rodriguez said. "I'm just totally going to stay back, because they're drunk, they're ..."

Rodriguez is interrupted by wild laughter, and then the sound of gunfire, before the tape stops as Rodriguez is tackled to the ground. In addition to the shot that killed Danaher, Houston Fire Capt. Ricky Johnson and Marshall Stetson received multiple gunshot wounds after the camera stopped recording. Rodriguez, a father of six, walked away from the incident unharmed.

"This has eaten me up for two years," Johnson said. "Hopefully, now I can begin to heal from it."

The defense did not present much of a case as it called no witnesses and Rodriguez didn't testify. Legal experts say if defendants are going to successfully argue self-defense, the jury wants to hear from them.

Video of Altercation..
VTS_01_2.VOB - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tcr-pqWahdI&feature=player_embedded)

06-14-2012, 11:26 AM
I don't believe it's self defence, he walked over there with a gun. and i heard no loud music

06-14-2012, 11:29 AM
And wait aminute, how was he holding a camera, a phone, and a gun...?

06-14-2012, 11:40 AM
crazy shit, Texas to me is the balls of america. everything and anything goes there, and if you fuck up, your fucked x10....

06-14-2012, 12:46 PM
The only way "stand your ground" applies to this case, IMO, is the guy using those words in his 911 call.

06-14-2012, 05:42 PM
The only way "stand your ground" applies to this case, IMO, is the guy using those words in his 911 call.

Loopholes my good man, loopholes.

He's saved because those damn words. Does it make it right? FUCK NO! Does it make it legal? FUCK YES!

06-14-2012, 06:16 PM
why do people not understand the law. When your presented with an immanent threat such as an armed person approaching you, you can stand your ground.

If you are concealed carrying, you can only respond with a equal amount of force. Drunk guy gets in your face but not hitting you, can't draw. Drunk guy starts beating the piss out of you, then you can. Unless the threat is there, you can not respond with a higher level response.

Since no one at the party was threatening him and he approached a dangerous situation with weapon at hand instead of using weapon to extricate him from a dangerous situation, he will always loose the self defense argument.

06-14-2012, 08:18 PM
All I hear are crickets.

In my opinion since he said "im not loosing to these people anymore", this was premeditated. He brought the camera over as evidence to prove his innocence after he dispatched someone (Although it certaintly doesnt document his innocence). You dont go over to a neighbors gun in hand over loud music. Concealed incase shit hits the fan is one thing, carrying a gun over and flashing it... complete bullshit.

06-14-2012, 10:59 PM
Loopholes my good man, loopholes.

He's saved because those damn words. Does it make it right? FUCK NO! Does it make it legal? FUCK YES!

"A jury has convicted a Texas man for murdering..."

06-14-2012, 11:01 PM
"A jury has convicted a Texas man for murdering..."

revisiting that same case. He was free for a while though. 2 years of being scot-free!

06-14-2012, 11:03 PM
why do people not understand the law. When your presented with an immanent threat such as an armed person approaching you, you can stand your ground.

If you are concealed carrying, you can only respond with a equal amount of force. Drunk guy gets in your face but not hitting you, can't draw. Drunk guy starts beating the piss out of you, then you can. Unless the threat is there, you can not respond with a higher level response.

Since no one at the party was threatening him and he approached a dangerous situation with weapon at hand instead of using weapon to extricate him from a dangerous situation, he will always loose the self defense argument.

All I hear are crickets.

In my opinion since he said "im not loosing to these people anymore", this was premeditated. He brought the camera over as evidence to prove his innocence after he dispatched someone (Although it certaintly doesnt document his innocence). You dont go over to a neighbors gun in hand over loud music. Concealed incase shit hits the fan is one thing, carrying a gun over and flashing it... complete bullshit.

Both of these. That whole speech sounded like he practiced it in the mirror.

06-15-2012, 12:27 AM
crazy shit, Texas to me is the balls of america. everything and anything goes there, and if you fuck up, your fucked x10....

More like the sweaty taint... Suck all the oil out and give it back to Mexico...

This was in no way, shape or form self defense. I'm glad there is a jury out there with their heads on strait. You don't go on someone else's property with a gun. He's the one that should have been shot and killed in self defense.

06-15-2012, 07:45 AM
You don't go on someone else's property with a gun. He's the one that should have been shot and killed in self defense.
From the sound of it, he was pretty close to being shot.

06-15-2012, 12:08 PM
.....In my opinion since he said "im not loosing to these people anymore", this was premeditated. He brought the camera over as evidence to prove his innocence...

^This and you can hear his neighbors laughing at him thinking he isn't going to do something, then he unloads.:rl:

06-15-2012, 12:13 PM
IMO I agree xoxide. It was sO premeditated. I say throw this whole BRITISH COURT SYSTEM OUT of America. Deng Masons and their manifest destiny!

06-15-2012, 12:24 PM
"I'm running the video camera right now and I'm talking to you and I mean, I'm scared to death here."

"It's about to get out of hand sir, please help me. Please help me, my life is in danger now ...,"

"Now, I'm standing my ground here. Now, these people are going to try and kill me.

he had video camera and gun in hand and obviously studied up on the laws to try and say the proper things to cover his ass.

but saying "Look, I'm not losing to these people anymore" is a dead giveaway that he had some anger and motive in mind.

the guys who got killed seemed like assholes though, but i'm not saying they should be shot.

06-15-2012, 01:06 PM
From remembering my concealed class... He was the agressor and never backed down from the situation, making him guilty.

You don't go over to a party with gun out trying to force things, gun only comes out if you are in severe danger (and that is even a moving line depending on many factors). But TX is a little more forgiving usually.

06-15-2012, 06:19 PM
Gonna start walking around on peoples property with a gun in case I need to defend my self.

06-18-2012, 03:00 AM
And wait aminute, how was he holding a camera, a phone, and a gun...?

Bluetooth, goPro, and a gun.

06-18-2012, 03:04 PM
From remembering my concealed class... He was the agressor and never backed down from the situation, making him guilty.

You don't go over to a party with gun out trying to force things, gun only comes out if you are in severe danger (and that is even a moving line depending on many factors). But TX is a little more forgiving usually.

In Texas they could have laid him out scott-free. An Armed man enters your property making threats... thats fair game.

I have no idea what the fuck he thought he was doing. People do some really stupid shit.

Playing loud music? Call the cops, record from your porch and sue latter in small claims. Butt that would be the "less manly" thing to do instead of "keeping it real".

06-18-2012, 04:12 PM
this guy is a fucking idiot.. goes over to the party to complain about the noise and brings his gun and shows it around.. then fears his life is in danger because someone goes inside to get theirs.. so he shoots em..

06-18-2012, 07:55 PM
This stand your ground law is full of shit.It gives gun toting dumb asses a license to shoot unarmed people! Thank you to the congress men and women who allowed this law to be passed in Texas, I hope someone puts a bullet in there ass!

06-18-2012, 08:34 PM
This stand your ground law is full of shit.It gives gun toting dumb asses a license to shoot unarmed people! Thank you to the congress men and women who allowed this law to be passed in Texas, I hope someone puts a bullet in there ass!

You are a fucking idiot.

How has it given anyone a license to shoot unarmed people?

Once again, you are a fucking idiot.

06-18-2012, 08:54 PM
You are a fucking idiot.

How has it given anyone a license to shoot unarmed people?

Once again, you are a fucking idiot.

Really, I'm from Texas and yes more and more people are being shoot with this law! People are actually getting into Confirtations to shoot people, I know that me sound far fetch but hey it happens!

Texas A&M Study Claims Stand Your Ground Laws Result in More Deaths | TheBlaze.com (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/study-guns-dont-kill-people-stand-your-ground-laws-do/)

06-18-2012, 10:13 PM
This stand your ground law is full of shit.It gives gun toting dumb asses a license to shoot unarmed people! Thank you to the congress men and women who allowed this law to be passed in Texas, I hope someone puts a bullet in there ass!

No, what we have here is people misunderstanding the Stand Your Ground Law and doing stupid shit as a result of them thinking there is a law that is going to protect them in a way it is not and was not designed to do so.

The fact that this man got convicted in TX which is lenient on self-defense laws goes to show you how much this guy royally fucked up.

06-18-2012, 10:22 PM
^^ This is not the only case, this law allows people to protect property and your house. Not crossing the street and shooting someone, or going in your neighbors yard and blasting two people who were stealing. This law is being used to gun down people, some of the people are doing things wrong when their shot, but none of the shooters were in danger! Please read the bill!