View Full Version : Outrun the cops?

06-08-2012, 09:02 PM
I know it is always dumb to try to outrun a cop but humor me for a moment. If a cop is coming head on at you, clocks you and tries to turn around, but by that time you turn off and never see the cop again. He never got your license plate. I know you are not lawyers but maybe someone has had a similar experience. Can the officer at a later date, pull you over and give you a ticket? THANKS

06-08-2012, 09:06 PM
Dash Cam = evidence

06-08-2012, 09:11 PM
What if dash cam was not going? all hypothetical

06-08-2012, 09:12 PM
Without license plate and stock looking car dont think anything will happen but if ur car stood out from the rest then he might remember and stop u. Its just depend on if that cop wanna be a dick or not.

06-08-2012, 09:14 PM
doesnt matter, they have to have proof it was you, not just the car. that is the reason most traffic camera tickets are thrown out unless it has a clear picture of your face.

06-08-2012, 09:15 PM
If it's a route you frequently travel, the cop will remember and get you some other time (for another offense).

06-08-2012, 09:24 PM
So if on the way to work the next day, the officer sees the same car but no violations are being committed, can he pull you over for the previous day? Or do they have to pull you over right then and there? So far you guys are saying what I thought.

06-08-2012, 09:32 PM
I have actually always wondered this as well.

06-08-2012, 09:44 PM
Apparently even if the cop had pulled you over that night but not cited you for whatever he may after the fact allege you did, he can still come back after the fact and cite you for what you previously were not cited for. Ask Zimmerman.

06-08-2012, 09:51 PM
If he didnt turn on his lights in time you can always say you never even saw him coming in the first place.....

06-08-2012, 10:10 PM
Do you think a cop will spend time looking for the same person? Might come across yes. But there's more than just traffic. If it's a boring town and don't have anything to do then o well. One thing I know is not to worry. If you see a ticket by mail which I don't believe a cop will take the time to do the report then a ticket is a ticket. I met guys out run cops but they get cought for sure cause they ask for backup. U can't escape from backup.

06-08-2012, 11:29 PM
Apparently even if the cop had pulled you over that night but not cited you for whatever he may after the fact allege you did, he can still come back after the fact and cite you for what you previously were not cited for. Ask Zimmerman.


Anyways back to the original question. Since you said the cop clocks you, its same to assume the question is about speeding. If the cop didn't catch you when he saw you speeding then he would not be able to ticket you the following day for the offense he saw in the past.

06-08-2012, 11:32 PM
Its not too hard to figure out if you paid attention in math classes.

So if on the way to work the next day, the officer sees the same car but no violations are being committed, can he pull you over for the previous day? Or do they have to pull you over right then and there? So far you guys are saying what I thought.

I've been pulled over for "a burned out tail light," and been spoken to about my driving the night before.

No ticket though, and all lights turned out to be fine.

edit: Small town, and the car stood out a LOT

06-08-2012, 11:48 PM
when just got my license i was going about 120 and a cop going the other way flipped a bitch. i pulled into a random driveway and never saw him again or got in any trouble.

dash cams might be better now though?

06-08-2012, 11:55 PM
City Cops deal with much bigger crimes . It is unlikely that a City cop will pull you over because he recognized your car as being the one who got away.City cops got bigger shit to worry about. the officer will have to prove in court , convince a jury( if it goes that far to trial)that it was you without a doubt behind the wheel . He can arrest you , but chances are DA will throw case out because its a weak case without evidence. Cop needs Video of you clearly behind the wheel , video of rear of car isnt enough (,ex traffic Cam frontal facialpicture ).
How do I know ?, it happened to me, I got away from a chase .It was stupid of me and Totally irresponsible .Cops paid me a visit 2 weeks later, let me know they knew where I lived and said they knew it was me. I told them that if they were so sure , why hadnt they arrested me? Well turns out .They couldnt prove it.I told them i let someone else drive my car that night. They asked for name , I told them to get a Warrant .Anyways that was many years ago, Not too bright on my behalf i must admitt. After that they harassed me for a while , followed me . Parked outside my home.lesson learned .Anyways I mooved away. In Court , its not what you know , Its what you can prove... Oh and by the way, if cops have to chase you , and they do catch you, its a mandatory "stop resisting" beatdown. I guess thats why I didnt want to get caught. No more riding dirty for me.

06-08-2012, 11:58 PM
^depends how big the city is. i know smaller towns don't have SHIT to do besides harass "tuners"

06-09-2012, 12:53 AM
^^ When you mentioned "beatdown" it made me think of a fun story of a few years back involving an old friend...

Friend drives 350z very spirited down 35mph 2 lane road. Cops going other way sees this, and proceeds to turn and follow, friend slams it even more (100+) and finds near-by neighborhood to duck into. He chills in random driveway for ~20 minutes, then attempts to get back on the 35mph road and proceed home. About 2 seconds after he turns on it, he realizes that the cop was driving around the area looking for him and said friend proceeds to, yet again, attempt to outmenuver him.

Didn't last long, and he spun into a ditch.

He is a fairly scrawny dude, so he gets out and goes to lay down on grass, in which he is the knee'd in the head repeatedly, slammed on the ground repeatedly, and handcuffed so tight it left huge, deep gashes in his wrist. He told them the cuffs were too tight, and they tightened them further.

I believed this story to be true, because the day he got out of jail (1 day later), he proudly showed off the busted lip and gashed up wrist.

Yeah, basically... run from cop + catch does in fact = abuse. Haha.

06-09-2012, 03:42 AM
Dash Cam = evidence

google nitekids if someone hasn't already posted that response.

06-09-2012, 03:57 AM
google nitekids if someone hasn't already posted that response.
oh you mean this?

Eluding is illegal, don't do it or talk about it here.