View Full Version : Craft Beer

06-02-2012, 06:33 PM
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to share with you a new web series that I am working on. It is about Craft Beer and educating people on the subject. I'd love to get your guy's feedback and also see what craft beers you guys are interested. I love Ballast Point. Great guys over there. Also Karl Strauss Red Trolley is awesome too.

Here is the link. I hope you guys enjoy!


word sux
06-02-2012, 07:07 PM
there already is a beer thread

06-02-2012, 07:28 PM
Can you point me to the link where there's a thread about my web series because we just completed and uploaded the show last night. If you are talking about craft beers I totally understand, but with this thread, I wanted to get some feed back about my new web series and comment about craft beer.

06-02-2012, 07:43 PM
Posting in the beer thread would be a good way to get people involved and maybe receive some of the feedback you're interested in.

06-02-2012, 09:46 PM
I enjoy craft beer and I wouldn't watch this on the regular. You seem hesitant and it makes the conversation flow stop and start. Also seemed like an overuse of 8bit graphics. You could also speak with a louder tone. with my volume all the way up it still seemed soft and indirect. Other than that it was alright. Mainly because I love green flash west coast ipa. hope that helps, you're looking for constructive feedback yes?

06-02-2012, 11:27 PM
Posting in the beer thread would be a good way to get people involved and maybe receive some of the feedback you're interested in.
Didn't know there was a beer thread. Maybe I can relocate this thread over there. Thanks.

I enjoy craft beer and I wouldn't watch this on the regular. You seem hesitant and it makes the conversation flow stop and start. Also seemed like an overuse of 8bit graphics. You could also speak with a louder tone. with my volume all the way up it still seemed soft and indirect. Other than that it was alright. Mainly because I love green flash west coast ipa. hope that helps, you're looking for constructive feedback yes?
Thank you for your comments and constructive criticism. Dr. Q and I have taken lots of notes from this episode and learned a lot from it. The audio is one of them and we will up the production value in later episodes. The 8 bit is more of our theme. It is something we grew up on and it was part of our culture. I feel 8 bit is iconic in pop culture, art, and people can recognize it well.

I really appreciate that you viewed the video. Thanks!

As a one man band for production there were many constraints, but I was able to figure out a solution/work around with our limited time. Over all, this is a passion of ours (craft beer and video production) and we can only get better. I hope we can bring you more entertaining content in the future.

As for the craft beer, yes, West Coast IPA is great! I love the taste to it. I see you are from San Diego (pb), have you ever been to Monkey Paw. Great spot for drinks!