View Full Version : Need help identifying a rifle

05-29-2012, 07:47 PM
First off, I am not new to firearms, but am new to the Enfield models and how to distinguish between No.'s and MK's.

A guy at work is going through a divorce and came in today and I guess needed to clear out some stuff before his soon to be ex trashes it all. He knows im into guns and so, gave me this sporterized British .303 rifle. Being that it is sporterized, it really has no significant collectors value. Having little value, has made me decide to "modernize" it to my likings with a Monte-Carlo stock.....and that is where my dilemma starts.

To properly order the stock, I need to know the No. and MK of this particular rifle, as each variant is sized somewhat differently. So far, I have not been able to decipher the markings. If anyone knows how, please share.

Here are some corresponding photos of all the markings I could find.

All I know, is that is was apparently made in Australia, as that is one of the markings.

If anyone knows a good firearm forum, that might be able to help as well, please link me. Firearms is one thing I really dont use forums for.

Thanks guys

05-30-2012, 08:01 PM
Sign up on SigForum.com - It's a SIG Sauer forum first and foremost, but it has to have the most depth and the broadest knowledge base of any forum I've ever been on. There will be someone on there who collects rifles like that, or knows everything about them...that I can guarantee.

You'll wanna post those pics in "Mason's Rifle Room"...and you'll get the exact answers you need.

A note: They will not stand for ANYTHING that remotely resembles the way most of the idiots here act, with no grammar/no punctuation/needless flaming/etc...

I think, judging by your post above, that you'll be fine. But just 'FYI'.

- Brian

05-31-2012, 12:04 AM
Sniper's Hide (http://www.snipershide.com) everything you need to know. a buddy of mine has one, its a real treat to shoot a piece of history like that. i wouldnt change a thing about that rifle!

05-31-2012, 12:25 AM
lee enfield 303

05-31-2012, 12:40 AM
Enfield Rifles Page (http://www.telusplanet.net/public/philqgbr/lithgow.html)

05-31-2012, 06:02 AM
S14DB, I was browsing there yesterday and couldnt get an exact match. Thanks for the link though!

Lawrenceyang, yeah thats the obvious general answer, but not what I'm looking for.

Orion, I'll look into that forum. Thank you.

05-31-2012, 03:54 PM
S14DB, I was browsing there yesterday and couldnt get an exact match. Thanks for the link though!

That is the exact match on that page I linked. :confused:

05-31-2012, 05:04 PM
wow do i feel dumb. I had a bunch of tabs open, and looked at the wrong one. I thought you linked me to a different one.

Kudos to you on the link.

Appreciate it.