View Full Version : Smog Checkpoints getting worse!

05-27-2012, 01:58 PM
My brother has told me that these checkpoints are going to be getting worse and worse. Especially in 2013. I know theirs a thread on this already but wat can us daily drivers do to avoid this? Can we beat the system? Should we be worried? I was looking into the smog checkpoint threads and i never knew they've been going on since 2006 or older! I dont know if i should sell my car to get a 75 or older or get a bone stock new car. Cuz i dont wanna lose my car! :bite: My brother almost got stopped but he said he was late for work so they let him go lucky him he has an sr20. Anyways socal is getting more heat and im getting worried. what do u guys think? :ughug:

05-27-2012, 02:14 PM
back to stock?

Sent from my DROID X2

05-27-2012, 02:17 PM
so if they stop you, tell them that you want to see a warrant before they do any inspection on your vehicle. problem solved. same as a dui checkpoint. they have no legal right to stop people at random and perform searches. doesn't mean they won't try tho.

05-27-2012, 02:42 PM
back to stock?

Sent from my DROID X2

Yea like a 350z, Wrx, s2k, or just stock my 240

so if they stop you, tell them that you want to see a warrant before they do any inspection on your vehicle. problem solved. same as a dui checkpoint. they have no legal right to stop people at random and perform searches. doesn't mean they won't try tho.

hmm makes sense thanx for da info bro!

05-28-2012, 05:44 PM
sum ideas!?

05-28-2012, 07:27 PM
Buy a daily or make your car legal.


05-28-2012, 07:53 PM
the state's low on money, so they're getting $$ any way they can; not because they care about clean air that's a damn joke

05-28-2012, 08:17 PM
the state's low on money, so they're getting $$ any way they can; not because they care about clean air that's a damn joke

true that man. I just wana do something so that us daily drivers can avoid this not just for 240's but for anyone! i was thinking of making some kind of app or something to let us know where they are located. am i making any sense? haha ;)

05-28-2012, 08:34 PM
this will help, join the fb group


05-28-2012, 09:37 PM
joined!.. but i think an app would be better or something more safe :l.. i really dont wana change my car

05-29-2012, 01:44 PM
so if they stop you, tell them that you want to see a warrant before they do any inspection on your vehicle. problem solved. same as a dui checkpoint. they have no legal right to stop people at random and perform searches. doesn't mean they won't try tho.

is this true with a dui check point i can just ask for warrant to search me or my vehicle?

05-29-2012, 02:21 PM
is this true with a dui check point i can just ask for warrant to search me or my vehicle?

Las Vegas DUI Checkpoint Refusal - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILqc0DMh84k)

05-29-2012, 04:40 PM
Las Vegas DUI Checkpoint Refusal - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILqc0DMh84k)

that definitely wouldn't fly here in Sacramento... they would call that probable cause and they would step all over your 4th amendment.

I live in Sacramento and i have a shop in Woodland, ive seen lots of smog check points in areas that they feel are high traffic/high street racing spots.

They are claiming that if u refuse they will impound your car and get a warrant to then check it.

i think they are taking our rights away.

More over they are targeting vehicles who have recently passed smog and don't pass smog on there mobile dyno, questioning the integrity of the Licensed smog tech's trust-ability. just recently they busted 1 shop in Sacramento for smogging 13 cars w/ the same vehicle.. idiots. but it blew up a big red flag and now all CHP are on the whole smog legality bullshit even more then before.

BEWARE HONDA KIDS. lol. 240's just make sure u got 1 color, front plates, current reg, and INSURANCE.

also try not being Asian cuz for some reason they like to target Asian folk.

05-29-2012, 04:42 PM
nothing against asians cuz im half myself, its just hard to be asian in a "FLASHY CAR"

05-29-2012, 04:51 PM
They are claiming that if u refuse they will impound your car and get a warrant to then check it.

If you refuse woudnt all the evidence collected after you refuse not legally be allowed to use in prosecuting you?

05-29-2012, 04:53 PM
The other thing i just found out too, is they are going after older vehicles. Vehicles in which need a extra kick in the ass to pass smog, 95 and older... but 240's fall right conveniently into that category.

if any 240 owners have experienced this mobile smog unit, please post up your experience, and what they wanted and why maybe?

05-29-2012, 04:53 PM
keep ur car legal height and add extensions to a front lip. when you go up to the rollers and it starts to hit just say ur cars too low

05-29-2012, 04:55 PM
They are claiming that if u refuse they will impound your car and get a warrant to then check it.

If you refuse woudnt all the evidence collected after you refuse not legally be allowed to use in prosecuting you?

Not to sure on that one... might wanna talk to a lawyer see what we could do to prevent this and what our rights are to avoid the whole mess to begin with.

05-29-2012, 05:00 PM
check this out

SmogTips.com - Roadside Smog Check Checkpoints. Roadside Emission Testing. Remote Smog Test Sensing Devices capture your vehicle's emissions exhaust as you drive on California roadways. Roadside smog testing. Roadside smog test check point. Determini (http://www.smogtips.com/remote_sensing.cfm)

its stupid...

if your car fails smog, at that point you are eligible for CONSUMER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM which costs us TAX PAYERS TONS OF FUCKING MONEY. i love California, i hate politics in California.

05-29-2012, 05:35 PM
stupid california system :rant2:

05-30-2012, 12:40 AM
Officer, Am I Free to Go? - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&NR=1&v=2d7-0TDsxnw)

05-31-2012, 01:11 AM
Lower your car more. Bam can't fit on the dyno. Chew threw your hood release cable bam. Doesn't open! All solved with being a boss and going lower.

06-18-2012, 02:34 PM
Lower your car more. Bam can't fit on the dyno. Chew threw your hood release cable bam. Doesn't open! All solved with being a boss and going lower.

LMFAO. Listen to this guy, he knows whats he talking bout!

06-18-2012, 03:44 PM
nothing against asians cuz im half myself, its just hard to be asian in a "FLASHY CAR"

funny since i'm pretty sure when most of the general population sees a 240sx they prbably consider it as a ghetto junk bucket and while flashy cars to them are europeon cars like bmw, mercedes, or porsche.

06-18-2012, 07:14 PM
funny since i'm pretty sure when most of the general population sees a 240sx they prbably consider it as a ghetto junk bucket and while flashy cars to them are europeon cars like bmw, mercedes, or porsche.

LOL, so true!

06-19-2012, 03:28 PM
Here in modesto is getting busy with the smog checkpoint I'm starting to see it like once a month

06-24-2012, 11:19 PM
I just think of all the time and money wasted on ideas like this. No amount of smog checking/ rules is going to make up for all those other countries that dont have smog regulations. This is the same as how there are regulations on how loud are cars can be. Yet we have all heard motorcycles that are 3x louder. Some excuses are "Well they are different engines and different specifications." BS!!! Noise pollution is noise pollution. 100dB are the same whether they come out of a car, truck, motorcycle, or my ass.

06-24-2012, 11:58 PM
from my experience they are considered Surveys, legally you can't be forced to take one. ive been through a few. I just tell them I am working and i don't have time for their survey. worked fine on both my S13, My Z32, and my Evo X.

06-25-2012, 02:21 PM
I just think of all the time and money wasted on ideas like this. No amount of smog checking/ rules is going to make up for all those other countries that dont have smog regulations. This is the same as how there are regulations on how loud are cars can be. Yet we have all heard motorcycles that are 3x louder. Some excuses are "Well they are different engines and different specifications." BS!!! Noise pollution is noise pollution. 100dB are the same whether they come out of a car, truck, motorcycle, or my ass.


from my experience they are considered Surveys, legally you can't be forced to take one. ive been through a few. I just tell them I am working and i don't have time for their survey. worked fine on both my S13, My Z32, and my Evo X.

o that happened to my bro too but wat if ur with ur friends? ur gonna tell them ur going to work? haha but yea work can be an excuse wen ur by urself