View Full Version : HELP ka24de with strange noise coming from nothing ???

05-23-2012, 04:29 PM
i have a 240sx with a ka24de-mods Intake, Exhaust-catback only strut bars lowered on lowering springs, i bought the car from a nissan tech who said he replaced the timing chain and head gasket and valve cover gasket four months ago.
A few days ago I was pulling into my driveway and it developed a sort of taping, at first it seem to be a rod knocking but listening to it, it is coming from the front upper part of the motor time chain area. And i have been trying to research this for a few days before bring it to asking like this. i was thinking of the issue being timing chain guides i know that they where replaced and are on the motor...also thinking that it may be oil pump i havent installed a gauge yet and i do have oil under the valve cover...Now for my doubts, strange thing is when i turn the steering wheel left or right the tap stops but when i let go it starts again, also if i rev the motor ( i did out of anger i know that was stupid) it stops taping , i have no check lights on no smoke and no power loss and plenty of oil...Please help out if you have any ideas

05-23-2012, 05:02 PM
ok, im new to this but, i have my first ka and it is giving me some issues
i pulled into my driveway and heard my motor making a slight tap noise...
i have checked for things hitting on stuff and i have removed the valve cover there is oil in the head i havent ran it with the cover off but i have traced the sound to the very front of the motor around the timing chain how ever the guy i bought it from was/is a nissan tech and replaced the chain and gears and everything a month before so four months ago....that said i have discovered that i need a motor mount, and i have a small triangle shaped part missing from
my crank pulley that the belt runs on but looks to have been gone for a while and noise / taping seemd to be top end ...now for the strange part..if i turn the wheel taping stops if i rev it the taping stops i have noticed a studer in it and ita a auto for the next few weeks but in drive it is doggy as hell and falls on its face
shifts hard into second under wot and launches like a bad ass but studers atleast once between gears and i dont mean misses ...durning the studer motor sounds fine no noticeable noise im thinking its is the oil pump not sure maybe seized up or on its way to?i have search this for two weeks and havnt found anything with my symptoms i can get a new motor with another fresh rebuild foe 350 including misc parts i need for the trans swap... thanks for your time:bash:

Seriously, your post is so hard to understand, I doubt you'll get much help. A paragraph full of run-on sentences is almost way too hard to read. Word of advise, use periods and capitalize letters. It'll make it way easier to read, and you'll get a lot more help.

I understood the first part, about the tapping.
See if you have your upper timing chain guides on. If you do, remove them. If you don't know what I'm talking about, google it. It's been covered 100000 times. A lot of the time that's the problem.

Dorifto Machine
05-23-2012, 06:15 PM
Yep, sounds like the notorious upper timing chain guide...
Usually it will sound like marbles are in your valve cover.

Because Im feeling kind: Here is a How To Link:
Fix Your 240sx Timing Chain Rattle (http://www.nicoclub.com/archives/fix-your-timing-chain-rattle.html)

Like stated, check that and remove it as its been discontinued to be installed.

05-23-2012, 06:19 PM
OK i have rewritten this to make it easier to understand and y i have doubts in the normal issues that stand addressed

Dorifto Machine
05-23-2012, 06:26 PM
Your welcome. Did you check what we told you?

05-23-2012, 06:53 PM
it has the guides so im going to take them off there not stockthey look shinny looking and dont seem to actually have plastic on the bottom i also read that thread and im going to do it tonight and post after i do i ...i almost pulled the motor and replaced it its a love hate for sure with this car i love it but hate my budget bring so small...thanks for the replays

05-23-2012, 07:04 PM
Wait so your saying your timing chain guides have no plastic on them? How slack is your lower chain? Ive never heard of a chain guide without plastic on them. Atleast on a nissan.There shouldn't be much slack at all. Your guides might be janky.

05-23-2012, 07:11 PM
sounds like the timing is off, the tapping could be the piston hitting the valves

05-23-2012, 07:49 PM
so so took the top guide off and yup n that was it i feel dumb i thought that it had to be something else..... i mean that turning the wheel and it stopping the noise totally threw me off sorry guys for wasting your time..and the chain wasnt too loose i couldnt move it by pressing it but yeah thank all of you very very much for the info