View Full Version : bailed out on paying for the car(s14life)

05-23-2012, 02:36 PM
lock thread..

05-23-2012, 03:59 PM
wow. ya live, ya learn. he's retarded for agreeing to buy a blown up s14 for $1800, you're not the smartest for letting him take it without full payment, or collateral.
personally, i would show up on his doorstep. i've done it before. you'd be surprised how people change their tune when you're knocking on their door.

05-24-2012, 11:06 PM
wow. ya live, ya learn. he's retarded for agreeing to buy a blown up s14 for $1800, you're not the smartest for letting him take it without full payment, or collateral.
personally, i would show up on his doorstep. i've done it before. you'd be surprised how people change their tune when you're knocking on their door.

yea i messed up by doing that..but your right you live you learn..so

05-25-2012, 12:37 AM
really bro your going to piss me off. stop throwing dirt on my name you lied about it being on non op for all that time. ask anyone ive ever done any business with and see what they tell you. i try not to take it there but show up near any of my property i dare you

05-26-2012, 12:04 AM
really bro your going to piss me off. stop throwing dirt on my name you lied about it being on non op for all that time. ask anyone ive ever done any business with and see what they tell you. i try not to take it there but show up near any of my property i dare you

bro i never fucken lied once about it being on non op so idk where in the fuck you got that from alright.. i told you what you had to do to get the plates back in person and on the fs thread so dont try to bullshit and yea it pisses me off too how you fucken bailed on paying me for the car too huh but shit happens so, and dont get your panties in a bunch no one is gonna go to your house im taking the loss cuz i know your not gonna pay the money you owe me so fuck it bro ...just dont try and fucken bullshit when you know you fucked up

05-26-2012, 12:34 AM
You're both idiots for not making contracts. If you two want this problem resolved, take it to small claims court.

05-26-2012, 11:03 AM

05-26-2012, 11:15 AM
really bro your going to piss me off. stop throwing dirt on my name you lied about it being on non op for all that time. ask anyone ive ever done any business with and see what they tell you. i try not to take it there but show up near any of my property i dare you

bro i never fucken lied once about it being on non op so idk where in the fuck you got that from alright.. i told you what you had to do to get the plates back in person and on the fs thread so dont try to bullshit and yea it pisses me off too how you fucken bailed on paying me for the car too huh but shit happens so, and dont get your panties in a bunch no one is gonna go to your house im taking the loss cuz i know your not gonna pay the money you owe me so fuck it bro ...just dont try and fucken bullshit when you know you fucked up

05-26-2012, 12:14 PM
wow. ya live, ya learn. he's retarded for agreeing to buy a blown up s14 for $1800, you're not the smartest for letting him take it without full payment, or collateral.
personally, i would show up on his doorstep. i've done it before. you'd be surprised how people change their tune when you're knocking on their door.

this dude sold my cousin a rolla one time and that shit seized like a week later. i towed that shit back to that fuckers house and parked that shit on his drive way and he looked like he seen a ghost. he apologized to my cousin for selling him a fucked up car and gave him all his money back. his eyes even got watery, dont fucken sell junk you dont know what people you dont know will or will not do.

long story short yea people mos def change their tune when your knocking on their door.

but back two the the other dudes you guys should fight. only way to settle this man to man toe to toe. none of that shit talk to each other over the internet. ill get the camera

05-26-2012, 02:45 PM
but back two the the other dudes you guys should fight. only way to settle this man to man toe to toe. none of that shit talk to each other over the internet. ill get the camera

This all day!! He's got the camera, I'll get the popcorn. :wiggle:

05-26-2012, 03:10 PM
. Only way to settle this man to man toe to toe. None of that shit talk to each other over the internet. Ill get the camera


fight fight fight

05-29-2012, 06:38 PM
ya do it old fashioned

05-31-2012, 02:52 PM
fight and loser either pays the money owed and pays medical bills lol

05-31-2012, 03:06 PM
you people are idiots.

05-31-2012, 03:13 PM
Update please? Lol

05-31-2012, 03:26 PM
Sounds like the seller is a pussy hahahahahahhaha

05-31-2012, 04:49 PM
lol wow this should be good.

05-31-2012, 11:20 PM
i try not to take it there but show up near any of my property i dare you
:drama: Did OP show up on doorstep to never be heard from again?:confused: Update?

06-02-2012, 07:00 PM
i was trying to write something up about the hole thing..im not gonna start some bullshit over the internet either way i know hes probley not gonna end up paying so i was just trying to write something so other people know