View Full Version : Does anyone paddle board?

05-22-2012, 01:30 PM
I heard about this a few years ago. Now I'm on and adventure kick.
I want to start small-ish.

Ive never surfed or boogy boarded or any thing like that. I have skateboarded and rollerbladed and such back in the day.

Anyways for you that do it, What do you think?
Any board recommendations? I was looking at an inflatable just to start with to make sure I even like it.

Post away!

05-22-2012, 01:56 PM
Yup I paddle board, I remember surfing only a couple of years ago and seen 1 individual in the water standing up on a long board i believe. I chuckled at him but fast forward couple years and they are taking over most of the surfing spots because they can catch waves faster.

It is very easy to stand up without falling into the water. find a nice long and fat board to start off. I wouldn't recommend a inflatable board although. I assume your going to be mostly in fresh water? It is very fun and a good way to get in some exercise. but don't worry about not being about to stand-up.

05-22-2012, 02:23 PM
Yes, gonna start out on some of our local resivoirs as we don't really have any natural standing water here in CO. Then I hear people go to river surfing after that. If I like paddle boarding and can endure, I might pack up for a month or so this summer and next and visit the key and other places to do it!
I have my qualms about an inflatable, but, I cant justify spending 800+ for something I dont know if i like yet. IF i like it I will get a quality board and probably travel with it.

05-22-2012, 05:01 PM
Kite boarding might be next

07-18-2012, 12:10 AM
Bumping my old thread.

I went out and tried it last weekend. It was a blast, although the scenery left a bit to be desired. It was in a reservoir close to my work. A pretty big one at that. they have canoes and various other boats as well to rent.

It was fun, I fell a LOT, but got right back on. I cracked my shin against the board, that hurt like hell. It makes your legs sore like rollerblading. Guess I need to work on my core balance though, I wobbled a lot as well. Im doing it again this weekend with some friends. I think I will be a regular. Might by my own board for next season!!

07-18-2012, 12:23 AM
Please keep sup out of the lineup.

07-18-2012, 09:37 AM

07-18-2012, 09:45 AM
my GF does this often. Paddle boarding the inter-coastal in Jupiter FL like once a week or so. She even does Paddle board Yoga. Its not an extreme sport by any means, more for relaxing and developing upper body strength. I used to skate a bunch, but not really a fan of the paddle board. We did take it to the beach one day and used it kinda like a long board to ride waves.. that was pretty neat.

07-18-2012, 09:56 AM
I think it's a great idea in a lake, or Canals, or rivers, but it pisses surfers off when some kook on an 11ft canoe comes out, doesn't pay attention, doesn't pay dues in the lineup, and generally Puts everyone at risk because they can't maneuver. Its just a hobby for people who like to buy accessories to make themselves look important, like cyclists who can't leave the house without $500 worth of matching spandex, just to ride from one Starbucks to the next.

07-18-2012, 09:56 AM
Cliffs. Awesome
In lakes, rivers, canals.

Lame as a substitute for

07-18-2012, 12:59 PM
got ya.
I'm in Colorado, so we have no surf spots. Although, I hear of ppl river surfing(?)

I have never surfed but want to try it. It's on my list. I don't get the waiting, and paying dues part: like such and such gets first crack at the wave because he's been surfing longer? That's a kidney punch waiting to happen in my book. What happened to sharing. Then again, I don't pretend to understand "surf culture" so its not my place to say.

I do wish we had more canals and such to PB here, The sight seeing in just that realm would be so cool.

07-18-2012, 04:58 PM
I have done it twice and its fun. I live on a lake and its really big out here. You can rent them or just go buy one. Its hard at first but once you get it its not bad.

Last time i went surfing in socal - el porto - huntington beach there were a couple of them out there and like brndk said it a easy way to piss off a surfer.

07-18-2012, 05:21 PM
Paddle Boarding is fun for those who don't have the option to surf... if you drop in on line-up, your going to get beat with the paddle!!!

I went White Water Rafting a couple weeks ago, seen a girl on a paddle board and thought... she must be suicidal. But then again, there are plenty of smaller rapids that it could be fun on, espcially if you know how to surf. Just watch out for shallow rocks, because if you fall of a paddle board like you would a surf board... your going to die!

Now for those that do surf and want to try a bad ass fun board... SeaGlass Project a.k.a. Tuna... its like a stand up boogie board and nearly 100% freedom of movement... waiting for someone to do a damn kickflip on one of these!

Ohh yeah... start with a Foam Paddle Board!!

07-19-2012, 07:47 AM
I have never surfed but want to try it. It's on my list. I don't get the waiting, and paying dues part: like such and such gets first crack at the wave because he's been surfing longer? That's a kidney punch waiting to happen in my book. What happened to sharing. Then again, I don't pretend to understand "surf culture" so its not my place to say.

it's not about who has been surfing longer. When two people paddle for the same wave, it's usually the person who is closest to where the wave will break who is assumed to have first crack at it. Often times, sup'ers disregard this since they can gain more speed quickly with the paddles and do they'll end up cutting of the guy paddling.

07-19-2012, 12:39 PM
^ Thanks for the education on that one.
Yeah, I could see where Supb's would have a cheating advantage.
But, Why SPB where the surfers are, thats seems like it would be the type of rivalry that the skateboarders and bmxer's had...
I dunno, I think it should be left to standing water and canal type water. If you wanna be were the surfers are, then SURF.

07-19-2012, 12:50 PM
my GF does this often. Paddle boarding the inter-coastal in Jupiter FL like once a week or so. She even does Paddle board Yoga. Its not an extreme sport by any means, more for relaxing and developing upper body strength. I used to skate a bunch, but not really a fan of the paddle board. We did take it to the beach one day and used it kinda like a long board to ride waves.. that was pretty neat.
Oh god, I thought this was only a Gulf coast thing. First time someone said something about going YOLOing I was like WTF?

But to agree with the others. Flat water it's cool. Stay out of the waves.

07-19-2012, 12:55 PM
I gotta say if you use it for lakes and rivers, thats absolutely cool. Probably easier to learn than in an ocean while battling winds and waves too. As a surfer i can totally agree that most paddle boarders in the ocean are the types that show up in their mercedes or bmw suv and have no respect for the safety of others. Ive been run over and have ran people over in the ocean. Luckily none of the incidents resulted in serious injuries - besides black eye and cutting my vein on my hand.

My point is this, surfboards are no joke, they can kill you so be careful especially on the paddle board, those things are like semi trucks of the ocean. Lol

07-19-2012, 03:32 PM
Makes me want to try surfing

07-19-2012, 09:21 PM
Its deffinately Not a Skateboard v:s BMX think... but we get the reference.

Paddle boarding started in Hawaii just like Surfing, and was a main source of transportation between islands (other than Canoe). Standing up on a LongBoard is relatively easy and starting point for anyone wanting to learn Surfing. Rent a Foam Board till you learn the Basics, then purchase a fiberglass board. You will get flipped over the tail, get bottom rolled, eat sand, get lost in a rip, check your deck, get leash lashed, and at worst bitten/eaten by a shark.

Basically... Paddle Boards are designed to be used as suck, and are no longer Surfing LongBoards.

07-19-2012, 09:42 PM
You forgot getting strangled by your own leash. Hahahah

True story, surf was about 10 feet and i finally made it out for a wave while my friends sat on the beach. Took a wave wiped the f out and while i was under the leash wrapped around my neck and started to choke me while i was upside down in the water.

As far as sharks go ive seen 2 and didnt bother getting out of the water, i just dont think they are that interested in eating me hahahah.

07-19-2012, 10:00 PM
Makes me want to try surfing

Two very different things entirely, and I have been observing a growing animosity between the two throughout the years since I've been surfing, and it ranges depending where you go... its often just trash talk, but can easily escalate to out right fist fights. Then again, I've seen the same for Short-boarders vs Long-Boarders. Mainly by foreigners/outsiders.

Stand Up Paddling at Salt Creek. | SURFLINE ORANGE COUNTY (http://www.surfline.com/surfdata/local_news_entry.cfm?region=orange-county&id=73231)

SUP is kind of a joke, in my opinion, as you need isolated and really long waves, which are often already taken by longboarders... like me; but perhaps made even worse in land-locked CO where the whole point is to glide on the waves not just paddle on it on a lake. If that's your goal, I'm sure with some practice you can entertain yourself trying to stand on a foam boogie board until snow season comes.

So how how are things after the fires? I have my eye on some farm land in Hartsel, aside from some scared Buffalo, how are things out there?

PS: To interested parties: I got a classic 9'8'' single-fin nose rider (begrudgingly) for sale in S. OC; I can include a Dakine leash for it, too (I was going to keep it) for the right price. This thing turns heads as it looks like you're walking out of a scene of the Endless Summer. PM me for details.

07-19-2012, 10:28 PM
You forgot getting strangled by your own leash. Hahahah

True story, surf was about 10 feet and i finally made it out for a wave while my friends sat on the beach. Took a wave wiped the f out and while i was under the leash wrapped around my neck and started to choke me while i was upside down in the water.

As far as sharks go ive seen 2 and didnt bother getting out of the water, i just dont think they are that interested in eating me hahahah.

You will get flipped over the tail, get bottom rolled, eat sand, get lost in a rip, check your deck, get leash lashed, and at worst bitten/eaten by a shark.

Should have put Leash Lynched..

I hate the leash... I would go traditional if I didn't care about the board.
Have a 8' leash on the 6'6" but my legs always get tangled... may switch to a 10'.

Never seen one under me, but when fish are jumping around you... so is he!
Happened a few times and everyone would just paddle in... its mental game after that... waves to yourself, or be the dumb ass who gets bit. My thought usually end up being, 2 more sets and I'm riding the last one to sand.

07-19-2012, 10:45 PM
Should have put Leash Lynched..

I hate the leash... I would go traditional if I didn't care about the board.
Have a 8' leash on the 6'6" but my legs always get tangled... may switch to a 10'.

Never seen one under me, but when fish are jumping around you... so is he!
Happened a few times and everyone would just paddle in... its mental game after that... waves to yourself, or be the dumb ass who gets bit. My thought usually end up being, 2 more sets and I'm riding the last one to sand.

I hate the leash too but i get sick of going after my board if its pumping. As for the sharks i would probably be the dumbass getting bit. The lynching incident i got lucky and was able to get my hands in between the leash and my neck just in time. It was a freak incident but me and the buddies got a good laugh out of it. Lol