View Full Version : 007: Skyfall

05-21-2012, 09:25 AM

I think Daniel Craig makes a good Bond with his rough persona. I can't wait to see this film...2012 is rolling out some heavy hitters.

Anyone catch the DB5 in the trailer?

05-21-2012, 09:53 AM
I love Bond movies. This one looks a lot better than the last one. Hopefully it's at least as good as Casino Royale.

05-21-2012, 10:08 AM
Can't wait!

05-21-2012, 10:19 AM
Bond movies are always entertaining to me!

05-21-2012, 10:25 AM
looks good but looks alot different than others

S-Nation S13
05-21-2012, 11:16 AM
daniel craig in my opinion is the best bond by far. but we cant forget the some of the originals like
http://image.wetpaint.com/image/1/x0dD0HqIHgzjHO_MqSKZ8g9652/GW100H50 (http://www.jamesbondwiki.com/page/Sean+Connery) Sean Connery (http://www.jamesbondwiki.com/page/Sean+Connery)
(1962 – 1967; 1971; 1983)

http://image.wetpaint.com/image/1/tUZYn-MxJX_ST23RixdKeg9105/GW100H50 (http://www.jamesbondwiki.com/page/Pierce+Brosnan) Pierce Brosnan (http://www.jamesbondwiki.com/page/Pierce+Brosnan)
(1995 –2002)

They played the part in order for most of us to become fans, cant wait.

05-21-2012, 11:25 AM
I hate Pierce. As an actor, and especially as James Bond.

If I had to go on a man date, it would be with Daniel Craig.

05-21-2012, 11:46 AM
Yeah Daniel Craig is by far the best bond IMO.

05-21-2012, 01:17 PM
the witty humor and suave swag of the bond charm is not there in daniel craig.

05-21-2012, 01:45 PM
i think hes the best also, but i do also have a soft spot for sean connery.

the witty humor and suave swag of the bond charm is not there in daniel craig.

he was always supposed to be a brawler, not a suave, smug prick

05-21-2012, 02:49 PM
I liked Brosnan, but he was a campier bond, more Roger Moore than Sean Connery. Craig is by far the most "serious" Bond.

I think there's a place for all of them...except maybe Dalton, who was IMO atrocious despite being generally a very good actor.

05-21-2012, 04:15 PM
hopefully this won't involve a master plot of taking over some third world african countries water supply...

back to the real world.. back to business.

05-21-2012, 04:48 PM
Bond does not drink Heineken.....
Connery was the Best bond followed closely by Brosnan

Daniel Craig does not come close to any kind of bond..
And no Q.....
This is NOT bond....this is Michael Bay level crap minus all the CG.

05-21-2012, 07:15 PM
Apparently Daniel Craig has been given a five movie extension...pushing the total to eight films! One more than Roger Moore. Lets see if they can stick to it, I don't know if he can still handle those stunts when he's in his 50's.

And no Q.....

Q will be featured in this film.

05-21-2012, 07:28 PM
daniel craig in my opinion is the best bond by far. but we cant forget the some of the originals like
http://image.wetpaint.com/image/1/x0dD0HqIHgzjHO_MqSKZ8g9652/GW100H50 (http://www.jamesbondwiki.com/page/Sean+Connery) Sean Connery (http://www.jamesbondwiki.com/page/Sean+Connery)
(1962 – 1967; 1971; 1983)

http://image.wetpaint.com/image/1/tUZYn-MxJX_ST23RixdKeg9105/GW100H50 (http://www.jamesbondwiki.com/page/Pierce+Brosnan) Pierce Brosnan (http://www.jamesbondwiki.com/page/Pierce+Brosnan)
(1995 –2002)

They played the part in order for most of us to become fans, cant wait.

Connery looked 40 in his movies and I never like him.

Brosnan's Golden Eye was the shit and a great reboot but the other movies all sucked... Start a war to sell News Papers? Fake a Diamond Mine to sell Conflict Diamonds to fun a laser for North Korea? Please.

Craig is also a great Bond in Royal, in a re-imagined Borne Identity "realism Bond". The last one was hooky.

For me, the true "Bond" was Roger Moore. Not because he is a great actor, but because all his stupid cheesy movies truly captured that whole "stereo-typical 60's super spy" bullshit theme. Moon Bases, huge shootouts at the end, underwater bases, super villains ect. He really was more or less a ComicBook Super Spy.


word sux
05-21-2012, 07:53 PM
1. Connery
2. Moore
3. Craig
4. Brosnan

dalton does not even make the list

golden eye was alright but brosnan just made me want the bad guys to cap him most of the time.

Craig could move up but he needs more movies under his belt before I make that kind of life changing decision

05-21-2012, 07:56 PM
Craig could move up but he needs more movies under his belt before I make that kind of life changing decision

True, Craig is batting 50/50. I think he is a fantastic actor however with a many good movies already under his belt. I can't say the same for Brosnan.

05-21-2012, 09:43 PM
the Thomas crown affair
and Russo with them legs.....

05-21-2012, 09:45 PM
much appreciated indeed biotch.

Seriously Ive been waiting for bond to come back. Daniel Craig seems like a good actor to me, I think he did a good job in "The girl with a dragon tatoo". Nonetheless, we are all gonna see this movie anyway, who cares if he sucks or is the best actor?

Omarius Maximus
05-22-2012, 02:29 AM
For me, my best bond list is:

1. Craig
2. Dalton
3. Connery
4. Moore
5. Lasenby
6. Brosnan

Can you see the trend? Serious > Joke bonds.

05-22-2012, 08:02 AM
im diggin craig so far,....he's most convincing of all the bonds (imo) of being an overall brute badass.

Brosnan is the original to me tho,..and pulled off sly/witty perfectly

im sure this movie will be great!

05-22-2012, 08:35 AM
Bond does not drink Heineken.....
Connery was the Best bond followed closely by Brosnan

Daniel Craig does not come close to any kind of bond..
And no Q.....
This is NOT bond....this is Michael Bay level crap minus all the CG.

THIS only Moore > Connery > Brosnan

Golden Eye is hands down the best for nostalgic reasons...shame his others weren't nearly as good but the Moore era really can't be beat. Very close between these three.

Probably won't watch another new Bond until Craig is out

05-22-2012, 11:13 AM
I like a more realistic, badass Bond. Not some girly bro who cares more about his fingernails then breaking his ribs on an i-beam after jumping 40 feet.

05-22-2012, 11:27 AM
For you younglings that say you like more serious and more fighting. Bond was never really an in-your-face-action guy aka MMA fighter. He tried to avoid being caught in the act. HENCE the word SPY. Im glad Q is back though. I hope Bond gets some gadgets becaue bond isnt BOND without them.

05-22-2012, 11:40 AM
. I hope Bond gets some gadgets becaue bond isnt BOND without them.

Problem is in this day and age it's hard to impress us with gadgets.

05-22-2012, 11:47 AM
For you younglings that say you like more serious and more fighting. Bond was never really an in-your-face-action guy aka MMA fighter. He tried to avoid being caught in the act. HENCE the word SPY. Im glad Q is back though. I hope Bond gets some gadgets becaue bond isnt BOND without them.

I know this, but Daniel Craig's first Bond movie was so addicting. I don't care about the whole story behind the character, mostly because Bronson made me want to fucking murder 007.

I just want to see a badass dude do some cool shit in a sequence I can feel good about spending 10 bucks to see.

05-22-2012, 01:26 PM
Corbic: agreed. But see that's the thing. We need some low key action movies that can accomplish this. Drive was a step in the right direction, we need more. Im tired of lots of action and add-quenching camera work, with no story line. This industry is whoring itself out to the guy with the biggest cgi special effects.

Csomme: I say this in jest but half serious: You should have gotten that from the avengers.....

05-22-2012, 01:45 PM
Corbic: agreed. But see that's the thing. We need some low key action movies that can accomplish this. Drive was a step in the right direction, we need more. Im tired of lots of action and add-quenching camera work, with no story line. This industry is whoring itself out to the guy with the biggest cgi special effects.

Csomme: I say this in jest but half serious: You should have gotten that from the avengers.....

Ehh, the Avengers was a little cheesy for me. I couldn't really take it serious.

I think America is ready for this kind of Bond. He's more vigilante-like than any previous.

05-22-2012, 02:07 PM
Ehh, the Avengers was a little cheesy for me. I couldn't really take it serious.

I think America is ready for this kind of Bond. He's more vigilante-like than any previous.

Exactly. Avengers while entertaining was a kids movie, just like Transformers.

The other Bond films never explored the deeper psychological side of Bond. How he remorselessly uses girls (most of whom die), constantly being in deadly no-hope situations, under cover, killing people.

05-22-2012, 02:16 PM
Exactly. Avengers while entertaining was a kids movie, just like Transformers.

The other Bond films never explored the deeper psychological side of Bond. How he remorselessly uses girls (most of whom die), constantly being in deadly no-hope situations, under cover, killing people.

Thank you, yes. A very good way to explain it.

10-31-2012, 04:35 PM

Just saw Skyfall here in Europe and I must say it's a good movie. Its really different from what you would expect from a typical James Bond movie. Then again, this is the Daniel Craig era, so the films are more "real" (if that makes any sense). The throwback references were a nice touch and Naomie Harris is such a cutie! Without really spoiling it, this movie shows a more personal side of Bond and a must see if you like the Daniel Craig era.

11-09-2012, 12:24 PM
Anyone else watch it yet? :ugh:

11-09-2012, 12:35 PM
Went to the midnight release last night, I really liked the movie, it had a different feel than the earlier movies but was still really well written. I wish they developed Silvia a bit more...seems like he needed to be a bit more evil rather than just a personal vendetta.

11-09-2012, 12:42 PM
Waiting for blu-ray release

11-09-2012, 12:55 PM
I will see this in theaters tonight.

I don't really care if Bond is slightly changing, it couldn't stay the same exact 'cookie-cutter' model forever.

Got Insulin?
11-09-2012, 05:13 PM
Just saw it last night, and I think that Craig signing on for TWO more films might be the greatest thing to happen to the franchise since Connery.

11-09-2012, 11:47 PM
Saw it yesterday at the local IMAX, was a good movie, but I don't really think of the Daniel Craig movies as real 007 films. He's a good actor and they're still decent movies, but they just don't have the same feel.

Pierce Brosnan was always my favorite Bond, he just looked the part perfectly.

11-09-2012, 11:49 PM
just got back from it.

it wasn't that good.

11-10-2012, 06:00 AM

Mendes has to do another one, that blew me away and the pacing was great leading to that terrific ending.

11-10-2012, 06:06 PM
Saw it last night, LOVED IT! Without question one of the best Bond movies in a while, I love how they restored the originality of the Bond movie in this one. Not trying to give too much away, but all he had was a gun, a radio tracker, a car, and his wits, like I said, original Bond!

11-11-2012, 11:40 AM
I went and saw this last night, thought it was a really good film, better than Quantam of Solice and on a par with Casino Royale.

Loved the fact they worked in the Aston Martin DB5, that said anyone that knows Astons would get the fact one would never make the trip from London to Scotland without breaking down :hide:

I still think DC is the best Bond by far!

11-11-2012, 06:04 PM
I saw it Friday night at IMAX. I liked it due to all the nods they made to the classic Bonds.

As far as people hating Daniel Craig, I like him as a change of pace bond. All the other Bond has been the happy go lucky, playboy type. While he took it on as a dark, serious, I dont need to say jack shit to sleep with you kinda Bond. I think they'll probably change Bond in the next movie since it seems like they're changing people anyways. New M, new Q, might as well be a new 007 next...

11-11-2012, 06:14 PM
I saw it last night. I agree with flip and have some things I want to add

-This bond film had a lot more emotion to it; it seemed a lot more relate-able
a-they showed the whole MI6 as a more normal government facility instead of this secret magical superspy headquarters
b-MI6 showed more "responsibility"
c- M was a lot more emotional in this
-There was a lot of interesting storyline. My friends did fall asleep for about 5 minutes for a scene where they were talking in the movie, but they were waken up pretty fast
-the entertainment value was pretty high; $11 to be well entertained for 3 hours without boredome
-The only thing that upset me a little was towards the end. I feel as though M could have said something better. When you see it, you will know what I'm talking about. I just think what she said was bullshit, not what you would ever expect M to say.

Probably better than inception and the recent Batman movie, IMO

-I also hated how Adele's song was played on the radio like 20,000 times before I got to see the movie, so I disliked watching the intro for the movie (which is a personal favorite thing to do)

11-11-2012, 06:15 PM
I think they'll probably change Bond in the next movie since it seems like they're changing people anyways. New M, new Q, might as well be a new 007 next...

I think DC will be around for at least the next few movies, he's not past it yet!

drift freaq
11-11-2012, 06:31 PM
Probably better than inception and the recent Batman movie, IMO

Didn't see Inception. Did see the most Recent Batman and this was far better. This was excellent $6.50 well spent. Ya Bargain Matinee at the Classic and Famous Vista in Los Feliz.

Engaging throughout. Daniel Craig did an excellent job. It was Ironic with the whole Scotland deal because Sean Connery is from Scotland and was one of the early and Iconic Bonds.

11-11-2012, 07:51 PM
i didnt like it that much. when i go to see 007. i want to see cool toys and explosions and hot girls...

11-12-2012, 09:22 AM
-I also hated how Adele's song was played on the radio like 20,000 times before I got to see the movie, so I disliked watching the intro for the movie (which is a personal favorite thing to do)

Fortunately, I don't listen to radio and while I was overseas they didn't play it once while I was in a taxi. I'm usually "meh" during the opening credits cause it seems so drawn out, but I thoroughly enjoyed this song throughout.

11-12-2012, 09:56 AM
Didn't see Inception. Did see the most Recent Batman and this was far better. This was excellent $6.50 well spent. Ya Bargain Matinee at the Classic and Famous Vista in Los Feliz.

Engaging throughout. Daniel Craig did an excellent job. It was Ironic with the whole Scotland deal because Sean Connery is from Scotland and was one of the early and Iconic Bonds.

Where do you spend $6.50 to watch movie in Socal????

I watched last night. I liked it much better than last Batman and I think I liked it as much as Inception but nothing less.

Is that chick from last scene new M?

11-12-2012, 12:19 PM
i really enjoyed it

it is hard to say if the next one will ring a new bond, i really enjoy DC tho, he's good

11-12-2012, 12:26 PM
it was good, but not as good as Casino Royale..

11-12-2012, 04:38 PM
Really good movie. Really wished they developed the villian more tho. His parts were really good. But besides that, pretty badass.

11-12-2012, 06:09 PM
You guys are fuckin critical! lol. jebus! I think craig is an awesome Bond character. Im looking forward to seeing it this weekend.

11-13-2012, 07:52 AM

This is one of my fav scenes in the movie. I think it will be a classic clip.


11-13-2012, 08:03 AM
Where do you spen $6.50 to watch movie in Socal????

I watched last night. I liked it much better than last Batman and I think I liked it as much as Inception but nothing less.

Is that chick from last scene new M?
Shit, I pad $9 for an IMAX showing at 945 at night...:wiggle:

11-13-2012, 08:33 AM
great movie guys if u havent seen it..go an see it

11-13-2012, 08:41 AM
I think Casino Royale set the bar high for these bond movies and Skyfall was comparable, Quantum of Solstice not so much.

However, this film couldn't touch Dark Knight Rises. Bane was a far superior villain and more of a threat in comparison to Bond's villain which made DKR a better film.

11-13-2012, 08:44 AM
The local regency theater has $5.50 matinee.. or I could go to the nicer place for $7.50 which is a longer drive. But I never been to this regency place so i might give it a try lol

11-13-2012, 09:53 AM
The local regency theater has $5.50 matinee.. or I could go to the nicer place for $7.50 which is a longer drive. But I never been to this regency place so i might give it a try lol

Why the hell Oregon is more expensive to watch movie than Cali????

I paid $8 for matinee.. WTF...

11-13-2012, 10:13 AM
I think DC will be around for at least the next few movies, he's not past it yet!

Someone mentioned that he's signed on for two more Bond movies. . .

11-13-2012, 10:43 AM
its 11.00 for amc here and 9:50 matinee.
the other theater its 7.50 for anytime and 5.50 matinee downfall the seats are worse than an s13 with the metal bar sticking on your back due to no cushion.

11-13-2012, 05:10 PM
The theater I went to, is an older theater, doesn't have the stadium seating like new places. Not as booming as it was in its hay day, hence the cheaper price. There is another theater in riverside that was $6 .

I enjoyed the movie. The real star of the movie was the car =)

11-13-2012, 05:26 PM
To the guy that said it wasn't all that great, was it just you could not grasp that the villain was acting way too cocky that he was going to get away with whatever he wanted and no one was going to stop him type thing, or was it just not enough car scenes?

The movie was well written, it had background and depth of characters who changed and also different views and mannerisms when it came to certain people around them... M's affection and trust of Bond... Mallory's trust in Q... I mean I can go on, but normally, military people who are of "higher position" do not think this way especially when they are around people who are new to the game or have been seriously injured (Bond). What would you have liked to have seen in this Bond movie? It did not need car chases it was done already, they did boat chases...sky diving fight would have been WAY TOO POINTLESS AND LAME hense the films name "Skyfall", which is very deep.

11-13-2012, 06:38 PM
Daniel Craig doesn't give a fuck about your shitty movie theaters.

I feel bad for that one hooker though, the one "at the casino, on the boat, and on the island"

11-13-2012, 06:44 PM
The hooker had ti die, bond railed her. The sex slave always dies

11-13-2012, 08:29 PM
The hooker had ti die, bond railed her. The sex slave always dies

Not the secluded location/remote island chick.

Jus sayin...

11-15-2012, 08:03 AM
pretty good movie, got kinda weird for a min... and I was like wtf!?

Bad: Not better than Casino Royale, opening theme music wasn't as good (Chris Cornell >> Adele) and the movie felt a lot longer than it was.

Good: So many cameos to the old film, good climax, now I need to watch some old old Bond films again to compare it too. Good 50th anniversary film.

11-16-2012, 05:25 PM
soo should i see skyfall or man with the iron fist?