05-20-2012, 11:35 AM
Couple of parts I need to sell to fund a new turbo,
S13 SR Exedy stage1 clutch, works fine been drifted on. $60
Oil cooler set-up:
Earls -10 lines with earls 90 swivel fittings. Earls Perma-cool 16 row cooler. CS sandwich plate. $250
GT2871r 56 trim, .63 a/r, wastegate is welded shut compressor blades are a little tore up. Some shaft play, needs a rebuild to be in tip top condition. $350
[email protected] slip-on 4-lug 20mm spacers. Dose not come with studs. Hub-centric. $40
I will ship.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/387720_285538538160696_261530230561527_743128_1053 233868_n.jpg
S13 SR Exedy stage1 clutch, works fine been drifted on. $60
Oil cooler set-up:
Earls -10 lines with earls 90 swivel fittings. Earls Perma-cool 16 row cooler. CS sandwich plate. $250
GT2871r 56 trim, .63 a/r, wastegate is welded shut compressor blades are a little tore up. Some shaft play, needs a rebuild to be in tip top condition. $350
[email protected] slip-on 4-lug 20mm spacers. Dose not come with studs. Hub-centric. $40
I will ship.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/387720_285538538160696_261530230561527_743128_1053 233868_n.jpg