View Full Version : Boost Controller Testing

02-09-2004, 02:50 PM
Ok, so I'm going in for a retune, but I'm also not sure if my boost controller is working(never turned it up past the wastegate setting yet).

Anybody know of a way to test if my boost controller is holding the wastegate down safely?

Or do I need to do a 'freeway dyno' session?

02-09-2004, 03:09 PM
You can always use a freeway dyno session

02-09-2004, 05:30 PM
Get a HKS Actuator.


Problem solved.

02-10-2004, 03:54 AM
Get a HKS Actuator.


Problem solved.

WTF is that supposed to do to help me? I do NOT need a wastegate actuator. The turbo i'm running will not support the HKS unit im POSITIVE. Last time I checked HKS didn't make anything to fit a hybrid 6.5l diesel turbo

I just need a way to find out if the wastegate is being held by my boost controller or not, so I can hit the dyno without being laughed at.

02-10-2004, 07:34 AM
WTF is that supposed to do to help me? I do NOT need a wastegate actuator. The turbo i'm running will not support the HKS unit im POSITIVE. Last time I checked HKS didn't make anything to fit a hybrid 6.5l diesel turbo

I just need a way to find out if the wastegate is being held by my boost controller or not, so I can hit the dyno without being laughed at.

Get a bike pump with a pressure meter on it and rig it so you can pump in air to a specified pressure. If the wastegate opens with that pressure, there you go. I know that's a really basic response, but maybe it will get your brain going.


02-10-2004, 09:21 AM
If you don't want to use the bike pump, the freeway Dyno is the easiest bet. Just turn up the boost controller and punch it, watch the boost gauge. It's easy to let off if it starts climbing too high.

02-10-2004, 01:22 PM
Alright! Lets see what 7psi feels like then.