View Full Version : 30 kids wow!

05-19-2012, 02:45 PM
Man who fathered 30 kids says he needs a break (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/man-fathered-30-kids-needs-break-child-support-140439765.html)

this guy needs to learn how to use a condom

And you thought Octomom had her hands full—a Tennessee man who has fathered 30 children is asking the courts for a break on child support.
Desmond Hatchett, 33, of Knoxville has children with 11 different women, reports WREG-TV (http://wreg.com/2012/05/16/tn-man-fathers-30-kids-but-cant-support-any/).
The state already takes half his paycheck and divides it up, which doesn't amount to much when Hatchett is making only minimum wage. Some of the moms receive as little as $1.49 a month. The oldest child is 14 years old.
Hatchett explains how he reached such a critical mass: He had four kids in the same year. Twice.
Back in 2009 when Hatchett (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTZk1y8iaho)was in court to answer charges that many of the mothers were not receiving child support, he had 21 children. At the time, he said he was not going to father any more kids, but he ended up having nine more in the past three years.
The state cannot order Hatchett to stop making babies. He hasn't broken any laws, according to the report.

05-19-2012, 02:47 PM
fuck that.

05-19-2012, 03:36 PM
What a fuckin idiot! The women are really fuckin idiots! How can u lay down with a man who can't even support hisself!

05-19-2012, 03:39 PM
What a fuckin idiot! The women are really fuckin idiots! How can u lay down with a man who can't even support hisself!

Wh*res that's how.

05-19-2012, 04:34 PM
kind of cool that he can have 30 kids and be making minimum wage without much repercussions. i bet that even though half of his income goes to child support (minimum wage split 30 ways lol), he is receiving some type of low income assistance from the government.

i guess America is really the land of the free, even if it means our country is allows this type of stuff happen.

05-19-2012, 04:44 PM
A vasectomy would have paid for itself 10 times over already.

I mean after the first few kids he might aswell have gone for it if he knows he just wasn't going to use protection.

I mean, who does he think he is, Genghis Khan? :rofl:

05-20-2012, 01:11 AM
dude probably knows what he is doing. if you knew that you only make minimum wage why keep making babies?

05-20-2012, 01:19 AM
Idiot, feel sorry for dem kidsss

05-20-2012, 01:28 AM
i dont care about the 30 kids.

i'm more disappoint that there are that many sluts in the world.

05-20-2012, 11:22 AM
My thoughts:
- Damn... Nobody wrapping their jimmy up? Thats gotta be alot of STD's circulating around. Gross.
- Man, I wonder how many of those kids he is claiming on his taxes? I wonder what his return looks like...

05-20-2012, 01:38 PM
This guy should not legally be allowed to live.
Obviously his IQ is miniscule, which means that the offspring he is polluting the Earth with are not going to be geniuses either, and society will just keep sinking lower.

05-20-2012, 02:08 PM
dude probably knows what he is doing. if you knew that you only make minimum wage why keep making babies?

simply, because he can. he's already making minimum wage and doesn't care that some of his kids are living off $1.50 child support a month from his paycheck.

they only take half of his paycheck for child support regardless of the number of kids he has. he lives off one half and the other half is just split amongst his babies. he can have another 20 babies and he will still get to keep his half while the babies see their share of child support decreased.

This guy should not legally be allowed to live.
Obviously his IQ is miniscule, which means that the offspring he is polluting the Earth with are not going to be geniuses either, and society will just keep sinking lower.

in all likelihood, most of his kids will probably amount to nothing, but there is a small chance that a few may have bigger dreams than living life off of government support and actually try to make something out of themselves by working hard, going to school, etc.

05-20-2012, 03:16 PM
I blame these women, you know what you where getting into when you slept with the loser with no protection.. no excuses.

Seems to happen alot more often and will be the acceptable norm pretty soon. I get annoyed seeing young women who have kids with dudes they wheren't together with that long.. Idiots love to blame alcohol too

05-20-2012, 03:21 PM
The state cannot order Hatchett to stop making babies.

For some reason I LOL'd when I read this line.

05-20-2012, 04:29 PM
Someone murder this dude.

05-20-2012, 06:06 PM
The eleven women that he slept were probably hoe... I pretty sure there plenty those around..LOL

05-20-2012, 06:51 PM
Would think these women would think about it..
When a dude states he has 3-4 kids, shouldnt that be a freaking red flag? When he got to lucky number 7, he shoulda been black listed.. instead these women think "oh he knows how to work it than"..

05-20-2012, 08:24 PM
just fucking rofl. gg

05-20-2012, 09:08 PM
This guy should not legally be allowed to live.
Obviously his IQ is miniscule, which means that the offspring he is polluting the Earth with are not going to be geniuses either, and society will just keep sinking lower.

What in the hell gives you right to pass judgment on the kids! What if I made that assumption about the South or you based on your previous post! Its a cruel world out there, and those kids were dealt a bad hand from the start. I hope someone with some common sense is there to guide these children before they fall through the cracks!:(

05-20-2012, 10:12 PM
It takes two to have a kid or kids.
Everyone is blaming the man and saying nothing about the women. You fuckers dont even know his side of the story. And yes, it sometimes does just happen....fuck how do you think some of YOUR parents came around to you?
I say YES he should have to pay more, or at least have some of the kids live with him. NO, its not the end of the world. There are plenty of single moms that have come through worse and the kids have come out on top of the world.
Also. Why don't the Moms have jobs. The kids are half theirs.
Damnit, Women want equality and shit. But in the divorce they get more than what was theirs. They, more times than not, get the kids; and men everywhere are left with a bad rap and more broken down women who society doesnt make take their share of the fucking blame. Oooh poor women.....

05-20-2012, 10:25 PM
this is nothing, i raise you 100 children

The 6 Craziest People Who Are Overpopulating the World | Cracked.com (http://www.cracked.com/article_19791_the-6-craziest-people-who-are-overpopulating-world.html)

05-20-2012, 11:43 PM
that's an awesome article.

the mad scientist fertility doctor who put his own seed into the petri dish and then into women to the tune of 75 secret children and the rich indian guy with a life goal of fathering 100 children were great stories.

i thought the #1 guy with only 50 babies was nothing compared to these other guys until i read that 33 of the babies were born between 2 sisters and their mother. then i thought, what a G! he clearly deserves #1. maybe a few guys can say they had sisters, but how many guys can say they had sisters and their mom WILLINGLY. :bowrofl:

05-21-2012, 12:05 AM
This is the best country and I love It. But dumb fucks like this ruin it for the rest of us

05-21-2012, 01:08 AM
What in the hell gives you right to pass judgment on the kids! What if I made that assumption about the South or you based on your previous post! Its a cruel world out there, and those kids were dealt a bad hand from the start. I hope someone with some common sense is there to guide these children before they fall through the cracks!:(

Being a realist, I am willing to bet that no one will guide the children and they will indeed fall through the cracks. Unless they are lucky enough to get taken away from their mothers by social services.
People are such saints and humanitarians behind their computer screens. If you want the children to be saved, then do something about it.

This upsets me because it is comparable to watching Idiocracy come true.

05-21-2012, 12:39 PM
None of those women demanded protection? A whole lot of stupid to spread around.

Reminds me of a Law & Order, where the guy was poking holes in his condoms so he could secretly impregnate chicks.

S-Nation S13
05-21-2012, 12:45 PM
damn..hella fail hella fail.. fucking scum bag..literally fucking anything that walks..

05-21-2012, 12:54 PM
I wonder if he has an std lol

Hes a real g fashooo

05-21-2012, 03:51 PM
He should market himself to the media so he can stack that paper.

05-21-2012, 04:55 PM
he should own a sperm bank with the slogan "i guarantee it"

05-21-2012, 08:16 PM
What a fuckin idiot! The women are really fuckin idiots! How can u lay down with a man who can't even support hisself!


05-21-2012, 08:25 PM
This upsets me because it is comparable to watching Idiocracy come true.

It is coming true.

Intelligent, educated, wealthy people are having fewer and fewer kids. The under classes and illegal immigrants are having them as fast as they can. They are raising their kids in a culture of poverty dependent on Government handouts.

The grim reality of the world is you become your parents.

Your Dad is a Harvard Grad, more than likely he will ensure your life corse will follow what he knows... going to an Ivy League school, making powerful connections and becoming a filthy rich executive.

If you don't have a Dad... and your mom has been living off welfare, smoking drugs and juggling nutz on the side... chances are you won't know shit, drop out of school, get knocked up and end up on welfare. Working is for those stupid suckers that can't work the system yo.

No matter how much "progressives" (for lack of a better word) single parent homes suck and are less them optimum and often lead to poor family life and limited options for the children in them.

Go read -



05-21-2012, 08:32 PM
Being a realist, I am willing to bet that no one will guide the children and they will indeed fall through the cracks. Unless they are lucky enough to get taken away from their mothers by social services.
People are such saints and humanitarians behind their computer screens. If you want the children to be saved, then do something about it.

This upsets me because it is comparable to watching Idiocracy come true.

I am doing something about, I serve in the military, I volunteer, and I help raise money for the less fortunate people. To include veterans and people who don’t have anything! My goal is to complete over 100 hours of community service before next Jan.

05-21-2012, 08:39 PM
I am doing something about, I serve in the military, I volunteer, and I help raise money for the less fortunate people. To include veterans and people who don’t have anything! My goal is to complete over 100 hours of community service before next Jan.

..Court mandated I presume? :doh:

I have no problem with helping the needy, but at some point you have to ask "why are you needy?"

Would you help me if I won a Million dollars, took it to Vegas and blew it on Red?

So the question is, why are people having children they can't afford and have no interest in raising? Abortion is legal, Condoms are legal, abstinence is legal. Tens of Thousands of good parents are always trying to adopt.

I need a license to get married
I need a license to fish
I need a license to put a roof on my house
I need a license to vote
I need a license drink (Age Restriction)
I need a license to gamble
I need a license to sell beer
I need a license to drive a car
I need a license to carry a gun
I need a license to drive a truck
I need a license to own a monkey

I don't need a license to have a baby

05-21-2012, 09:36 PM
^^ NO I TAKE PRIDE IN GIVING BACK! Setting the example for other young black males and my SON and all the YOUNG MEN everywhere!

I agree with the license to have a baby!!

05-22-2012, 01:13 AM
..Court mandated I presume? :doh:

I have no problem with helping the needy, but at some point you have to ask "why are you needy?"

i agree with this. someone just living off on someone else tax and welfare. not even trying to find a job to support their own family, then they complain when the governemnt is not helping them out.

i hate to see my tax goes to people like this and who rely on welfare, waste on tax money.

05-22-2012, 07:00 AM
^^ NO I TAKE PRIDE IN GIVING BACK! Setting the example for other young black males and my SON and all the YOUNG MEN everywhere!

I was teasing.

05-22-2012, 10:55 AM
You all talk like this dude and these chicks formed some sort of get rich quick baby scheme.

Home boy just busted a nut a few too many times.

That's it and that's all.

05-22-2012, 11:22 AM
I love how everyone always goes straight to welfare when talking about black people, but are the same ones to complain about the race card. (not pointing fingers, just saying). and we dont even make up the majority of it.

I love how everyone keeps saying that the childeren are gonna fail at life. Ass holes.
You do not become your parents. Your parent instill "collars" on you from a young age, holding back your mindset because of THEIR belief systems.
Ive met sooo many racist young men and women who didnt even know WHY they were racist. Got to know me, began to question it, and then identified where it came from. Social boundaries are from our parents, but that does NOT mean we have to keep them.

P.S. I was only using the racial thing as an example because its what I could relate to.... guess I could have used the "imports suck" thing since this is a car forum. MY bad.

05-22-2012, 11:34 AM
my parents separated when i was 5 , (my parents where together for like 4 years b4 that though so it wasnt like a weekend hook up) and it was hell sometimes.. Both my parents have always been in my life but no kid deserves that imo .

I still think the problem is media influence, movies/music etc.. Not many value traditional morals anymore regardless of the parents being strict etc.. like teenage girls rebelling against their parents and getting knocked up for example.

05-22-2012, 11:50 AM
eugenics was a good idea then and a better idea every day.

05-22-2012, 02:20 PM
Last I checked there are more white people on welfare than any other race.

It's all perception and projection of information and what people want to and are lead to believe.

05-22-2012, 02:33 PM
Last I checked there are more white people on welfare than any other race.

Maybe cause there are...more white people in your area?

You have to remember blacks make up 13% of the population and are almost half of the recipients.

White 38.8%
Black 39.8
Hispanic 15.7
Asian 2.4
other 3.3

05-22-2012, 03:01 PM
Maybe cause there are...more white people in your area?

You have to remember blacks make up 13% of the population and are almost half of the recipients.

White 38.8%
Black 39.8
Hispanic 15.7
Asian 2.4
other 3.3

According to the latest census reports I could find..

There are 223,553,265 people that consider themselves white; 72% of America.

There are 38,929,319 people that consider themselves black; 12.6% of America

So that means 86.74 million (38.8% of 223,553,265) white people are on welfare.

There are 15.49 million (39.8% of 38,929,319) black people on welfare.

That isn't half of the welfare recipients.

05-22-2012, 03:19 PM
According to the latest census reports I could find..

There are 223,553,265 people that consider themselves white; 72% of America.

There are 38,929,319 people that consider themselves black; 12.6% of America

So that means 86.74 million (38.8% of 223,553,265) white people are on welfare.

There are 15.49 million (39.8% of 38,929,319) black people on welfare.

That isn't half of the welfare recipients.

Your math is backwards.

100k welfare recipes, 39% black, 39% white. That's not a % of the population.