View Full Version : Hit and run!!!
02-08-2004, 10:56 PM
So there I was warming up my car, 8:55pm, then decide "Ill go drive around teh block". So as I go down my street, there is a downhill street coming from teh freeway exit. Im at the stop sign, and this White Ford Commercial van is coming in a lil too fast, trying to make a right turn where I am, then I notice "Oh shit he understeered" going straight instead... so I try to gun it to get out of the way.. and he hits my rear quater panal... This was on my street so I live a few houses down, so I told him just follow me there, we can exchange information (really I didnt have my license, it was at my house). so he follows me, I go run to my house, then he peels out... so I run back to my car and chase his ass... he takes onto a main street and I come swinging out like in a movie redlinging to catch his ass... I tried hard to get a pen in my car so I could write his plate down really fast, was tough cuz took me a while to find one while driving pretty fast... I got it.. then flashed his asss to pull over, we are close to my house so I get out and he takes off again.... My nieghbor saw him peel out.. I called the cops, right after I got off the phone with 911... A helicopter is over my house with a spotlight shining on my a$s.. then eventually searches teh area. A police offer comes by, then I tell hhim everything and gives me a report number and leaves... I hope they catch this guy.. he was about a middle -late age white guy driving like a commercial repair van or something.
The Damage- Drivers side rear quater panel will need to be replaced, the fender is rubbing on the tire. I dont know if it screwwed suspension or anything.
Problem- I have liability insurance, mom made me switch cuz I couldnt afford full coverage. Anyone know if liability will cover this? I have no tickets and im 19.
Sucks... If some of you recall, my car was vandalized before and I spent insurance money (had full coverage at teh time) and bought an SR and didnt put it in, so my car doesnt look like much exterior wise since its half primer.
02-08-2004, 11:03 PM
damn that sucks.
did you try to chase him after the second time?
i don't think your insurance covers this... liabilty insurance only protects you from the damage caused by you against others. tough luck man, hopefully this guy is caught.
dam that really sucks man, but if you find him...DESTROY THAT Human!
02-08-2004, 11:05 PM
by the time i woulda got back to my car, he was rounding the corner, i didnt wnat to gepradize my life chasing this guy, even tho i think I woulda caught up to his ass in no time... but for what? I didnt have my cell phone on me so I really couldnt take any action if I did catch him again.
02-08-2004, 11:06 PM
well man i hope the best for you.
he will get what he deserves...
02-08-2004, 11:09 PM
I still think of my car as dissposible since I hvent swapped my SR in yet.. Well my mom isnt home so I dont know what to do. I got tons of homework due tomarrow morning and a test, so I gotta put it in the back of my head and probably pull and all nighter..
02-08-2004, 11:13 PM
Wow that sounds exciting, atleast you got a cool story out of it. I would think if they catch the guy and he has insurance that they will pay for your damage, I doubt they were upstanding citizens though and have insurance :hs:
02-09-2004, 12:25 AM
I like the part about the helicopter thats badass and cool the cops responded so fast, at least you did as much as you could by getting his info and stuff. I hope they catch him it sucks your car got sauced again.....hopefully it all works out for the best man.
02-09-2004, 12:31 AM
That fucker will get a taste of his own medicine, karma is a bitch.
02-09-2004, 12:43 PM
I'm losing my faith in humanity
02-09-2004, 12:50 PM
That fucker will get a taste of his own medicine, karma is a bitch.
i also believe in karma... he'll get his eventually. liability won't cover your damage. his liability should cover your damage... assuming he gets caught. get an estimate and save it. then fix it yourself or whatever. if he gets caught u should be able to use the estimate to get compensation from his insurance company. otherwise ur gonna have to pay it yourself.
02-09-2004, 02:02 PM
my state has a mandated uninsured insurance policy, I have it, I got hit and run, and my insurance paid for mine. 1100 dollars worth of damage to the quarter and the door. I got 800 (300 deductible). Thing is, if you catch him its all on his insurance.
02-09-2004, 09:44 PM
if you have uninsured should cover your car...but, you have to prove he was uninsured...catch 22...
02-09-2004, 11:03 PM
thanks for the support everyone. Yah I think I might be gettin covered by insurance becuase I had to fax them a drawing of my position in relations to how the guy hit me. So I should know more tomarrow. I hope I just get my car back to teh way it was. I know it needs a paint job, but I was going to do that on my own, so I hope when whoever looks at my car thinks its a POS. I need to be driving it to D1 so I can pick up this chick im taking.
02-09-2004, 11:06 PM
umm but if the guy fled, all I got was his plate number, will they fix my car then try to get the money from him? or just wait on it and try to get money from his insurance first? I know my suspension is wacked now... but drivable, i need to get back and forth to school.
02-09-2004, 11:17 PM
what you can do if insurance doesnt cover it is sue him for damages. he left the scene of a accident and in my state and in most every state that is a crime. all you have to do is prove it was his fault, which seems pretty easy. he can go to jail for what he did. plus why would you be worried about your insurance paying it? its his fault, so his insurance will pay you, they are going to try and say some of it was your fault though, because you moved and that "could have caused more damage than if you hadn't" they did that to my gf when someone ran red light and plowed into her and she say it coming so she turned the wheel left into a middle lane. they said if she didnt move at all it wouldnt have been as bad, yet the police and fire guys said if she did nothing the paeenger would be dead. fuking insurance companies suck
02-09-2004, 11:26 PM
also, whoever owns the car is liable for whatever the car does in ANYONE's hands.
if someone lent the car out to someone, then they're stupid enough to lend it to someone who'd run, meaning u should bust his ass for it.
02-10-2004, 10:26 AM
if I didnt try to move, the fucker would have hit me at the door - possibly injuring me. But yah insurance is trying to say that Im to blame for moving.. BS.... then why did the guy run? stupid...
can insurance do that? i mean, don't they have to base things off the police record and isn't the police record whatever you told them?
02-10-2004, 08:30 PM
if I didnt try to move, the fucker would have hit me at the door - possibly injuring me. But yah insurance is trying to say that Im to blame for moving.. BS.... then why did the guy run? stupid...
that's easy to disprove... it doesn't make any sense. he was making a right and u were waiting at the stop sign. normally it wouldn't matter if u went or waited b/c he wouldn't hit you anyway. the only way it would be your fault is if he was going straight u and tried to pull out in front of him. there must be some skid marks on the ground or something... grab a cam and take pictures quick. the insurance co. sounds like its trying to screw u over. did u get a copy of the police report yet? u need to see what that report says. sometimes the cops get lazy and don't write down what you tell them... the collision diagram and your positions on the street is going to be critical. good luck man.
02-10-2004, 08:55 PM
"if you have uninsured should cover your car...but, you have to prove he was uninsured...catch 22..."
silvia girl, sorry you are incorrect, I was just in this situation. Uninsured covers hit and run. State farm covered me when my car was hit in the parking lot, and one of my best friends is a nationwide agent and he told me the same. If its hit and run they assume uninsured.
02-10-2004, 10:36 PM
taht sucks. go back to the intersection and take pics ! good thing you got his license plate #
ryan hagen
02-10-2004, 11:04 PM
like the same thing happeend to my friend, this lady in a van ran the front of his tempo over, she tore his bumper, both headlights, mashed his hood almost off and crushed the fender and she just kept driveing, lol it was his neighbor too, he went there and knocked on the door and she came and said it wasnt her, while part of his bumper was hanging from her van, and said that it was his fault for leaving the scene and she said she would sue him, so he went to school and told us and we were like dumb ass you shold have called it in but he didnt, and every one in our neighbor hood was plottin revenge on the crazy lady, she took a 90 degrre corner at like 50 every day and the one day he happend to be sitting at the stop sign, we never did any thing but she eventaully got sured for some other accident she caused. at least with the licenses plate your lucky and that you called it in right away, it mgiht be auto his fault since he fled and didnt report it. and if its a business van you can sue them pretty good....
02-11-2004, 12:04 AM
if the person who hits your car flees from the scene and you have a witness, that is covered under uninsured motorist.
It happened to be when a woman bumped my fender and took off, i had witnesses -- the insurance covered it.
- Mike
02-11-2004, 12:33 AM
I had no witnesses and it was still covered.
ryan hagen
02-11-2004, 07:58 AM
on my insurenece it s called uninsured/underinsured
02-11-2004, 10:59 AM
So whats the deal?
This seems to be such a clear cut case. He hit your car and took off. So he should be responsible.
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