View Full Version : Ka no start, Injector pulse?

05-14-2012, 07:13 PM
s13 ka24de. Car cranks and has spark. Timing is set. Checked injectors with homemade noid light and pulse was dim. Checked injector pulse at injector clip, has 12 volts. While cranking and checking ground pulse at clip, only getting an 8 volt reading. Im guessing its supposed to be a strong 12v ground pulse right? Checked engine grounds from positive side of battery to grounds and all get a solid 12v. Any ideas would be great.

05-15-2012, 02:44 AM
s13 ka24de. Car cranks and has spark. Timing is set. Checked injectors with homemade noid light and pulse was dim. Checked injector pulse at injector clip, has 12 volts. While cranking and checking ground pulse at clip, only getting an 8 volt reading. Im guessing its supposed to be a strong 12v ground pulse right? Checked engine grounds from positive side of battery to grounds and all get a solid 12v. Any ideas would be great.
theres 2 grounds on your stock engine harnerss, 1 right next to the injectors and one behind the head, you can check those.
you can pull your fuel rail off the manifold and have a friend crank the engine and you can see how much fuel sprays out each one, just drape a a few towels around the engine bay, it really dosent take much to get it to start, even if only 3 work kind of half assed it will still start and chug along. do you show any codes on your ecu?
are you sure the timing is right? how do you know if it wont start, it could be 180* off
idk, get back to us

05-15-2012, 06:08 AM
I'm having a similar problem

05-15-2012, 09:14 AM
Timing is set to cylinder 1 tdc compression stroke with cam lobes facing outward and rotor pointing at cylinder number one. Checked all engine grounds from positive batt to each ground and got 12v. Not sure why im getting a weak ground pulse on injectors. Gonna try checking ohms on injector ground to ecu i guess. Wasnt showing codes when i recently checked. Will it recognize codes if it wont run? Checking injector spray next also. Is there a method of proving its enough fuel? Or youll just be able to tell?

05-15-2012, 09:41 AM
is the ground on the dr side rear of engine there?
this ties into ignition and injectors...
weak injector pulse could be from low volts to cas...
if it doesnt start cause of a fault then it will give a code
if theres no fault ...no codes..
check cas and ignitor chip
also 75amp alt fuse
make a list of things to test against fsm
and check it off
werked for me for 10yrs of working on 240sx...

05-15-2012, 11:41 AM
Grounds there and solid. Cas is working, theres spark and injector pulse. Cas had 12v and ground and pulses voltage as the rotor turns. What is supposed to be the voltage pulse output of the cas? As for the ignitor chip, car has spark so thats working.