View Full Version : oil returin line

02-08-2004, 09:16 AM
Why cant you run your turbo return oil line to a oil cooler then to valve cover? :newbie:

ryan hagen
02-08-2004, 12:55 PM
Why cant you run your turbo return oil line to a oil cooler then to valve cover? :newbie:

the return line needs to drain down, maybe a oil pump to turbo line can be cooled, but the return needs gravity to help it drain right... i ahvent done it yet but thats what i have picked up so far. ever return line i ahve seen goes to the oil pan

02-08-2004, 03:57 PM
It would seem to me that oil under pressure 40-60lb would have no chouse then to be forced out the end. if its so the hot oil left in the turbo can drain out, then it makes sense. But I think a oil cooler befor and after( as to help engine can stay cooler would be good.

ryan hagen
02-08-2004, 06:04 PM
yah it would but im pretty sure the oil "drains" out and it maybe under pressure but i know almost every ka-t set up i have looked at in preparation to do mine has the oil drain into the oil pan right below the turbo.

02-08-2004, 09:18 PM
it probably drains to the oil pan after the turbo so when the oil recirculates it can be filtered through the oil filter agian

02-08-2004, 10:06 PM
It would seem to me that oil under pressure 40-60lb would have no chouse then to be forced out the end. if its so the hot oil left in the turbo can drain out, then it makes sense. But I think a oil cooler befor and after( as to help engine can stay cooler would be good.

the oil feed line should only be sending 25 max psi to the turbo. the bearings "take" all that pressure. oil return line is under zero pressure.