View Full Version : Mexico Cartel Violence

05-14-2012, 11:15 AM
I can't believe the Cartel violence is so insane.

Decapitations, kidnappings, dumping 40-50 plus bodies on highways durning rush hour...

Most current news story from USA Today...


Discuss...possible solutions? Opinions? How bad is it going to get? Why is this happening?

05-14-2012, 11:28 AM
As far as solutions go, my cousin who is D.E.A told me once that our govt. Knows where everything happens and where everyone lives and such. But the problem is even if our military were to drop bombs on every last cartel, there is too many ppl willing to start up again. Itll never end, so they just have to keep fighting the war

05-14-2012, 11:57 AM
shits never going to end. you have these fucking new trends with "paisas" and they bullshit cartel worshiping music.

05-14-2012, 12:06 PM
i think the US trained military can easily go over there and lay the smack down, but then it will become another iraq fiasco. our soldiers would have to be stationed there and police everything to keep peace since rebel mexican groups will run rampant and do whatever they want with their guns, money, and small army. in a sense, internally, mexico is like those third world countries run by military dictatorship even though on the outside the country doesn't appear to be that bad poverty wise.

in the end, why should the US get involved unless it effects us? we have enough problems with our goverment and economy. Mexico authorities need to step up, but they are too corrupted and scared to go against these drug lords.

05-14-2012, 12:09 PM
i was never here lol


05-14-2012, 12:32 PM
Ban all flights in and out of Mexico until order can be restored
Tighten up the border on America's side so no drugs are sneaked in

05-14-2012, 12:40 PM
Ban all flights in and out of Mexico until order can be restored
Tighten up the border on America's side so no drugs are sneaked in

thats almost impossible. the cartels do insane things to get thier drugs over here. submarines, catapults, tunnels, i even hear they were surgicaly implanting them into animals and bringing the animals across

05-14-2012, 12:47 PM
after we bomb them...

let gov push more snythetic biology. fight the smart way.

bring back the fungus warfare!


snythetically build malumbia caterpillar larger, reproduce faster, immune every to pesticide, with the speed of the locust.

what is snythetic biology?

1 88 U
05-14-2012, 02:03 PM
Or we end prohibition. Just a thought. Another thought is to stop fucking over Mexico's economy so the only labor is slave wages under US corporations or drug gangs. But that would make the price of pork go up in the US so fuck it, let them chop each others heads off and dump bodies on freeways.

05-14-2012, 02:13 PM
As long as it aint happening that bad here in the US. We got our own war we're fighting here.

We're in depth ourselves.. California alone, we dont need to spend more to help others.

"Cant change the world if, we cant change ourselves" - BIGGIE SMALLS


surge s14
05-14-2012, 02:16 PM
this stuff comes out in our local news all the time.

Pro 8 News.com - News, Weather, Sports - | Laredo, Texas | Border Violence (http://www.pro8news.com/news/border-violence)

05-14-2012, 02:52 PM
yeah.... shit is hella crazy out there. Anyone ever watch that "Alarma TV" show on the Mexican channels? crazy stuff... all uncensored. Makes me glad I don't live in Mexico

05-14-2012, 02:55 PM
Mexico authorities need to step up, but they are too corrupted and scared to go against these drug lords.


When you have your local authorities afraid of the cartel... then you lose authority. They need more power or help in my opinion.

05-14-2012, 02:59 PM
its sad to see my roots is a hell hole.... As much i want to go and visit my family down there, its something im not willing to risk.

05-14-2012, 03:39 PM
Why bother with them? At the rate they are killing each other at, there will eventually be no one left. :)

It is only sad when innocent people get hurt.

word sux
05-14-2012, 03:45 PM
Legalize, regulate, and tax drugs

bam problem solved, were is my nobel prize

prohibition does not work it just empowers criminal organizations.

05-14-2012, 03:52 PM
Legalize, regulate, and tax drugs

bam problem solved, were is my nobel prize

prohibition does not work it just empowers criminal organizations.
The medicinal drug industry is scarier than criminal organizations.

05-14-2012, 03:56 PM
Its the only way pussys. El cartel is already bigger then the government. U pussies better get out of theyre way, theyll be here soon. Haha ha haaa

05-14-2012, 04:19 PM
after we bomb them...

let gov push more snythetic biology. fight the smart way.

bring back the fungus warfare!


snythetically build malumbia caterpillar larger, reproduce faster, immune every to pesticide, with the speed of the locust.

what is snythetic biology?
just like CBR (chemical, biological, radiological) warfare, shit like that could quickly shift the wrong way, TOWARDS us. in regards to the caterpillars. this is actually the first time ive heard of this synthetic craziness.

Or we end prohibition. Just a thought. Another thought is to stop fucking over Mexico's economy so the only labor is slave wages under US corporations or drug gangs. But that would make the price of pork go up in the US so fuck it, let them chop each others heads off and dump bodies on freeways.
Legalize, regulate, and tax drugs

bam problem solved, were is my nobel prize

prohibition does not work it just empowers criminal organizations.
i am for the legalization of marijuana. but MJ isnt the problem, it's cocaine. theres so much $$ to be had in cocaine over MJ (according to my research mj= is $600 per pound +/- a few 100 vs cocaine $500-1000 per ounce)we will never legalize cocaine in the way that we could legalize mj, it's too harmful, addictive, etc.


When you have your local authorities afraid of the cartel... then you lose authority. They need more power or help in my opinion.
exactly, and i dont blame them. they dont just go after you, they ruthlessly go after your wife, children, parents, neighbors. i would be scared too!

05-14-2012, 04:21 PM
Ideal: End the drug war, tax everything, prosper

Likely: Send US troops to get murdered over bullshit, keep US prisons full of drug criminals and Mexican streets full of bodies

05-14-2012, 04:40 PM
only solutions i can think of is perhaps bringing back the death penalty in Mexico, Right to bear arms in Mexico, and legalizing drugs in the U.S.

05-14-2012, 05:14 PM
Normally the people being killed by drug cartels are in connection either directly, or through someone related to any given transaction...

This might interest you all; more south american stuff.
SAN SALVADOR (Reuters) - No one was murdered in El Salvador on Saturday, officials said, in what was the first homicide-free day in nearly three years for the Central American country plagued by violent drug gangs.
"After years when the number of murders reached alarming levels of up to 18 per day, we saw not one homicide in the country," President Mauricio Funes said in a statement released on Sunday. The murder-free day was the first recorded since leftist Funes took office in June 2009.
At the beginning of Funes' term, the country had an average of 12 murders a day, but that tally climbed closer to 18 per day in early 2012.
Rival gangs operating in El Salvador called a truce last month and bloodshed between the country's two most powerful gangs, Mara Salvatrucha and gang Mara 18, has abated.
According to United Nations data, El Salvador has recently tallied a homicide rate of 66 per 100,000 people, one of the highest in the world.
Much of that violence is blamed on Mexican drug cartels that use the country as a transit point.
Funes, who attended this weekend's Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia, credited his government's security measures for the drop in violence.
Funes has recently ordered the military to pick up routine security duties.
(Reporting By Nelson Renteria; Editing by Stacey Joyce)

05-14-2012, 05:16 PM
Why bother with them? At the rate they are killing each other at, there will eventually be no one left. :)

It is only sad when innocent people get hurt.

i think the gangster lifestyle is appealing to many over there. i wouldn't be surprised if more than 50% of the population over there are into thuglife or are considering becoming criminals rather than innocent honest hard working people. (hard work (if they even have work available to them) for low pay or easy money helping to produce and sell drugs)

they kill themselves, but the youth is enticed into that lifestyle so the supply of new gangsters is always there. i don't think there will ever be no one left unless the consequences are stricter and authorities can enforced the law.

either that or the US brings in their navy seals to clean house all at once and then help set the mexican goverment straight from fresh. but like everyone mentioned. we got our own problems and unless the drug cartel blows up the whitehouse, i don't think we're getting involved.

exactly, and i dont blame them. they dont just go after you, they ruthlessly go after your wife, children, parents, neighbors. i would be scared too!

they need a badass like Machette with no family and a vendetta to start exterminating some of those drug lords over there to make a point.

05-14-2012, 06:13 PM
^ I wish those people existed.
why isn't there a prior special forces man of Mexican descent who is tired of what's happening to his people so he grabs his gear and clears out the bad guys. that sounds like a plot for a movie

05-14-2012, 06:44 PM
I went there in early Jan, and nothing was going on. I stayed there for two wks and only one killing happened in a town called cuernavaca, but from what I hear from the local people was that most of the shootings that happen, happen between gangs vs gangs but unfortunately innocent people get caught in the mix. Yea I always kept a eye on my surrounding but I would say it was calm. Avoid the large cities cuz that's where everything happens. Don't trust the police cuz they are a corrupt. They are not going to risk their life for you. But to get rid of the cartels, the Mexican government isn't going to do anything about it. I think it's because they get their pockets filled by the cartels so why would you get rid of that money. If the US went in, they would have to restructure the government and defeat this disease from the inside out. Overall just go to the ranch but if you wanna go visit go at your own risk.

05-14-2012, 07:09 PM
military, specifically us Navy people have to route paper work (pretty much a permission slip) just to go to Mexico. the paper work has to include a detailed plan or why where who etc etc. and there was a recent change that makes it so the paper work has to go all the up to an admiral. so our boss's boss's boss's boss's (insert more "boss's " here, not kidding) the navy/military/govt really doesn't want one of their guys to go over there and get killed... it's true that the majority of regular citizens/civilians/etc are safe but there are occasions where those guys shoot up a random nightclub

05-14-2012, 07:33 PM
Its a shame that Mexico is being labeled as being sketchy as hell to visit. I hear from all of my Mexican friends that for the most part the violence only happens in certain areas.

05-14-2012, 07:56 PM
just like CBR (chemical, biological, radiological) warfare, shit like that could quickly shift the wrong way, TOWARDS us. in regards to the caterpillars. this is actually the first time ive heard of this synthetic craziness.

i am for the legalization of marijuana. but MJ isnt the problem, it's cocaine. theres so much $$ to be had in cocaine over MJ (according to my research mj= is $600 per pound +/- a few 100 vs cocaine $500-1000 per ounce)we will never legalize cocaine in the way that we could legalize mj, it's too harmful, addictive, etc.

exactly, and i dont blame them. they dont just go after you, they ruthlessly go after your wife, children, parents, neighbors. i would be scared too!

Cartels make most of their money from MJ...When I say most, estimates were 60-70%.

05-14-2012, 08:07 PM
legalize ALL drugs and tax them. if people choose to do them eff it and let the world weed out the weak links. prohibition will never work, anyone in the US can almost get any illegal drug anytime/anywhere already. id rather have the money go to business and the gov. rather then to the drug trade funding cartels

05-14-2012, 08:30 PM
nothing new. yawn

05-14-2012, 08:35 PM
Well I agree that if you drive down the price (legalization) that will reduce the demand for organizations like cartels to exist but I think that's a shitty solution to a shitty problem.

word sux
05-14-2012, 08:55 PM
I meant legalization of all drugs

just control it like alcohol. they are already out there so the only ones that these laws help are criminals. prohibition does not and will never work, the war on drugs has been a 100% failure and has wasted so much of our tax dollars. its harder for kids to get a bottle of alcohol then it is to get a bag of weed so this would actually limit under age kids access to drugs. you legalize drugs, you cut off 90%+ of these cartels income. Mexico has been pleading with the us to do something like this.

once your 18 or 21 your an adult and if your stupid enough to go out a shoot heroine then the world is better off without you anyway

05-14-2012, 09:42 PM
If the US went in, they would have to restructure the government and defeat this disease from the inside out. Overall just go to the ranch but if you wanna go visit go at your own risk.

i just had a funny thought after i read that.

what if the US does this, but claims all the conquered land. YES, mexico now becomes part of the US. HAHA

it's true that the majority of regular citizens/civilians/etc are safe but there are occasions where those guys shoot up a random nightclub

i guess that's being at the wrong place at the wrong time. not that nightclubs are reserved for thugs and gangsters, but if you like to hang out where the scumbags hang out then you have a higher risk of being a casualty.

people say USUALLY most of these guys go after their rivals, but i've heard some things where innocent people are killed intentionally. i think it's mostly as intimidation to the police or sometimes just to kill protesters who want the police to do something against them.

05-14-2012, 10:20 PM
Shit happens! I'm from Texas this happens all the time! They never dumbed 40-50 at one time, maybe spring cleaning! I only have compasion for the children and women caught in the cross fire. The cartel been doing shit like this for a while, i dont understand why Cali complains about the little blood shed they receive! Texas shares 1254 miles of border with mexico, imagine the countless bodies dumped in the desert!

05-17-2012, 02:30 PM
i just had a funny thought after i read that.

what if the US does this, but claims all the conquered land. YES, mexico now becomes part of the US. HAHA

i guess that's being at the wrong place at the wrong time. not that nightclubs are reserved for thugs and gangsters, but if you like to hang out where the scumbags hang out then you have a higher risk of being a casualty.

people say USUALLY most of these guys go after their rivals, but i've heard some things where innocent people are killed intentionally. i think it's mostly as intimidation to the police or sometimes just to kill protesters who want the police to do something against them.

when inosent people dies on massacres is becuse the assasins (sicarios) are under preasure about doing they job, they HAVE to kill someboey, i have done some work of how sicaros work... they never know they employer... they call them saying, u have to kill XXXX guy... he is on that bar he is wearing a red shirt and black jeans andhis name is XXXX.... so the sicaros go there and when they arrive if they dont find the guy they suposed to kill... they shoot everybody sometimes...

is very very sad how the country is this way right now... i remembe when i was a kid (20 years ago) people say, even my self think (I am more afriad of a Federal police than a drug dealer) 20-25 years ago drug dealers had some kind of CODE... some rules they never break, never mess with the family, dont harm inocent, just go for the guy take it again, kill it later, but now... sicarios are mostly very young and adicted to cocaine, and turn killing in to a freaking mess.

A shooting happen 10 meters from me like a year ago, and is not like the moves, u think u are ready to react and run but u cant belive is happeing, 1 minute feels like a hour. =/

sorry my bad INGLES =P

05-17-2012, 03:01 PM
man that is tough.. I might not object if we started cleaning up over there.. because Mexico is a neighboring country that affects us.. well maybe the immigration numbers would slow down if the place was cleaned up.

There have been music singers who have been killed for mentioning the cartels in their songs..

05-17-2012, 03:04 PM
they need to make some propaganda, make some childrens super heros who fight the drug cartel.. make some movies about it. make the people have more pride in their country to defend it.

05-17-2012, 03:05 PM
man that is tough.. I might not object if we started cleaning up over there.. because Mexico is a neighboring country that affects us.. well maybe the immigration numbers would slow down if the place was cleaned up.

There have been music singers who have been killed for mentioning the cartels in their songs..

TV news stations cannot even report on the issue in fear of being targeted and killed.

05-17-2012, 03:16 PM
At least 23 people killed in Mexican border city (http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/story/2012-05-04/explosion-Mexico-drug-war/54757688/1?csp=obinsite)

This happened on the 4th. 23 people killed at a border town very close to San Antonio, TX. Look like its getting closer to US soil.

P.S. Cartel bros...Please don't come after me for making this thread

05-17-2012, 03:27 PM
Went to high school with a girl who was from what used to be a quiet ocean-side resort town in South Texas, somewhere right by the border supposedly. She said that about ten years ago the town was suddenly overrun by Mexican immigrants, the crime rate skyrocketed, and they went from having no homicide in decades to having daily murders. Most of the original residents ended up packing their belongings and leaving, including her family.

05-17-2012, 03:29 PM
I'm flying to cancun later today.... Shit

05-17-2012, 09:53 PM
Yea, those drug cartels are fucking ruthlessm. After I saw the images and the chainsaw decapitation video I was like yea....I aint fucking with Mexico. Haha. Eventually will end, just like the rest of the bullshit that is going on in this world. Everything comes to an end though.