View Full Version : Rear brake sizing help!

05-07-2012, 07:51 PM
Well I'm pretty bummed out. I bought my car with the z32 caliper conversion and wasn't aware it was a big job to switch the rear ones out and I never really took a look so I always thought the rear ones were z32 as well.

This winter I purchased 5 lug hubs, 5 lug rims, 5 lug rotors all for z32 calipers and z32 pads. So I'm almost finished my car and thought tonight I'd bleed all the brakes and get all the hubs and new pads in. Well what do you know as soon as I pull the wheel off it's a stock 240 caliper in the back so my damn z32 drilled and slotted rotors aren't gonna fit. :mad: Well right off the bat I knew I didn't want to go through all the bs of changing to z32 rears but considered it would be my only option but I did a bit of research and found out that s14 rear calipers might be the same size as the s13 ones so the rotors would be the same except in 5 lug. Sorry for the story just had to rant a little bit.

So my question is are the rear s14 calipers and rotors the same size as the s13 rears except they're 5 lug instead of 4?

Thanks guys

05-07-2012, 07:59 PM
Rears are the same sizing wise...

05-07-2012, 08:01 PM
yes s14 rear rotors are the same as s13 just 5 lug... the rear Z32 brake conversion is not that hard to do.... took me about 15min each side...

*edit* check to see what BMC you have, if it is the stock s13 one....replace it with something larger....

05-07-2012, 08:46 PM
Alright well as long as they're the same size that's a huge relief just gonna order some s14 ones then. Thanks for the info guys!