View Full Version : Car is doing funny stuff?

02-05-2004, 12:16 PM
I just picked up my 90' 240 Fastback. I am quite close to dropping my SR20DET into the chasis. I would like to drive the car around and get a feel for it before I put the new engine in. I would just like to determne the problems with the engine now so I can rebuild it and sell it and get some money back. Now, the car is an automatic and I am swapping the transmissions. Here is the question(s):

1. The car has a ticking in it, I have been told that it has a blown head gasket. However, I am getting good compression in all of the cyinders. It almost sounds like valve lash. White metallically smelling smoke blows out the exhaust.
.I went to go and warm up the car to drive it around (Because it was snowing) and after a half hour the car is still cold.

3. The key is stuck in the ignition, I have tried the button and nothing.

4. Whenever I put the car into reverse, it almost automaticly stalls, same with drive. Now I have never had an automatic before so am I doing something wrong? When i put the car into Nuetral the car goes forward. I'm confused???

But soon I will have the new motor and it will all be okay.

ETD (Estimated time of Drift)-Six weeks.

04-01-2004, 01:36 PM
I've got the same car. #3 is simple, the little lever release for the button is sticking, it happened to me. Take off the circular plastic cover around the ignition, and you'll see a little red lever right under the button. Put a screw or anything in there to prop it so it is always in the up position. When the lever falls, it locks the button and therefore the key is stuck, but it accomplishes nothing and the car will run without the lever dropping. I believe its part of the security system. I put a screw in mine, closed the cover, and the button release now works fine.

With #1, I've also been having this problem, and I think its coolant burning from a small leak in the head gasket. I literally just discovered this, and haven't gotten to getting it fixed yet.

With #4, I think it's something with the electrical system, because the only time my car has ever stalled was at low rev in drive with everything on, and it might've drawn power away from the plugs. It shouldn't do this, but that's the only explanation I can think of. Keep everything off: stereo, lights, heater/AC at low revs and see if it still does it. I can't explain why it would go forward in neutral because, well, there's no drive gear engaged.

04-02-2004, 05:07 AM
thanks man, well I ripped out the engine anyways and started the SR20 swap. Thanks for the tip though with the key cylinder!

04-02-2004, 03:54 PM
My 90 coupe suffers from the tick too. When I use higher octane gas, it usually goes away in the first 30 seconds of operation. When I use 87 octane it ticks constantly... Fuel injector? Sticky valve? I think an SR swap will cure the problem either way!
