04-26-2012, 11:20 PM
Ok. So I'm at work. Go outside to leave and put my key in. Turn it. The car starts but the steering wheel stays locked. I've tried all sorts of stuff and im at my knowledges limit. Please help.
tried: wiggling key like all hell, tried using my other 240 key, tried using my spare key(all three...the key would cycle through all detents, and would actually start the vehicle...steering wheels wouldnt unlock...), i sprayed wd40 on the key...wiggled it around for about 5 minutes, sprayed wd40 into the cylinder, removed all plastics and removed igniton from the barrel and tried turning the key to on and used some pliers to wiggle the lil 't' notch luck at all...please help someone!
**ps** this car is not stolen nor am i trying to steal it. im in the united states air force, im 24 years old, i can show proof of all the vins matching against the title/registration/insurance card(minus the dash...i swapped that out due to cracks...) but this vehicle has all matching vins and i have paperwork proving this vehicle is mine...please dont try to make me out to be some thief....cause im not, ive had multiple vehicles stolen. shit not about that. i have more morals and integrity then that....look up my facebook if you dont believe me...!/Ryan.and.Ashlee.forever
tried: wiggling key like all hell, tried using my other 240 key, tried using my spare key(all three...the key would cycle through all detents, and would actually start the vehicle...steering wheels wouldnt unlock...), i sprayed wd40 on the key...wiggled it around for about 5 minutes, sprayed wd40 into the cylinder, removed all plastics and removed igniton from the barrel and tried turning the key to on and used some pliers to wiggle the lil 't' notch luck at all...please help someone!
**ps** this car is not stolen nor am i trying to steal it. im in the united states air force, im 24 years old, i can show proof of all the vins matching against the title/registration/insurance card(minus the dash...i swapped that out due to cracks...) but this vehicle has all matching vins and i have paperwork proving this vehicle is mine...please dont try to make me out to be some thief....cause im not, ive had multiple vehicles stolen. shit not about that. i have more morals and integrity then that....look up my facebook if you dont believe me...!/Ryan.and.Ashlee.forever