View Full Version : Thinking of moving to San Diego

02-03-2004, 07:16 AM
My girl will soon be done with school, and we both have a desire to move away from MN. I have lived here all my life.

In about seven or eight months we should be in a position to move. We would be looking to rent an apartment or townhome in San Diego. I have some questions though.

I have visited San Diego before a few times but never looked for apartments. How much can one expect to pay for rent on a 1 bedroom apartment with a garage. Is it an expensive proposition to rent a townhome in the San Diego area? I have no qualms about living in the suburbs at all. I would prefer it if it is going to be significantly cheaper.

Does anyone have any advice for me or warnings about living in CA. Thats where my girl really wants to be, and I am getting exited about the idea.


02-03-2004, 09:57 AM
Oh common, you know you love the freezing cold weather here.

02-03-2004, 11:31 AM
Haha, I actually do. I am probably the only Minnesotan ever to consider moving to socal for reasons other than weather. I am used to MN winters and don't mind them at all. The part about storing the car for winter is more about roadsalt than anything else. Cold is fine.

Really, San Diego is my girls idea and I truly love her. I could use the change of scene and it makes little difference to me professionally. I rap for a living and tour all the time so, moving is kind of irrelavent to me. Plus as an added bonus, I would get to see more of the folks from this forum in person. That would be nice.

I will probably spend at least 3 months in MN a year in MN even if I do move, just because that is where my whole family is and that is where a lot of my business is.

Either way, we are still in the looking stage of moving. Not sure what will happen, just exploring the desire to move, yaknow?

02-03-2004, 11:59 AM
nothing really bad about living here all depends on where you live at. you can rent a 2 bed apartment 1300 sq. ft. fer a little over 900 and a garage thats pretty big too.. but fer what your looking fer it wont be much at all

02-03-2004, 12:00 PM
what rap group you in or whats your stage name? underground right?

02-03-2004, 12:04 PM
check out http://realestate.yahoo.com/re/?rehps=2 and www.rent.com. It has help me alot on finding a apartment when I move to Florida. Of course not all apartments are on theses two website, others will be in the newspaper. If I lived in SD i could have sent ya a newspaper with the listings and all that. Just ask someone in SD to help ya out there. GL!

02-03-2004, 12:16 PM
My stage name is Felix
The group is called Heiruspecs. (High-roo-specs) http://www.heiruspecs.com/
Yes we're underground, we were in SD about a month and a half ago I think.

Nice to know that it won't be too pricey. I detest the idea od paying a grand a month for a 1 bedroom apt.

The newspaper thing is a good call. I can google SD papers and look at their classifieds online if all goes well. I really should have thought of that.
Cali240sxdrifter, thanks for the link, looks like it will be very helpfull.

Any one in SD got anything bad to say about the city? From afar all seems well.

02-03-2004, 12:33 PM
btw, I downloaded thoses 3 songs on your guy's website am listing to Small Steps and am loving this song already. Am not into rap expect for a few artist like Deltron, black eye peas, jurassic 5, artist like that, but am liking your stuff. All be ording a CD soon.

02-03-2004, 04:10 PM
thats weird my gurl wants me to move to s.d too were movin by the end of the year,whats with it with women and s.d?whatever it is its beyond me lol

02-03-2004, 05:46 PM
I have something bad to say about it. The freaking city was not designed to handle a lot of people so the freeways get so trafficy that it's worse than LA. It's people like you that are ruining it for the natives. I hope to ruin it for them one day as well because I love surfing down there. So many different breaks; Blacks, Tamarack, O-side, Del Mar, some secret breaks, and many many more. I like how it's more rural in certain parts as well.

02-03-2004, 07:24 PM
Flybert is right. Traffic SUX, but not nearly as bad as LA...and a 2bed apt w/garage for $900 is out in the sticks! If you live anywhere near town, it starts at $800-$2000 for rent, depending on the part of town. In the mira mesa area, garages and apartments are hard to find. The ones you do find are expensive. My rent is 1175 for a 2 bedroom with 1 covered and 1 un covered parking spots. Just my .02 for your thoughts...hehe

02-03-2004, 07:40 PM
Thanks for the imput, like I said earlier, just looking right now. Looking hard, but only looking.

Cali240sxdrifter, I am glad you like the songs we have up. We have a new (and I think better) album coming out in April or shortly thereafter. I will keep you posted.

02-04-2004, 10:11 AM
Another note: be prepared for sticker shock. Gas in MN doesn't cost NEARLY what it does here. Insurance is higher, groceries are more expensive, etc.