View Full Version : Shit that girls do to make them unattractive.

all show no go
04-25-2012, 01:56 AM
Hey gang, I thought that maybe something like this would be entertaining to discuss on here. I'm pretty sure everyone has some interesting/funny things that deters them from talking to, dating, fooling around with, & pursuing anything at all with some women.. Stuff you may find annoying, gross, or downright UNBEARABLE. I'll try and get the ball rolling here lol.

1.) If they say the "N" word in their casual talk. (and aren't black)

2.) Doesn't know how to carry a conversation.

3.) Listens to Drake.

04-25-2012, 02:00 AM
1. Tattoos, no I don't think your tramp stamp is cute.
2. Smoking. Gross.
3. Bad hygiene.
4. Liars.
5. Abusive girls.
6. Materialistic girls.

04-25-2012, 02:05 AM
I bet you guys liking penis makes them really unattractive for you too. :drama:


04-25-2012, 02:12 AM
Duck face.

04-25-2012, 02:15 AM
Saying "oh my god get the f$ck away from my window I'm calling the cops"
Such a turn off...

04-25-2012, 02:16 AM
7. When they cook you macaroni and cheese but its more like liquid soup.
8. When they purposely try to vandalize your car because they are mad.
9. When they throw trash inside your car because "its a piece of shit anyways".
10. When they try to get you thrown in jail for something you didn't do.

Yes, I'm describing a past relationship.

04-25-2012, 02:21 AM
1. Never listen to you, doesn't matter if your right or wrong.
2. Hang up on you for any reason whether they are mad, sad, you said something wrong etc.

all show no go
04-25-2012, 02:33 AM
I bet you guys liking penis makes them really unattractive for you too. :drama:


Lol, I was waiting for a reply like that sooner or later.

04-25-2012, 02:51 AM
Those females that plays games.

One of my homies chick posted this as her FB status

"This is for all guys when a girl says one thing it means the total opposite."

The fuck kinda of shit is that.. lol. If my chick tells me, dont come see me if you're busy.. shiittt... OK.


S-Nation S13
04-25-2012, 03:01 AM
FAKE ASS CHICKS piss me off. Keep it 100 or GTFO. The type that makes you think their the best and above everyone else (including the individuals they are with). Makes grin to see it, but i do, makes me feel sorry for the dude. I'd rather die standing than to live my life on my knees!! (and YES if you figured it by now, i got suckered. all i can say is live and learn) oh one more thing FUCK YOU BITCH!!! VENTED !!! :)

04-25-2012, 03:01 AM
if she smokes weed.
yeah it probably stops her bitching but i cant hang with the smell or bud breath.

04-25-2012, 03:29 AM
Really killer? Dude if a chick has sick ass tats and smokes it bumps her up in my book, call me trashy but I think it's hot as fuck lol. Some of the hottest chicks in my book are the ones that got the whole rockabilly greaser thing going on with the bandana on the head and full sleeves and tight ass jeans with a wife beater. Oh man that's just badass lol... But I will agree with the materialistic part, fuck that shit. I also can't stand chicks that are high maintainence. I already got a high maintainence broad in my life and her name is Silvia ;)...

Whomever said smoking weed, agreed to some extent, smoking every once an a while is cool, but if shes a stoner no thank you

My biggest pet peeve is girls that do the baby voice to sound cute. I have no interest in dating a girl that wants to sound like a 4yo, not to mention you just sound stupid and immature.

+1 on fake chicks
+1 on not being able to cook
+1 on bad hygiene... No dreadlocks please... Disgusting

Girls that can't handle their booze
Girls that act like theyre all into cars but couldn't give a flying fuck
Girls that are uneducated, and even more so if they try to act like they know what they're talking about
Girls that are clingy

04-25-2012, 05:51 AM
Bad hygiene
Abusive drinking habits
High Maintenance girls
Immature girls
girls that use drugs
bone thin girls
wear too much make up

04-25-2012, 06:00 AM
Really killer? Dude if a chick has sick ass tats and smokes it bumps her up in my book, call me trashy but I think it's hot as fuck lol. Some of the hottest chicks in my book are the ones that got the whole rockabilly greaser thing going on with the bandana on the head and full sleeves and tight ass jeans with a wife beater. Oh man that's just badass lol... But I will agree with the materialistic part, fuck that shit. I also can't stand chicks that are high maintainence. I already got a high maintainence broad in my life and her name is Silvia ;)...

+1 on fake chicks
+1 on not being able to cook
+1 on bad hygiene... No dreadlocks please... Disgusting

+1 on this I fucking love greaser rockabilly type girls and when it comes to tattoos that's like a 10+

04-25-2012, 07:13 AM
Girls that start threads like this make them unattractive.

04-25-2012, 07:43 AM
Girls that smoke...shit's nasty.
Girls with with part of their head shaved off and long hair on the rest of it....Not too bad but i find it extremely annoying.
Girls that curse like sailors.

04-25-2012, 07:51 AM
Girls with smelly coochies

04-25-2012, 08:54 AM
Damn hipsters and their bad-girl fetish.

04-25-2012, 08:55 AM
Im done with this thread

04-25-2012, 08:57 AM
sounds like everyone is being rebellious against woman. :keke:

04-25-2012, 09:52 AM
Hey gang, I thought that maybe something like this would be entertaining to discuss on here. I'm pretty sure everyone has some interesting/funny things that deters them from talking to, dating, fooling around with, & pursuing anything at all with some women.. Stuff you may find annoying, gross, or downright UNBEARABLE. I'll try and get the ball rolling here lol.

1.) If they say the "N" word in their casual talk. (and aren't black)

2.) Doesn't know how to carry a conversation.

3.) Listens to Drake.
Just saying the N word in general is stupid. Bitch you aint no rapper so stfu and speak properly.

Duck face.

Shits not cute.

Girls with smelly coochies

Looks like you need get out of the strip club

Saying "oh my god get the f$ck away from my window I'm calling the cops" Such a turn off..http://www.50centloseweight.comlol

Crazy girls. BIG NO NO!:faint:

1. Ghetto girls= Fail and embarrassing
2. Stupid/Uneducated is equally annoying
3. Being boring.This usually goes with #2:mepoke:
4. 100% No drug tolerance
5. Last but not least. The DUCKFACE shit ain't cute...:rant:

04-25-2012, 10:13 AM
cock blockin frontin females.
or just cock blockin excuses.


04-25-2012, 10:16 AM
ill rape you if I get the chance

Sent from my DROID X2

04-25-2012, 10:26 AM
I agree with Killer on pretty much about everything.

word sux
04-25-2012, 10:32 AM
smoking is a 100% no go in my book

dumb girls are the worst

girls that have no respect for themselves (hoes)

04-25-2012, 10:41 AM
1) No Job
2) No Car
3) No Goals
4) Fat

04-25-2012, 10:51 AM
1) No Job
2) No Car
3) No Goals
4) Fat

Perfect. Maybe in a different order. But all around perfect.

04-25-2012, 11:04 AM
1) No Job
2) No Car
3) No Goals
4) Fat

that sounds a lot like a girl list.

04-25-2012, 11:21 AM
Everything about girls is unattractive.

04-25-2012, 11:23 AM
1. Girls who are easily influenced.. like a girl i was into started thinking she could model.. so she would hang out with so and so whoever said they could boost her career.. Bullshit, dudes just say that shit and make you hang around them so hopefully your panties drop soon for them.

2. that influence spreads to tats and piercings.. If she has meaning behind her tats, great.. I'm talking about those girls who all of a sudden decide to get tatted up out of no where because it looks cool or because of the people she hangs out with, or than gets facial piercings.

3. I guess that all falls into low self esteem.

Today's women are not the same as they where 50+ years ago, where they would stay behind a man and support him 100% without ever thinking of cheating or messing around on him during work. They got Real Housewives ,Jersey Shore and Kardashian tv shows to teach them how to be a modern woman.

The most attractive women imo are the ones who still are feminine /petite imo. Some thick girls can still be attractive.

04-25-2012, 12:01 PM
can we start a he-man woman haters club thread??? seems like we have a lot of woman haters lol

04-25-2012, 12:09 PM
I don't know about you guy, but I'd probably guess its the same is the single girls that are into car aka the "car sluts"
So the list would be

1) They dress like a slut just so guys talk/touch/hump them

2) Uses one body to get things from people.

3) The ones that act sluty/think they are hot shit when they are a 5/6 at most.

Today's women are not the same as they where 50+ years ago, where they would stay behind a man and support him 100% without ever thinking of cheating or messing around on him during work. They got Real Housewives ,Jersey Shore and Kardashian tv shows to teach them how to be a modern woman.


04-25-2012, 12:22 PM
- when they're mean and for no reason!!
- really really annoying drunks
- secretive
- girls attracted to douchebags pissme off for some reason, idk why lol

04-25-2012, 12:43 PM
1] A woman that doesn't apprecaite what you do.
2] A woman that doesn't apprecaite what you do for her.
3] Walls, it isn't my fault your ex was a douche fuck
4] I don't care how hot shit you are, be you, don't play youself up.
5] Dreads, bleeehhhhhh. You are disgusting bitch.
6] sheltered as fuck.
7] tries to change you
8] bitches about having no money, then goes out with friends, and spends money
9] fake bitches. No no, not talking about how awesome they act to people they hate. Talking about the duck lip mother fuckers who do plastic surgery.

^ if you have annnnnyyyyyy work done, you instantly look like this to me.

To be honest, I fucking hate women, they are illogical fucking morons with more brain cells than they need. You don't need that much to wash dishes and fold clothes. FUCK.

I haven't been single for a while. Can you feel the disgust? I hope so.

04-25-2012, 12:57 PM
1. Smokers - other than the good stuff but only at random, not a fucking pot head who can't function without it... that would be you, Tela!!

2. Snotty Bitch Additude - that short fake smile with the "you can't have me" look. Exactly why you were a one nighter only Jennifer. Point, Score, Game Over.

3. Lier - wow, whow haven't you been with would shorten this conversation up nicely, Thats why I left you crying after you got a taste of your own, you can thank Jennifer next time you see her, Lori.

4. Mentally Unstable - She Was Hot... this was the only down fall, Damn you ADHD!! (Amanda) No, I don't love you I have only known you 2 weeks!! (Tracy) Make up your fucking mind woman, we are living together, technically we are BF/GF! (Tela)

5. Catty - Yes, I fell for your friend calling me to a party, only so you could key my new S14. Hey Tracy, what did you write on my trunk "FLICK Yoy"?

6. Klingons - *see above mentioned, Tracy.

04-25-2012, 01:05 PM
1 sheltered
2 complains about car you drive dont like it hop the fuck out and walk. bitch gas aint free
3 materialistic..
4 broke/no job
5 judgmental
6 cant hold a simple conversation.
7 there family sucks.. and buy that i mean raciest.. or just retarded .
8 trying to talk to you when they have a dood..
9 easily swayed to other things
list go's on..

04-25-2012, 01:15 PM
girls with smelly coochies


04-25-2012, 01:21 PM
1. Girls that play with your feelings.
2. Flirts with every guy, says "she's not a player she just crushes a lot" bs
3. Dumb girls.
4. Girls that tell you they like you but don't want a relationship then a couple weeks later they're in a relationship with someone else.

fuck these hoes, where's my dream girl at.

all show no go
04-25-2012, 01:34 PM
Girls who are easily influenced.. They got Real Housewives ,Jersey Shore and Kardashian tv shows to teach them how to be a modern woman.

Seriously I feel that's 75% of chicks nowadays.. At least here in So cal. Straight hoodrats swearing that they're REAL WOMEN.

steve shadows
04-25-2012, 01:54 PM
Duck face.



04-25-2012, 02:12 PM
1. Girls who tell you they have STDs and expect you to "understand". I get it, your puss says "do not enter", have a nice day.
2. Obese girls who call them self "Thick", bitch you're chunky and you know it.
3. Girls who call themselves "mature" or "sophisticated" when they just clearly have NO sense of humor.
4. Husband/Baby Daddy/"step" Baby Daddy Hunters
5. Cholas, Hoodrats, "bad bitches" and Trailer Skanks

04-25-2012, 02:44 PM
best thread on zilvia right now hahaha.

04-25-2012, 02:49 PM
Most of you seem to luck out.

Found her when I was 15, married when I was 19.

Been married for 11 years, 3 kids, been through thick and thin together.

Reading this shit makes me glad I found her, lol, this shit is crazy.

Girls really act like this?

Good luck.

04-25-2012, 02:56 PM
yuhp, its like their brain stops at 5.

04-25-2012, 02:56 PM
Most of you seem to luck out.

Found her when I was 15, married when I was 19.

Been married for 11 years, 3 kids, been through thick and thin together.

Reading this shit makes me glad I found her, lol, this shit is crazy.

Girls really act like this?

Good luck.

I have been with my current for over 10 years, no kids.
And yes, it took all of this and more...

04-25-2012, 03:22 PM
2. Flirts with every guy, says "she's not a player she just crushes a lot" bs

Fuck man, THIS!!! I don't understand how a girl thinks she's making guys interested by flirting with every one. It's in a mans nature to want her for himself, am I wrong about this!... Seriously I would never hit a girl but if I ever heard a chick utter that big pun lyric to me I'd probably have to get one of my girl friends to slap her on principle.

As far as the relationship part, what's worse are the ones that want a relationship and press it from essentially the get go and then change their minds when they get their way (once ur down)... Man so many chicks epically fail in the "what they want" department

Seriously I feel that's 75% of chicks nowadays.. At least here in So cal. Straight hoodrats swearing that they're REAL WOMEN.

Ahhh man this is why I'm sooo glad I'm living in the north now... The "live my life like I'm on MTV" thing and the materialism is so goddam annoying. Bitch u ain't kim kardasian or Lauren from the hills, you're plain ol you, quit blowing ur whole paycheck from ur shitty job trying to live a lie... So maybe the women up here aren't as hot as they were in so cal but fuck at least they have their head on straight and are actually real women with their priorities straight

04-25-2012, 03:31 PM
wtf is this thread ? hahahahha shits funny 2 read

04-25-2012, 03:54 PM
I thought this thread was full of woman with all this bitchen....

bro's...there's plenty of dick in the sea. lol. If you don't like women. you can jump ship. More for the dudes that know how to shut them up and keep them cleanin. ;D

04-25-2012, 04:00 PM
best thread on zilvia right now hahaha.

+ 1

I forgot to add this to my short list, someone mentioned it earlier.

Girls that lack a sense of humor... dull, boring ass girls are quite a turn off.

04-25-2012, 04:00 PM
^improve ones jokes, she will laugh more.

04-25-2012, 04:02 PM
this thread lulz

04-25-2012, 04:09 PM
I thought this thread was full of woman with all this bitchen....

bro's...there's plenty of dick in the sea. lol. If you don't like women. you can jump ship. More for the dudes that know how to shut them up and keep them cleanin. ;D

This thread is just a chance for guys to vent some of their frustrations that girls/women cause, I do know if I would call it bitchin'.

^improve ones jokes, she will laugh more.

I meant in general, just act like it's a sin to smile or laugh or enjoy themselves. I've been in a relationship for the last 7 years, it's from what I've seen from some girls/women.

04-25-2012, 04:30 PM
Smoking is koo as long as they don't smell like pack of reds all the time.
But when smoke comes out of nose, that's when I gtfo

04-25-2012, 04:34 PM
I'll give just about any girl a chance as long as she:

- is petite
- is cute
- stays positive
- doesn't have kids

04-25-2012, 04:42 PM
-Getting in your car with food. Then throws all the crumbs and trash on the floor.

-Grabs the steering wheel/shift knob while I'm driving. She tried grinding my gears cuz she was mad haha.

-No sense of humor.

-I understand most of them don't like video games but good lord if I sit down for more than 5 minutes playing some Xbox or Playstation, shit gets real.

-Hitting you in the balls. This should be number one but man do I hate that shit. You should never hit a man in the sack unless hes beating on you or something.

04-25-2012, 05:38 PM
1. girls that lead you on; if you dont want it then dont act like you do.
2. saying the would "like'' like every other word. like omg... stfu pleeease
3. smokers(unless its the budda, but please no hippys, dgaf'er, kreayshawn looking girls..ew)
4. no car, no job, no goals(im all for taking care of my girl, but i dont like a lazy bitch)
5. like enders.s13 said no hitting you in the balls. thats never funny ever..
6. girls that wear to much make-up; some is okay but when your face is a different shade then you neck wtf??? gross or when they give you a hug and a imprint of their face is left on the fresh ass black shirt..
7. dirty hair
8. cusses to much
9. doesnt know good music, and only listen to mainstream radio tunes.

04-25-2012, 05:41 PM
1. girls that lead you on; if you dont want it then dont act like you do.
2. saying the would "like'' like every other word. like omg... stfu pleeease
3. smokers(unless its the budda, but please no hippys, dgaf'er, kreayshawn looking girls..ew)
4. no car, no job, no goals(im all for taking care of my girl, but i dont like a lazy bitch)
5. like enders.s13 said no hitting you in the balls. thats never funny ever..
6. girls that wear to much make-up; some is okay but when your face is a different shade then you neck wtf??? gross or when they give you a hug and a imprint of their face is left on the fresh ass black shirt..
7. dirty hair
8. cusses to much
9. doesnt know good music, and only listen to mainstream radio tunes.

9. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRSrpYFBJACSRFRJ2Se1jIauyFCGK_fo H1ROUHYqVCmPjL0xNHkYnSdhoW8

04-25-2012, 06:43 PM
1) girls that are plain fucking oblivious.
2) girls that wear too much make up.
3) girls that don't have a sense of humor.

dont see why people are bitching. awesome thread.

04-25-2012, 06:44 PM
oh yeah. girls that are plain FUCKING OBLIVIOUS. you girls need to use your damn head once in a while.

04-25-2012, 07:10 PM
that was your first one....

but i get you. i was in no way attracted to this girl but she said "wait, i thought the jews were the ones killing the nazis in the holocaust" ...........i just walked away.

04-25-2012, 07:55 PM
Dating you for 2 years and slowly bestfriending you for the last 4 months of it while she's falling for someone else. Then telling you everything about the new relationship so you can't get over her.

...And being connected with her family so you can't ignore her...

Oh, and the duck face

04-25-2012, 07:57 PM
when they are into cars, or pretend to be into cars, or anything having to do with cars.

that is the hugest turnoff for me.

04-25-2012, 07:57 PM
when their breath smells like their coochie.

04-25-2012, 08:09 PM
This is why you date dudes. Don't have any of these problems.

04-25-2012, 08:13 PM
^^^^^ Chicks with Dicks?? Is that what u mean lmao

Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2

S-Nation S13
04-25-2012, 08:14 PM

fucking duck face...hahahah

04-25-2012, 08:46 PM
loud girls in public (usually ghetto girls)... always trying to get attention stfu plz

04-25-2012, 08:55 PM
1. not understanding their role... no joke

2. when they try and break up fights and shouting matches.... they just get in the way and distract your drunken banter with other asshole guys.

3. not shaving their pussies

4. finding bloody period stained panties on the bathroom floor

04-25-2012, 09:28 PM
"I'd totally be gay if it wasnt for the whole taking it in the ass thing" -unknown


except with girlfriend

04-25-2012, 09:59 PM
number one, 1, uno, ichiban. burnt up, smashed looking, roast beef lookin, bbq burnt snatch lips man! fuckin gross! Bahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

04-26-2012, 08:49 AM
-its one thing to just be a girl and want to be right,. but when they completely to the core believe they are right,. and expect you to except that ur wrong ( when you know otherwise )
-chicks that are 'better' then you.
-center of attention
-EXPECTING you to pay cuz your a dude,...bitch this is a privileged...lol
-Trying to 'better' you,....which actually translates to molding you into what they want

04-26-2012, 09:26 AM
I think I can relate to everyone here to an extent lol. How about just plain stupid and not the cute way either..

04-26-2012, 10:07 AM
1. not understanding their role... no joke

I really hope for your sake, that you're not serious. :goyou:

04-26-2012, 10:30 AM
Pony tail
sweat shirt
Dirty stretch pants
Sheep skin slippers

Stop it......just stop it.

04-26-2012, 11:00 AM
Women that just fuckin lay there during sex ..im the type to flip a girl around..but some are just boring as hell when it comes to bedroom action.

04-26-2012, 11:33 AM
- sheltered girls
- constant swearing
- pill poppers
- bad hygiene
- girls that suck at bj's (oh the irony)

04-26-2012, 11:53 AM
With all do respect gentlemen,
Please have some respect for the woman that make us happy and not nail them with all of the harsh shit you guys state. You do realize we do have women here on zilvia. Yes there are things that woman do that is not appealing to us but hey, we are the same or maybe even worse than them!!! Be happy with what you and for them putting up with us spending so much money and time on our cars. Me personally I am one lucky dude. My fiancĂ© supports me and helps me get my car done, Most of you guys would like your Gf/ fiancĂ© /wife to do the same. Of course there are a few things that she does that I don’t like but hey, if its nothing big then why the fuck should I care! She is the way she is, not the way I want her to be. I once read, “1 loyal girl is better than 1000 unfaithful girls”.

I would vote for this thread to be close because now that I realize it, it’s a huge disrespect for woman. It’s a big no-no. also all of this rant sounds like a lot of you will consider going gay.

04-26-2012, 11:59 AM
The thread should stay open as long as the "lulz" continues, or people here actually start having a serious, thoughtful, objective, intelligent discussion.

I don't see the latter happening on Zilvia ANYTIME soon.

Let the lulz continue.

04-26-2012, 12:44 PM
GIRLSSSS :picardfp:



all show no go
04-26-2012, 12:55 PM
With all do respect gentlemen,
I would vote for this thread to be close because now that I realize it, it’s a huge disrespect for woman. It’s a big no-no. also all of this rant sounds like a lot of you will consider going gay.

It's not to be taken to heart, these are just some of the things I'm sure most dudes get tired of dealing with while looking for a decent & respectable woman.. Or plain old dealing with them in society. Yes there are ladies in the forum, but no this thread isn't targeting them directly. Women bullshit with their girls about men all the time in salons, what BIG harm is done with this thread?

when they are into cars, or pretend to be into cars, or anything having to do with cars.

that is the hugest turnoff for me.

I forgot about this one too.. I was leaving work one day driving my 240, and a co-worker's girlfriend was waiting to pick him up in her Integra. (Pink rotas, pink tow hook, Hello Kitty bombarded windows..) She yells out at me, "Yo! Tha's your S13? You got an S R 20 D E T or what?"


04-26-2012, 01:13 PM
Argue with no logic. Please stfu. This hasn't happened to me, but I see it. Stay away from stupid girls.

04-26-2012, 01:42 PM
i think the dudes talking about girls sucking at bjs, breath smelling like coochie etc.. are simple minded thoughts and would be what gets this thread closed..

If you can put some real thought into your post, I don't mind this thread to be open.

04-26-2012, 02:00 PM
Another thing these guys would probably complain about is the girl not including a strap on in the bedroom.


04-26-2012, 02:18 PM
I don't mind girls who are into cars, but if that's all they're into and nothing else it's really depressing imo. same deal with regular guy friends, and being 1 dimensional about anything in their lives.

there's not a lot im picky about honestly. As long as we can carry a conversation with genuine interest (and not roll my eyes after talking on the phone for over an hour about something I don't care about), and they take care of themselves half decent I don't mind.

sense of style is important, Im really impressed by girls who present themselves well while looking subtle about it. If they take care of their body and skin, they will look good. conversely, i don't care for excessive MAC makeup or lots of tats. I've never understood the chola/greaser look (same shit imo) or emos. Its not a deal killer, but to each and their own.

In the end I really think the same type of person will be attracted to each other, so it's not something I think about too much.

04-26-2012, 02:19 PM
1. When they are into cars and then brag about how cheap they get their shit for. Because they have tits and flirt with people to cut prices.

2. When they claim they love cars but don't know dick about them

3. When they date ricers.

4. When they talk shit about their men behind their backs, and then act like they are so in love with them to their face.

04-26-2012, 02:52 PM
Women who constantly have to bitch about other women. I have a friend who has this compulsion to put down every other women all the time. Even just rando chicks passing by us on the street she feels the need to make some catty remark. Like damn, this ain't a competition.

04-26-2012, 03:20 PM
-Girls that are into honda's.
-Girls that have honda and have their ricer boyfriend rice it up.

04-26-2012, 03:30 PM
- Not saying its their duty and role as a woman, but girls that don't like to be clean around the house
-Girls that don't take pride in personal hygiene
-Lazy girls
-Girls with no ambitions in life
-Girls that have no self esteem
-And last but not least girls that are obnoxious or are all about how men this.. men that... etc.

04-26-2012, 04:47 PM
-Girls that have no self esteem is probably the biggest turnoff

04-26-2012, 06:41 PM
1. Girls who are "Fashionistas" but in all actuality they are just pure vanity/narcissism
2. Girls who are trashy tendencies. Walking out of their house looking like they just rolled out of bed, having long unkempt nails (long and dirty/ chipped nail polish)
3. Girls who like to walk around barefoot outside/put their feet everywhere.

04-26-2012, 06:54 PM
Everyone list right here (http://thedirty.com/2011/12/stay-classy/)

04-27-2012, 05:41 PM
Women that just fuckin lay there during sex ..


04-27-2012, 07:46 PM
You people have lists?

04-28-2012, 05:00 PM
NOT SHAVING THEIR PUSSY! and yeah, get the asshole too. Really, just keep it clean, I want it to look good enough to eat... seriously. Clean it up bitches

I don't care if that 70s shit comes back into fashion keep that pussy so fresh and so clean

:) Can I get an AMEN!?!?!?!?

04-28-2012, 05:03 PM
With all do respect gentlemen, blah blah blah.

Ummm.... there's the door (hit the back button and exit)

04-28-2012, 05:04 PM
keep that pussy so fresh and so clean

:) Can I get an AMEN!?!?!?!?

Amen brotha!!!

S-Nation S13
04-28-2012, 06:42 PM
The girls that think like this:

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT_hU8FOuCmR3zur1YkCopgAp8_GcjRy h6n3FgCiCH8wlsWlM3T

But its more like this:


04-28-2012, 09:44 PM
> a girl bigger then me
girls having a s13 with ebay parts just for guys to look
SNIP attitude
busted teeth
big forehead

04-28-2012, 09:47 PM
This is the cutest thread on Zilvia hands down.

04-28-2012, 09:48 PM
> a girl bigger then me
girls having a s13 with ebay parts just for guys to look
SNIP attitude
busted teeth
big forehead

And now the misogyny can end...