I bought the Supercharged S14 with the KA24DER kit from Ryan Klatt. He provided me with a second adapter plate when I purchased the vehicle because the prototype didn't have a spot for the IACV. I installed the new adapter plate w/ IACV on the car and sold the car to a guy named Josh. The original "prototype" adapter plate was sold to a member here on Zilvia by me because I no longer needed it. When i first looked at the sale ad I thought it was the plate that i sold before...
After looking at it more closely I seen that the adapter plate was setup for an IACV and that's the reason I thought you might have bought this from Josh, and because he sold the entire setup and installed an SR20 in the car. Who knows, maybe you bought the kit directly from Ryan. Either way, glws and its a very good price. Nobody's attacking your sale ad. Just thought it was interesting seeing it pop up for sale.
My sale ad for the old adapter plate without IACV was listed here ----> http://zilvia.net/f/sale-items/361434-eaton-m62-supercharger-adapter-plate-ka24-very-rare.html
Here's some pics I took while it was in my possession.
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