View Full Version : Flushed the Brakes/Now Spongy

04-21-2012, 12:31 AM
So I was getting ready for a mountain run and decided I would flush my brake fluid and put in Super Blue. I flushed each one-by-one and got all of the fluid out, and then put in the ATE and bled about 3 or 4 times and they were still spongy. So I figured there was air in the BMC so I mocked up a bench bleeding kit and bled them, put back in and bled, and they're no different now.

I have SS lines and 180SX front calipers.

I also pumped a lot of air through everything because I didn't want any old fluid left over, could this have done something? Any ideas?

My brakes were perfect before this BTW, rock hard.

Also the pedal seems to stop at around the same spot, it doesn't go to the floor. But only the last inch of pedal does any braking, the rest of it does nothing.

04-21-2012, 08:24 AM
If you pumped air in the system, I'd keep bleeding them until all the air is gone. I'm pretty sure you still have air in the system. Also, did you start bleeding from the furthest brake first and work your way to the front?

04-21-2012, 11:15 AM
After bench bleeding the MBC I opened all of them and bled them all at once to make sure no air would get back into the master. I know there's no air in the master.

I just noticed 2 new things:

1: The e-brake pulls a lot easier and higher.
2: The rear calipers move back and forth meaning the pistons aren't keeping constant pressure on the pads like they should.

04-21-2012, 11:19 AM
Btw I have put about 4 liters through the whole system, I don't think there is any air in the system.

Also I compressed all 4 caliper pistons to make sure I evacuated all of the old fluid. This might be part of the reason why the rears aren't staying against the pads.

I will say that while compressing the rears when they went all the way in fluid leaked out of the seals. I am picking up a rebuild kit for the rears in 2 hours and will update as to whether that fixes it.

And while driving I can't really lock up and wheels, I used to be able to easily. And with bigger front brakes at 11" in diameter and 22mm thick and bigger pads and bigger pistons the fronts should lock up easily.