View Full Version : Replacing Oil Feed SR20det witn An fitting.

04-20-2012, 09:44 AM
Hey guys simple easy question, I like many other have had issues with the damn banjo bolt leaking, not currently though, and want to eliminate it. I know the size i need but my question is since the banjo bolt restricts the oil flow would going with a -4 An connection( think that is the size of the hose if not what ever the right size is) have any negative effects?

I have a S15 T28 on now with the correct restrictor at the turbo it self, but i was thinking with no restriction at the block it could cause some problems with pressure?

Probally a retarted question so please keep the flaming to a min.

I did search but no thread covered this, just about the bolt leaking and a buch of crying.


04-20-2012, 09:52 AM
The restrictor at the turbo is all you need, if you have the correct size IDK.

04-20-2012, 11:13 AM
Thanks man thats exactly what I needed to know. I have the right size restrictior in the turbo, cant think of the size off the top of my head but its made for BB turbos.

04-20-2012, 01:04 PM
The size restrictor you're looking for is .035. They make a .065 as well. The sizing depends on what your oil pressure is, the higher the psi, the smaller orifice you want. If you have a -10an drain or larger you can get by without using one. ATPturbo.com sells the fittings if you need them.