View Full Version : cheap/free mods?

04-16-2012, 02:08 PM
im broke nd i get bored easy so i need some free or reeeally cheap mods to do on my s13. anybody got ideas? i already did the vertical hood mod, took my spoiler off, painted my wheels, made a new shift boot so im looking for anything else free or really cheap. let me know what u guys have done.

04-16-2012, 02:15 PM
maintenance is a good place to start. clean everything, change the sparkplugs, gut your cat (if your not from california), delete some emissions stuff.

04-16-2012, 02:18 PM
"mods" and "cheap" shouldn't go in the same sentence... unless you finish off your sentence with "unreliable."

04-16-2012, 02:23 PM
^^^^ not true led guages, door inserts, stuff like that

04-16-2012, 02:25 PM
you can sell it to me for cheap. lolololol

04-16-2012, 02:26 PM
or free if you want. thats a mod. makes it invisible. :P

04-16-2012, 02:28 PM
I would say stop by pep boys and get some chrome parts. They are cheap, and look cheap. Hahaha

04-16-2012, 02:33 PM
haha thanks guys. im doing plugs wires cap nd rotor this weekend. can u just change out the gauge bulbs with led ones? nd deleting emissions stuff nd gutting the cat may work cuz i just got it inspected recently so im good for 2 years. wire tucking nd stripping the engine bay of some stuff is cheap nd kinda easy if i dont get a kit right?

04-16-2012, 02:41 PM
im broke nd i get bored easy so i need some free or reeeally cheap mods to do on my s13. anybody got ideas? i already did the vertical hood mod, took my spoiler off, painted my wheels, made a new shift boot so im looking for anything else free or really cheap. let me know what u guys have done.

wait, you removed an aero piece, so you are making your car less stable.. venting the hood is totally useless on a stock engine, if anything, it will make the engine even less efficient..

First, put your spoiler back on, and seal the hood back up.

you can advance your timing at the distributor, just make sure you run the lowest octane, so you get the hottest burn.. heat makes powa.

take out your thermostat, so you dont have to worry about your engine overheating.

take your knock sensor, and re-locate it to the throttle cable with a zip-tie, that way your engine will run perfectly without any false knock sensor readings from the engine.

a REALLY common mod is to remove the rear brake calipers, lines, rotors, hard piping, and just seal up the master cylinders rear port with a plug, costs like 87 cents from the parts store. Hell i have an extra plug ill send you for the cost of a stamp! this will free up about 100 lbs.. and then remove the front passenger brake caliper and rotor and all associated piping, its another 55 lbs.. you want to make sure that you keep the stock drivers side brake so you can still slow down! We all know 240 stock brakes are so freaking large its ridiculous.

last free or ez thing i can think of, get your sawzall, and remove the roof, rear fenders, trunk, front end, rear end, side pillars, doors, all interor and misc electronics... the more weight you shave the better..




04-16-2012, 02:54 PM
Mike needs to jump on this ;)

here is a free mod, gut your interior, you will loose some weight so u can go faster!!!! YAY!!!! MMOOOARRR HHOORRSEPOWa!!!

04-16-2012, 02:58 PM
gtfo my thread no one needs ur sarcasm. all im trying to do is get some ideas of stuff to keep me occupied while i save up for parts. the stock spoiler ads barely any stability if any nd it doesnt matter anyway cuz im not gonna be doing 130 on straight aways cuz 1) the motor is stock nd 2) its gonna be a drift car. nd i said vertical hood not vented, meaning when u open the hood it goes straight up learn to read. go somewhere else with your shit

04-16-2012, 02:58 PM


04-16-2012, 02:59 PM
im planning to gut since no one sits in the back anyway. plus its more stuff to sell

04-16-2012, 03:01 PM
im planning to gut since no one sits in the back anyway. plus its more stuff to sell

im thinking of doing this too, but idk about all the noise

04-16-2012, 03:03 PM
You used to own a honda, didn't you...

04-16-2012, 03:05 PM
me? no i had a 78 pontiac as my first car nd bought a s13 after a month of having my license

04-16-2012, 03:07 PM
I live my life 1/4 at a time.

Sent from my DROID X2

04-16-2012, 03:10 PM
you can always, since your already gutting the car, you can dry ice the sound deading gross black tarry stuff and get that out of the car, that will havea HUGE weight load off the car.

04-16-2012, 03:17 PM
thats true. anything else?

04-16-2012, 03:19 PM
do you even have a job??

04-16-2012, 03:22 PM
yea i have a job. i work at a pizza/hoagie place. thats why i said im saving up for parts

04-16-2012, 04:10 PM
yea i have a job. i work at a pizza/hoagie place. thats why i said im saving up for parts

haha, best mod you could do is to lay off the pizza. :drama: Those super pro drivers are like 160lb range at most.

04-16-2012, 04:20 PM
You can always drive it off a cliff...itll go 200mph if you can make it go nose first. If it stays flat, well too much drag, you'll only do 120mph or so.

04-16-2012, 04:29 PM
haha, best mod you could do is to lay off the pizza. :drama: Those super pro drivers are like 160lb range at most.

LMAO! Haha

04-16-2012, 05:07 PM
what about gittin jr. that dudes gotta be close to 200 haha nd he drives like a monster. sure his car does have like 800hp but still haha

04-16-2012, 05:08 PM
yea i have a job. i work at a pizza/hoagie place. thats why i said im saving up for parts

don't take anything we say to heart.. this is how zilvia is. half our members cars are being held by zipties.. welcome aboard!

Sent from my DROID X2

04-16-2012, 06:16 PM
don't take anything we say to heart.. this is how zilvia is. half our members cars are being held by zipties.. welcome aboard!

good tip thanks

04-16-2012, 06:24 PM
Good cheap mod is running a Relay to your Ignition coil.

04-16-2012, 06:26 PM
Good cheap mod is running a Relay to your Ignition coil.

care to explain?

04-16-2012, 06:30 PM
There was a website I had found showing some early s13's that were part of a race series. They modded the KADE by taking every extra line out that you dont need. As well as the Intake runners and some other items.

I cant find the website right now but you only need one vacuum line and thats for the fuel pressure regulator. You will have to take off the intake to get access to all the crap underneath. While the Intake is off be sure to completely remove the studs so if and when you do have problems you have ez access. I blew a fuel line 2 months later and had easily replaced it by removing the intake.

So I have a CAT delete. A fidanza flywheel with a stage 2 clutch and of course a vlsd. My cars pulls extremely hard and does really well against v-6 and some v-8's due to the weight factor...

04-16-2012, 06:36 PM
care to explain?

I know your a kid and all....and new to this forum....but everything you want to do has been done.....GOOGLE is your best tool....use it so you wont get flamed so much...

KA-T.org - The Home of 1000+ whp/7 sec Turbo KA's (http://www.ka-t.org/s13_ignition_rewire.php)

04-16-2012, 11:02 PM
weight reduction is always free. you could start on the interior, removing carpeting, seats, sound dampening.... theres this whole '10lbs is 1hp' thing..

04-16-2012, 11:29 PM
you can relocate your battery and make a short ram intake. if you shop around should be able to do both for about $150

04-16-2012, 11:30 PM
i have a 3 inch pipe from under the stock air box to a hole that i drilled under the left front turn signal. this creates a true cold air intake and it cost about 12 bucks. also welded a pipe connecting the front strut rod mounts together. nismo sells them, but i have the pipe and a welder so i just did it myself. don`t gut the cat. you will lose enough bottom end to notice and there really is no gain at all. advance the ignition timing at idle with out disconnecting the tps to about 20 degrees before top dead center. this will give you more bottom end. but you have to run 91 octane or higher.

04-17-2012, 06:11 AM
I remember seeing a mod to eliminate the speed limiter and rev limiter you have yo splice a on/off switch on the 5th gear sensor wire and if done correctly you can rev past the limiter and it allows you to go past the 117 mph mark with the flick of a switch, only down side is you loose speedometer reading when switch is off. I've don't this a while ago and don't remember where I saw the write up but it does work. I was able to get 128mph @6700 rmp on a bone stock single cam ka

Grocery Cart
04-17-2012, 06:51 AM
http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTMwMzUwOTIwMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMDkyODE3._V1._ SX450_SY315_.jpg

But in all seriousness, there really isn't any "cheap" "mods".
Those two words just don't go together.
Gut your interior if it doesn't bother you, and save up because you get what you pay for.

04-17-2012, 08:40 AM
im broke nd i get bored easy so i need some free or reeeally cheap mods to do on my s13. anybody got ideas? i already did the...

you might want to try the "get a better job" mod

damn, are all people from New Jersey....... so jersey?

04-17-2012, 12:05 PM
you might want to try the "get a better job" mod

damn, are all people from New Jersey....... so jersey?

Hey, I made a decent track KA24DET 240sx when I was in college (had another 240sx for *smog* purposes).

but yeah, better job mod makes it a whole lot easier. Now I don't have to play with cheap arms and cheap suspension and cheap crap that made me sold the car.

04-17-2012, 01:15 PM
Hey, I made a decent track KA24DET 240sx when I was in college (had another 240sx for *smog* purposes).

but yeah, better job mod makes it a whole lot easier. Now I don't have to play with cheap arms and cheap suspension and cheap crap that made me sold the car.

LOL @ get a better job mod..

so true.

04-17-2012, 02:59 PM
this thread has a killer win/fail ratio.

S-Nation S13
04-17-2012, 03:07 PM
you cant be serious..you bought a 240 for what reason?
1. after Tokyo Drift
2. traded/sold your honda, gave up your fanboi ways to infect another platform

damn its been known for a long time effing 240s need a lot of work,time and money..as with any other car. whether you spend $5 or any x amount your still spending and it all adds up. asking for cheap mods just shows your true juvenile ways.

04-17-2012, 03:49 PM
Ok well I'm bored so I'll bite.

Unless you have a track car and not a daily then all you can really do is gut the interior.

If you want you can remove the a/c system but that's really up 2 you.

For low cost mods I would suggest you seriously spend the first few dollars to maintain the car.

For a few bucks you can get anyone of the following.
1. Seafoam (many good uses)
2. Oil change (use along with seafoam to help clean out the system)
3. Diff oil change (assuming you have a vlsd if not just wait till you get a diff)
4. Check your pads and rotors (if you need to replace spend the extra couple dollars and flush the brake lines)
5. Check p.s. fluid, clutch master and coolant
6. Flush out rad if needed
7. Replace belts
8. Degrease engine and engine bay

This is all for now. No point in doing mods to a car or motor that won't last.

Crawl before you run and oh yeah Look here for more good info Google (http://www.google.com)

04-17-2012, 06:54 PM
If your broke go to the junk yard.

04-18-2012, 01:47 PM
things you can do when you're broke:

1) look for a job
2) hang out outside on the front porch
3) watch judge judy yell at people equally as ignorant and pathetic as your half-job, low-income bringing ass
4) visit zilvia using your parents computer and internet connection
5) sell parts off of your car in order to lighten it (because racecar) then after being low-balled by zilvians, blow your $67.21 on cigarettes and beer

things you can do when you have money:
1) laugh at poor people (ie: zilvians or ae86 owners)
2) throw a party with lots of drugs (cocaine preferred), invite the iron sheik & beetlejuice
3) have wild orgies at your coke party (have iron sheik fuck people in the ass, make them humble)
4) possibly build a car, if you have the skills to match or know the right shop
5) *.*

04-18-2012, 01:52 PM
things you can do when you're broke:

1) look for a job
2) hang out outside on the front porch
3) watch judge judy yell at people equally as ignorant and pathetic as your half-job, low-income bringing ass
4) visit zilvia using your parents computer and internet connection
5) sell parts off of your car in order to lighten it (because racecar) then after being low-balled by zilvians, blow your $67.21 on cigarettes and beer

things you can do when you have money:
1) laugh at poor people (ie: zilvians or ae86 owners)
2) throw a party with lots of drugs (cocaine preferred), invite the iron sheik & beetlejuice
3) have wild orgies at your coke party (have iron sheik fuck people in the ass, make them humble)
4) possibly build a car, if you have the skills to match or know the right shop
5) *.*

That is the best answer.

Ps. Screw you I dont fall in this jersey category you speak of lol.:wtc:

04-18-2012, 01:59 PM
things you can do when you're broke:

1) look for a job
2) hang out outside on the front porch
3) watch judge judy yell at people equally as ignorant and pathetic as your half-job, low-income bringing ass
4) visit zilvia using your parents computer and internet connection
5) sell parts off of your car in order to lighten it (because racecar) then after being low-balled by zilvians, blow your $67.21 on cigarettes and beer

things you can do when you have money:
1) laugh at poor people (ie: zilvians or ae86 owners)
2) throw a party with lots of drugs (cocaine preferred), invite the iron sheik & beetlejuice
3) have wild orgies at your coke party (have iron sheik fuck people in the ass, make them humble)
4) possibly build a car, if you have the skills to match or know the right shop
5) *.*

And wake up to a sexy thang like this


04-18-2012, 02:03 PM
Mike delivered. mods please close this!!!

04-18-2012, 02:12 PM
things you can do when you're broke:

1) look for a job
2) hang out outside on the front porch
3) watch judge judy yell at people equally as ignorant and pathetic as your half-job, low-income bringing ass
4) visit zilvia using your parents computer and internet connection
5) sell parts off of your car in order to lighten it (because racecar) then after being low-balled by zilvians, blow your $67.21 on cigarettes and beer

things you can do when you have money:
1) laugh at poor people (ie: zilvians or ae86 owners)
2) throw a party with lots of drugs (cocaine preferred), invite the iron sheik & beetlejuice
3) have wild orgies at your coke party (have iron sheik fuck people in the ass, make them humble)
4) possibly build a car, if you have the skills to match or know the right shop
5) *.*


04-19-2012, 04:14 PM
You used to own a honda, didn't you...

do you even have a job??

You can always drive it off a cliff...itll go 200mph if you can make it go nose first. If it stays flat, well too much drag, you'll only do 120mph or so.

This was everything I was thinking when I read this... lol.

04-19-2012, 06:16 PM
I'd rather spend my moneys on cigs and beer before car parts. just saying....

04-19-2012, 10:43 PM
things you can do when you're broke:

1) look for a job
2) hang out outside on the front porch
3) watch judge judy yell at people equally as ignorant and pathetic as your half-job, low-income bringing ass
4) visit zilvia using your parents computer and internet connection
5) sell parts off of your car in order to lighten it (because racecar) then after being low-balled by zilvians, blow your $67.21 on cigarettes and beer

things you can do when you have money:
1) laugh at poor people (ie: zilvians or ae86 owners)
2) throw a party with lots of drugs (cocaine preferred), invite the iron sheik & beetlejuice
3) have wild orgies at your coke party (have iron sheik fuck people in the ass, make them humble)
4) possibly build a car, if you have the skills to match or know the right shop
5) *.*

This guy is my new friend hahaha.
This is the best troll thread ever

Make a retarded huge rocket bunny look-a-like wing with sheet metal.