View Full Version : Have you ever been friends with a murderer? Apparently I have...

01-30-2004, 03:30 PM
I'm shocked. Randy Burch was my next-door neighbor, and I've known this kid since the middle of 2nd grade. We hung out until 11th grade (4 years ago we stopped bieng inseparable). We both smoked weed for the first time with eachother. Took acid for the first time with eachother, shrooms too. Speed, nitrous, all of it. We camped out many times, and foiled a crime together. Someone was trying to commit a B&E, and we called the cops and fingered him. For 9 years! He was always kind of off, he liked to shoot birds and squirrels and the dog next door that wouldn't stop barking. Then he stabbed someone in school with a pencil, and brought in some chicken hearts that didn't have a reason to be there. That's when I stopped hanging out with him and he dropped out. He went off to work, his highly-religous parents got a divorce, he bought a Mustang Cobra ('01) and then I just bumped into him fairly often. We'd still shoot pool, race people, hang out, ect. Then I moved to Tampa, and here he is in the Englewood newspaper. Englewood, FL is a tiny place with only like 5,000 residents, most either teens or elderly. There are 3, THREE, funeral homes there.
Here's the story from what I've gathered. Randy and a few other people were selling cocaine, that was fronted. This kid stole some coke, and the dealer said kill the kid or we kill you. The family, the Merry's (in the article) had a son TJ, whose ass I've kicked a few times. He was a coke dealer too.
Without further background, here's the article.

So.. knowing this kid for 9 years, I'm really shocked to know that I grew up with a murder.

01-30-2004, 04:16 PM
Holy shit! Thats crazy.

I always though you were the merdurer type...

lol jk!

please dont kill me :eek3:

01-30-2004, 04:25 PM
In high school, one of the star soccer players, A+ student, all around everyone liked him kinda guy killed his little brother. He said he meant to kill his mom because of how she treated him...but didn't think that would hurt the whole family in the way that she had hurt him. He stabbed his brother 33 times with a butcher knife. He said when he started he heard his little brother wake up from his sleep screaming but couldn't stop. After he finally stopped, and his little brother dead, he stuffed him in the minivan that didn't work and booked it to mexico. He returned a week later and turned himself into the PD.
I watched his examination video (criminal justice class) and he had no remorse what so ever. So sad, just think, had his mom given him more attention and didn't act like he was nothing in the eyes of his little brother this might not have happened.

01-30-2004, 04:25 PM
wow man thats awful so i guess you knew the guy he killed too?

01-30-2004, 04:28 PM
ohhh and 1 more quick one. Two kids, 7th grade, best friends. One kid went missing after school. 3 weeks later a skeleton was found in the gutter under the missing kids best friends home. The body was identified as the missing boy. What happened? His best friend cut his throat and stabbed him multiple times. After dark, he shoved the body of his best friend in the gutter. The reason the kid gave for killing him? "I wanted to see what it was like to cut someone...and kill them"

Both of these stories are from kids that were well off, smart, and had a family of stature in the community. Just proves, $$$ can't buy everything.

01-30-2004, 04:59 PM
i knew this guy, one year older than me, in high school that killed his GF in her apartment...they got into an argument, he threat to commit suicide if they broke up, then something happend, dont know the whole details, then there were screams.....
the bf left the apartment, her friends were in another room and discovered the body...
the guy later turned himself in..

01-30-2004, 07:03 PM
Crap. What's with kids these days.

01-30-2004, 07:11 PM
i knew this guy, one year older than me, in high school that killed his GF in her apartment...they got into an argument, he threat to commit suicide if they broke up, then something happend, dont know the whole details, then there were screams.....
the bf left the apartment, her friends were in another room and discovered the body...
the guy later turned himself in..

I think i heard of that one a few years back

01-30-2004, 08:32 PM
I got one, me and this one friend were unsepartable till about 6th grade. Kicking it at his house ever day fighting with his brother and so onn.We made little talk here and there through out the years. Anyways come His Jr year in HS he stabbed his older brother of 23. To this day hes locked up till i think hes 21..(he had a very good lawyer). Life is rough.

01-30-2004, 11:26 PM
Wow thats messed up, that kinda sorta thing happened here this kid was trying to use the internet but his sister was using it and I am good friends with his sister she is so quiet so nice just a passive carign person and I can't picture her antagonizing anyone well he wasn't going to take it and he wanted to use the comptuer and she wouldn't let him so he went and grabbed his dad's pistol and shot her in the face at point blank, well she ended up living and she was still alive on the floor so he took a broom handle and beat her with it then ran out of the house and sat on a snowbank for an hour then went in and called the police. Miraculously she lived and ended back in school shortly and I got to be quite good friends with her, and she was in my sociology class and the topic was brought up and she felt no anger towards her brother and was like well he's my brother i love him and I am not mad. Her brother was 15 and now he is in prison for quite a while....just sucks kids have to lose it sometimes, its sad.

01-31-2004, 03:06 AM
thats crazy....makes you kinda think though.....are any of my friends pre-murderers?

01-31-2004, 04:24 AM
ohhh and 1 more quick one. Two kids, 7th grade, best friends. One kid went missing after school. 3 weeks later a skeleton was found in the gutter under the missing kids best friends home. The body was identified as the missing boy. What happened? His best friend cut his throat and stabbed him multiple times. After dark, he shoved the body of his best friend in the gutter. The reason the kid gave for killing him? "I wanted to see what it was like to cut someone...and kill them"

Both of these stories are from kids that were well off, smart, and had a family of stature in the community. Just proves, $$$ can't buy everything.

After it took me 5 minutes to figure out which button was to quote! :rant:

Also shows you white kids are crazy! Crazy ass Crackas! :mepoke:

01-31-2004, 09:45 AM
Wow, turns out alot of people know a murderer, including me. In 10th grade I was a little ghetto skater kid. I used to hang out with all these skater kids at lunch including a very ghetto kid named Donald Jetter. He was always the one to antagonize fights and sneak to the bathroom to smoke pot. I wasn't good friends with him but he would at the same places I was all the time. I guess he dropped out of school, I have no clue when. This past October I read in the paper that he shot and killed a kid who was sitting on his front porch after having a verbal argument with him.

Here is the artical from the St. Petersburg Times.

01-31-2004, 05:05 PM
thats what happens to people who do hard drugs and halucinogens.

01-31-2004, 05:17 PM
My REAL dad was a murderer and tryed to kill me and my mom...

01-31-2004, 05:26 PM
Here's part 2 of the murder. Another kid that I hung out with has been arrested, and more details of the case are out.

Funny thing is, T.J. Merry, the other kid that turned himself in, his parents are rich as hell. I personally would have told my parents I killed someone, give me 50 or 60 grand, and flown far away. The cops were looking for 2 more in the original article, but this one doesn't say they want one more. It's pretty fucked up that they fabricated a story, too.

01-31-2004, 05:30 PM
My REAL dad was a murderer and tryed to kill me and my mom...

Did he actually kill anyone? If not, he's a loser murderer-wannabe, or an attempted murderer, or something. Sucks when someone tries to kill you, huh? I had a cop put his gun against my head on 2 occasions, and put out a gun and train it on my as I ran in another occasion. When I say I hate cops.. I really do.

01-31-2004, 05:32 PM
Anyone could be a murderer, whether it be out of passion, anger, present state of mentality, etc. It just takes some type of trigger to set off an emotion to do so. Emotions suck because they tend to cloud our judgement...

01-31-2004, 06:11 PM
that story kinda reminds me of a friend of mine, when i was 15 i met my friend jared, he was straight edge and so was i, we hung out like everyday, he was a really good guy, he was 2 years older than me but we got along great, he had a good attitude about life and school was very important to him, we were inseperable for like 2 years, then one day he decided he wasn't gonna be straight edge anymore, he started smoking weed and doing acid again, which really pissed me off, then he dropped out of school and basically turned into a bum, he would only call me when he needed a ride somewhere, the last time i saw him we were driving around and he wanted me to stop at the 7-11 so i did, he said he wanted to get a drink, i waited in the car and when he got in the car he pulled out two bottles of wine out of his pants, after that i was like i can't hang out with him anymore, that was the last day i ever saw him, everyday i wonder what happend to him, i'm sure he's either dead or in jail :(

02-01-2004, 01:18 PM
holy crap 240sx people are insane.

02-01-2004, 03:07 PM
Englewood, Florida?!? My grandparents used to live there. On the gulf side, right? They move up here to Illinois about 8 years ago, but when they lived there, they said Englewood had the lowest crime rate in the country. Looks like Randy screwed their reputation.

02-01-2004, 08:24 PM
I used to goto a this place(campground/park thingy,hard to explain,really,big hangout) as a punk-ass who thought he was invinceable.....I had a guy pull a gun on me but didn't do anythign with it...couple more days that same fucker cornered me when he was drunk off his ass and tried to stab me...he got my arm 3 or 4 times,and my barely tagged my stomach,I've got some big ass scars on my right arm,and a fading one on my left arm,and none on my stomach....I talked ALOT of shit and didn't have the ass to back it up,...I learned never to talk smack again:(:(:(:(:(:(:(...

02-02-2004, 04:32 PM
similar story, i got into a fight with this kid who was talkin, saying all the right things to push my buttons, i'm not one to regularly fight, but if you really piss me off....man.....

anyways, got into a fight, he pulled out a knife, stabbed me three times (punctured lung, stomach wound, shoulder wound). i was up on adrenaline so i kept fighting him, my brother ran down from the car and knocked him on his ass, i picked him up and held him, and my friend came around and stabbed him with his own knife. now it wasn't 3 on 1, he had friends too, but they were in their car busy trying to run me over. so yah, it sucks to be almost killed, doctors say he was about an inch away from my heart, scary scary stuff.

02-25-2004, 05:33 PM
similar story, i got into a fight with this kid who was talkin, saying all the right things to push my buttons, i'm not one to regularly fight, but if you really piss me off....man.....

anyways, got into a fight, he pulled out a knife, stabbed me three times (punctured lung, stomach wound, shoulder wound). i was up on adrenaline so i kept fighting him, my brother ran down from the car and knocked him on his ass, i picked him up and held him, and my friend came around and stabbed him with his own knife. now it wasn't 3 on 1, he had friends too, but they were in their car busy trying to run me over. so yah, it sucks to be almost killed, doctors say he was about an inch away from my heart, scary scary stuff.

Ever here of john wayne gacey. My moms boyfriend use to bowl with him in a bowling league. He was pretty good friends with him, invited him over for dinner, offered him a job. Month or so later he saw on the news that john wayne gacey killed like 30 people and two of them were brothers and sisters of my moms best friend in high school. My mom's boyfriend could not believe it, he told me, Bob, you would not even suspect anything like that from a man like that. He was like just any other person when you talked to him, nothing strange about him or anything. Very shocking he stated. Pretty f-d up hah.

02-25-2004, 08:56 PM
I would guess that I've known a murderer (or future-murderer) or two...

Back when he was a teenager my Dad used lived on the same street as and hang out with Richard Ramirez, the "Night Stalker."

02-27-2005, 12:32 AM
sorry to bring it back from the dead but...
whatever happened to this guy? was he found guilty and sentenced or what?
happened to find this thread when searching for my wifebeater thread to make an update on that.

02-27-2005, 07:19 AM
Sometimes I wanna murder people for bumping year old threads

02-27-2005, 08:01 AM
I would guess that I've known a murderer (or future-murderer) or two...

Back when he was a teenager my Dad used lived on the same street as and hang out with Richard Ramirez, the "Night Stalker."

Richard Ramirez killed my next door neighboor when I lived in Pasadena. Scary shit.

Also who was the guy that picked up and killed the prostitutes (Ted Bundy??) on the way to school on the bus we drove by a wmoans naked dead body, the bus driver called it in, turned out to be that serial killer dude. This also happened about 2 blocks from my house in Mira Loma (Riverside County).

I also witnessed a drive by shooting (car to car drive by) in downtown Riverside at a intersection in broad daylight, guy pulls up next to me at a redlight all windows shoot out of his car, all his homeboys dead in the backseat and the one that was sititing shotgun is slumped over and I made eye contact with the driver which is still alive and he just had this look of death on his face, all of a sudden his head explodes, the other car packed with cholos had shoot him from accross the way. Talk about seeing some shit!

02-27-2005, 08:03 AM
Richard Ramirez willed my next door neighboor when I lived in Pasadena. Scary shit.

WTF the night stalker lived next door to you? Are you fucking serious?

02-27-2005, 08:07 AM
No, he killed my nextdoor neighbor.

02-27-2005, 08:09 AM
scarry shit ..... i would been a bit shaken up over that

02-27-2005, 08:16 AM
Also who was the guy that picked up and killed the prostitutes (Ted Bundy??) on the way to school on the bus we drove by a wmoans naked dead body, the bus driver called it in, turned out to be that serial killer dude. This also happened about 2 blocks from my house in Mira Loma (Riverside County).

Actualy I think I have this mixed up with this guy (The Riverside Prostitue Killer):


02-27-2005, 11:50 AM
Sometimes I wanna murder people for bumping year old threads
come on up to MD phlip. we can tango. I know it was a year old thats why it said sorry for bringing it back from the dead.

02-27-2005, 12:14 PM
Is there a particular reason you are inviting the entire internet to come and fight you? If I was so inclined to want to validate my masculinity with a fistfight, then I would get your address from one of those other threads and come see you... Unfortunately, I have work to do, people to see and women to fuck and will pass on your offer. Please grow up

02-27-2005, 12:33 PM
Richard Ramirez killed my next door neighboor when I lived in Pasadena. Scary shit.

Also who was the guy that picked up and killed the prostitutes (Ted Bundy??) on the way to school on the bus we drove by a wmoans naked dead body, the bus driver called it in, turned out to be that serial killer dude. This also happened about 2 blocks from my house in Mira Loma (Riverside County).

I also witnessed a drive by shooting (car to car drive by) in downtown Riverside at a intersection in broad daylight, guy pulls up next to me at a redlight all windows shoot out of his car, all his homeboys dead in the backseat and the one that was sititing shotgun is slumped over and I made eye contact with the driver which is still alive and he just had this look of death on his face, all of a sudden his head explodes, the other car packed with cholos had shoot him from accross the way. Talk about seeing some shit!

dam riverside.. what street was this intersection?? around university?? i feel like this place is going to crap now a days...

02-27-2005, 02:11 PM
some kid at my highschool (my little cousins's friend) killed his older brother about a month ago. stabbed him to death...wat a dumbass...

Sometimes I wanna murder people for bumping year old threads

Is there a particular reason you are inviting the entire internet to come and fight you? If I was so inclined to want to validate my masculinity with a fistfight, then I would get your address from one of those other threads and come see you... Unfortunately, I have work to do, people to see and women to fuck and will pass on your offer. Please grow up

from wat i read, your the one who started it asshole. go murder yourself...what a fucking prick. i cant stand people like you...

02-27-2005, 02:41 PM
It definitely seems like there's a lot of B.S. in this thread. Maybe not, but I'm starting to feel like I'm the only person who doesn't know, sleep with, play on the same softball team as, or live next door to the most famous serial killers in America.

All I want to know is how a minivan that "didn't work" was able to get down to Mexico? Is it all downhill from wherever you lived to Mexico or did he just have a lot of people to help push it? I'm sure I'm just misunderstanding what you meant by "didn't work".
he stuffed him in the minivan that didn't work and booked it to mexico

02-27-2005, 03:53 PM
from wat i read, your the one who started it asshole. go murder yourself...what a fucking prick. i cant stand people like you...
Wrong again, now I need you to tell me who is the prick here:
Me: I make a joke about the immense number of tools bumping year(s) old threads lately
Him: Who is obviously too clouded with his own e-thug testosterone to understand a joke, fuck him
You: waiting in the wings wondering why no one is addressing you personally and wanting to show all your little buddies how you "owned this kid on the internet"

... Look, Kevin wants to fight someone, why don't you drop by and oblige him:
here's his info:
Kevin Presa
3721 Hollyberry Drive
Huntingtown MD 20639

(don't post your information to the internet on a public forum, braintrust)

... and keep in mind that my feelings are not at all hurt when you call me a prick

02-27-2005, 03:57 PM

02-27-2005, 04:07 PM
It definitely seems like there's a lot of B.S. in this thread.

one time, I saw an old guy walk by. Then all of a sudden he imploded and his guts flew everywhere. Apparantly, his wife's best friend's transexual cousin was really close to him, but planted gun powder in his coffee and made him drink it. This was the people living in my basement, they seem like mild natured people. Never expected it. The reason? "Because I wanted to see what it would sound like"

02-27-2005, 04:09 PM
^God bless you, Sir.

BTW: Did you ever live in Warner Robins, GA? Because my friend's cousin saw the same thing and I can't imagine that happening in more than one place.

02-27-2005, 04:23 PM
^God bless you, Sir.

BTW: Did you ever live in Warner Robins, GA? Because my friend's cousin saw the same thing and I can't imagine that happening in more than one place.

HEY! i know your cousins friend, isnt it this guy? sence we are digging up old shit.... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v86/truencoupe/Funny%20Pictures/Idiot.jpg

02-27-2005, 04:47 PM

02-27-2005, 06:09 PM
Enough of this useless thread.
Scottman - I don't know what Lisa was trying to say, but I do know it's something she learned in her college days. I'd assume that the minivan didn't work well or something.