04-12-2012, 02:39 AM
Name: Farzam
Contact info: NO PM, farzamfarhoumand(at)gmail(dot)com or 919seventwozero9341
$3000 with tires and center caps +shipping OBO
Condition: 8 out of 10 at least, probably 85%+ tread
BBS LM 17x10 +25 front, +20 rear
Pearl white faces with mirror polished lips and barrels
Original faces and barrels
Aftermarket Lips
$uper baller red center caps
Dunlop Direzza DZ101 225/45/17 available with around 1k miles, basically new!
I've run these wheels only a few thousand miles, since around January. There's no curb rash, and they hold air like a champ. I get a ton of compliments on them, and they are really easy on the eyes. I never really anticipated ever selling them as they are very good sizes and some of the coolest wheels made, but I just don't see myself having any use for them in the near future.
Not really looking for trades, but i'd entertain the idea of some nice wheels, mostly 1 piece though. I'm pretty picky, but if you have something nice that's all the more reason to contact me!
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/476197_10151385011065296_725080295_23131499_188684 2978_o.jpg
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/463107_10151385014060296_725080295_23131504_174018 5612_o.jpg
Contact info: NO PM, farzamfarhoumand(at)gmail(dot)com or 919seventwozero9341
$3000 with tires and center caps +shipping OBO
Condition: 8 out of 10 at least, probably 85%+ tread
BBS LM 17x10 +25 front, +20 rear
Pearl white faces with mirror polished lips and barrels
Original faces and barrels
Aftermarket Lips
$uper baller red center caps
Dunlop Direzza DZ101 225/45/17 available with around 1k miles, basically new!
I've run these wheels only a few thousand miles, since around January. There's no curb rash, and they hold air like a champ. I get a ton of compliments on them, and they are really easy on the eyes. I never really anticipated ever selling them as they are very good sizes and some of the coolest wheels made, but I just don't see myself having any use for them in the near future.
Not really looking for trades, but i'd entertain the idea of some nice wheels, mostly 1 piece though. I'm pretty picky, but if you have something nice that's all the more reason to contact me!
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/476197_10151385011065296_725080295_23131499_188684 2978_o.jpg
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/463107_10151385014060296_725080295_23131504_174018 5612_o.jpg