View Full Version : Any Idea what bracket this is?

04-07-2012, 05:13 PM
I took my front bumper off about 2 months ago during my SR swap on my 1995 240sx and cant remember for the life of me what these go to. I have 2 of them. I know I know I should have written it down where it went or took pictures or something but would like to know if anyone knows what they are before I start putting it back together. I will probably find out eventually but wanted some expert opinions. Thanks in advance.


04-07-2012, 06:11 PM
Looks like the bumper retainer bracket. It bolts to the reinforcement and the piece of metal the actual bumper cover bolts too. They mount on top and to the actual mounting arms of the bumper to car...

04-07-2012, 09:33 PM
Thank you very much.