View Full Version : got my ca18 clip last week (56k beware - large pics)

01-28-2004, 06:47 PM
Last weekend i picked up my CA18DET clip. ive already started the tear down and have the motor out of the car and onto the engine stand, ive started wiring, but its taking time. the motor seems to be in good condition, i knew before it even left japan that it was modified, i was happy when i finally saw it, i forgot to take pictures of it before i started tearing into it, so these are all kinda in the middle of the process. the odometer has 68052 km on the rollers. the car was not in an accident, and was driven before being cut in half, the bottom end has been rebuilt, and the intake manifold is a one off with secondary injectors, and custom surge tank. the exhaust manifold is not equal length, but individual runners, with an external sard wastegate. the turbo im not sure about, its made by IHI and it is pretty small on the exhaust side, and rather big on the intake side, should make for some quick boost. heres some of the pics i have

Clip in my garage:
Intake manifold:
Exhaust Manifold:
Greddy Rebic 2(Secondary injector controller):
Intake Closeup:
With Turbo on:

01-28-2004, 07:11 PM
If you want an exhaust manifold gasket let me know, I have one laying in my room I want to give to a good home ;) What kind of intake mani. is that?

01-29-2004, 02:10 AM
The clip looks good, i'll be waiting for dyno sheets after it's all setup. :)

BTW where are those floor jacks supporting the clip? I'll be getting a clip soon and rather have it sitting up off the floor so i can strip the parts off and change them. Right now it's on a wooden skid.

How did you make the transfer on and off the truck? Sorry for all the questions.

01-29-2004, 08:11 AM
Looks like you've got some fun ahead of you. Congratulations and good luck on your swap.

01-29-2004, 08:42 AM
oh, so youre the one who bought that motor from John. Nice pick up. Saw that clip in person.

01-29-2004, 09:04 AM
Oh, now I know what a front clip is. I've never seen an intake like that before. The whole thing looks pretty fun to do. Hope everything goes well.

01-29-2004, 09:31 AM
hey whats up. i ran into you on mira mesa blvd a week or so ago. Nice motor. Good luck with your swap, and have fun.

01-29-2004, 09:39 AM
who'd you buy it from?
is it the one im thinking of??? :)

looks great good luck on the project!!

01-29-2004, 11:40 AM
i still dont understand why people are purchasing used modded motors :mepoke:

01-30-2004, 01:05 PM
i bought it just to dumbfound you, that was the only reason, to piss someone like you off slizzooooo. ca18guy, yea lemme know how much you want for it and what not, ill be glad to take it off your hands. i supported the clip on 4 jackstands, 2 on the framerails, and 2 on the front core support, i used a liftgate on one of my companies trucks to get it off the truck, and used a engine hoist to move it into my garage. Fallbrooks13, yea what were u doin down here, hehe, your cars lookin good,

01-30-2004, 08:04 PM
nice motor man i wanna know what intake manifold that is i gotta get one. with that setup you should be pushing almost 500hp. good luck

01-31-2004, 08:38 AM
nice motor man i wanna know what intake manifold that is i gotta get one. with that setup you should be pushing almost 500hp. good luck

just look at it, it's a custom built manifold. and that turbo's not nearly big enough on the exhaust side to make 500hp.;)

but a damn nice find no doubt. the intake/exhaust manifolds remind me of my conquest i just parted out and look very well built whoever did them. i wish the SR had that head design, no rocker BS to worry about and no oil leaks down into the plug wells :D

01-31-2004, 09:33 AM
i have seen far less modified ca18 make almost 400hp here`s a thread http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/showthread.php?threadid=54770 stock block and head and still make mad power.

01-31-2004, 10:47 AM
i have seen far less modified ca18 make almost 400hp here`s a thread http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/showthread.php?threadid=54770 stock block and head and still make mad power.

i don't doubt that thing is set up for a ton of power, but on the dyno chart you listed the guy is running a pretty large holset turbo and the thing doesn't even wake up until 4000rpm. the IHI that came with his setup is pretty small in comparison, that's all i was getting at.

but i'll stop hijacking this thread now and just sit back and enjoy some pics of CA18 goodness :wavey:

01-31-2004, 10:50 AM
check his sig, it says 450hp...

and on the link, i would not want to have the power way up ther past like 6-7krpm... wouldnt be too much fun... thats just my opinion..

01-31-2004, 05:17 PM
for an sr it not good coz of the rocker arm stuff but the ca18 thats where it wakes up at rev it till 8000 rpm.

01-31-2004, 05:31 PM
nice setup ...agreed that turbo is too big to spool at a conventional rpm

01-31-2004, 09:56 PM
yea im kinda skeptical of the small exhaust side of the turbo, but it should make for some good response, and thats all i want, im not really after 450 ps. thats just what it was claimed to be making before they cut it in half, hopefully ill have it in my car within a month or so, and have jim wolf tune it.

01-31-2004, 10:25 PM
for an sr it not good coz of the rocker arm stuff but the ca18 thats where it wakes up at rev it till 8000 rpm.

Greddy rocker arm stoppers.....90 bux i think (just placed a 3,497$ order with JGY customs.....)

This should take care of your rocker arm problems.......

***To the starter of the thread, *** good to see someone building another CA18DET....Had one in my 84 S12.....Was a fun high revin motor......Good luck with your swap.......


01-31-2004, 10:37 PM
rocker arm stoppers dont always work, they seem to help in not making the entire motor go to shit, but ive seen plenty of ppl with them still break rocker arms.