04-05-2012, 11:40 AM
I'm selling these, without tires for 400 bux.
there are NO dents or bends in these wheels. There are scratches around the lips, from mounting and dismounting tires with a machine that was build in 710 BC, not actual deep curb rash.
I am ONLY asking $400 for the pair!!! (these are $400 EACH WHEEL NEW)
But for $550, I will throw in a pair of Rota crkai knockoffs.
They are 17x8 +30ish
They are stupid, but they look like the same wheel. U can make a set out of them and act like you're a baller. I won't tell anyone you are lying.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/308196_10150268508766813_583011812_8126311_7472473 _n.jpg
If you need to paypal/ship I will Ship the two OR four wheels for a flat rate of $50 dollars. I don't expect you to send paypal as a gift in order to ensure you're ability to fight it, so I do kindly request that you add 4% of the final price to your paypal payment before you send it.
Thank you kindly,
there are NO dents or bends in these wheels. There are scratches around the lips, from mounting and dismounting tires with a machine that was build in 710 BC, not actual deep curb rash.
I am ONLY asking $400 for the pair!!! (these are $400 EACH WHEEL NEW)
But for $550, I will throw in a pair of Rota crkai knockoffs.
They are 17x8 +30ish
They are stupid, but they look like the same wheel. U can make a set out of them and act like you're a baller. I won't tell anyone you are lying.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/308196_10150268508766813_583011812_8126311_7472473 _n.jpg
If you need to paypal/ship I will Ship the two OR four wheels for a flat rate of $50 dollars. I don't expect you to send paypal as a gift in order to ensure you're ability to fight it, so I do kindly request that you add 4% of the final price to your paypal payment before you send it.
Thank you kindly,