View Full Version : NV FS: Brand New AEM Water/Meth Kit & Tial 38mm Wastegate

04-01-2012, 02:49 AM
What's up guys. Selling some things i just bought. Ended up getting a better deal on some stuff flowed to me, so i'm selling these to recoop some of my money spent as i don't need them. Everything included. never installed, scratched, dropped, anything. BRAND NEW. Opened for photos, and left sitting in my room...

Trying to cover costs to drive XDC RD.1 & RD.2 this month and need this gone asap to make it happen.

Item #1:
Aem Water Meth Full Kit Ready for Install
Wiring, nozzles, controller, pump, tank, dash light, hardware, instructions, box etc

$350 Shipped/insured + paypal fees covered.
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/s320x320/418560_10150712830981043_676046042_11734141_135176 5210_n.jpg

Item #2:
Tial 38mm V-Band Wastegate w/ 1.3bar spring setup
Brand new, includes -an's for cooling, pressure fittings/crush washers, vbands/hardware, additional springs to adjust your target boost, instructions, box, etc ready to go.

$250 Shipped/Insured/Paypal fees covered.
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/543666_10150750624971043_676046042_11870830_798893 544_n.jpg

Contact me Directly @ 702.277.5940 via TEXT for fastest response. I am not able to check this thread everyday with my work schedule. I am Located in Las Vegas. Will ship the same day (if before 5pm) and send 2-3 day priority Insured w/ tracking number.

04-02-2012, 01:56 AM
Water/Meth Kit sold.

Tial Wastegate open for offers. i know someone wants this.