View Full Version : Non-Reclining Seats Positions

01-27-2004, 11:45 AM
I'm thinking about getting some nice seats. But the reclinable ones, Bride Brix, Sparco Milano, etc., are way more expensive than the stationary ones... which makes sense. Once I get my seat to a good position, I never move it, so it doesn't matter to me if I can't recline it. I'm just wondering WHAT the position is set at in the stationary ones? I don't have any shops around here that I can sit in them at. So does anyone know? Are they set up for ideal driving positions? Are some at different angles than others? What are some good stationary seats? I'm thinking around 300-400 per seat I guess, unless you guys think those numbers are off. From what I've seen, the reclinable ones are more like 600 a peice.


01-27-2004, 01:13 PM
I'm thinking about getting some nice seats. But the reclinable ones, Bride Brix, Sparco Milano, etc., are way more expensive than the stationary ones... which makes sense. Once I get my seat to a good position, I never move it, so it doesn't matter to me if I can't recline it. I'm just wondering WHAT the position is set at in the stationary ones? I don't have any shops around here that I can sit in them at. So does anyone know? Are they set up for ideal driving positions? Are some at different angles than others? What are some good stationary seats? I'm thinking around 300-400 per seat I guess, unless you guys think those numbers are off. From what I've seen, the reclinable ones are more like 600 a peice.


if you go to the bride usa website, you can see all the relevant numbers on the seats. using those numbers and like a tape measure, you can pretty much get a rough idea how much "reclining" is on their bucket seats. I've done this before (only to find out i probably won't fit into one). Of course, brides are probably out of your price range but i'm sure Sparco and other companies publish their numbers.

The easiest way tho, is to go to a car meet, or a store selling seats and sit in them or sit in people's car's with them. It'll give you a much better feel.

01-27-2004, 01:22 PM
there is not much of a slope to them at all...it's puts you in a very straight up and down driving possition..while not uncomfortable really they can get annoying on long drives when you want to be able to adjust your posture just to give certain muscles in your back a rest now and then...

01-27-2004, 02:15 PM
different seats are different, sport compact car did big seat comparison with some fixed back ones in there, that might be a good place to start

01-27-2004, 04:20 PM
Awesome, thanks guys! But like I said, I'm in AL, and there are no good cars or shops around here to try things out in.