View Full Version : ABS wiring with Redtop

01-26-2004, 07:27 PM
I have a zenki s14 with abs and vlsd...im trying to seperate the abs wires from the main harness...but i have found that the plugs that go from the abs plugs to the white plug under that dash has one stray black wire going staight into the ecu...also there is 4 wires:

Green/black stripe 2 silver dots
Green 2 silver dots
Green/white 2 silver dots
Yellow/orange 2 silver dots

These wires got from the white plug under that dash to the main ecu plug.

And a:
Blue/black stripe 1 silver dot
Green 1 silver dot

These go from one of the abs plugs to a small white plug

I was wondering if i need these wires...or can i just cut them?

If anyone has any suggestions about how to wire it...please let me know...

I have done a search online and in the forums...please help me with any info about how to wire these things to work and any other part that i will need to do to wire the s14 up.

Thank you

01-27-2004, 12:16 AM
please need help...

01-27-2004, 12:16 PM
Anyone? :aw: :hyper: :aw:

01-27-2004, 05:09 PM
no one can help me?

01-27-2004, 09:07 PM
i put a redtop in my 97 and i couldnt even wire up the AC so i had to scrap it so i cant even imagine abs..you dont need it anyways :D

01-28-2004, 02:35 AM
I know that if i ever rewired my car when i swapped i would ultimatly fail... so i was gonna pay a shop and them both KA and SR harnesses and have them make a hybrid harness.. anyways u can try contacting phase2 and ask them about wiring since they do harness services for swaps... http://www.store.yahoo.com/phase2motorsports/index.html
or even srswap.com

01-28-2004, 03:16 AM
Thanks you two for posting...man its been hard to get people to reply to posts...

Yeah i can wire the rest of it up...but its the damn abs thats bothering me hahaha...ill take youre advice and check with phase2 and if not ill just leave it out...

unless someone has the solution?


Thanks again

01-28-2004, 03:52 PM
i have the same problem, i kinda wish my abs was working on my s13... but so far phase2 is the only place ive seen who can implement the abs into it, if you ever find out, lemme know

01-29-2004, 03:14 AM
i have the same problem, i kinda wish my abs was working on my s13... but so far phase2 is the only place ive seen who can implement the abs into it, if you ever find out, lemme know
I contacted Phase2 via email...no reply...
Oh well
All i do know is i found out what plugs are what...
Im thinking all i gottah do is splice some wires into their respected pinouts in the ecu of the s13 redtop...

The green, green/black, green/white...they go to tx data, rx data and clk clock

while i think the black and yellow/red goes to a ground and tach signal output

as for the other 2 wires...blue/purple and green/lightgreen going to that small ass plug with 12 pins...i dont know how that works...

Put im thinking all i gottah do is splice them in right? does that make sense...
If i do figures this shiznit out...im going to help my friends that do want abs...


Oh ill see if i can help you jeff if i do find out... :rawk:

06-03-2005, 06:38 AM
did u ever figure our what that stray black wire was??? ground perhaps?

06-03-2005, 10:02 AM
post deleted