View Full Version : Z32 (maybe z33 as well) Meetup In June (x2 - NY and Boston Area)

03-22-2012, 08:24 AM

TTkickedin on Nicoclub, decided to finally join zilvia. Whenever I research things, a lot of information comes from either Nico or zilvia so I figured I'd make an account. Hope you guys don't care that I name drop forums. We all love Nissans so it's only in the name of showing enthusiasm towards Nissans :Ownedd:


^ That's my bitch. Old pic but the best one I've ever taken. It's currently in the shop but will be coming out in April. I was originally going to build to 500hp right away, but I just can't stand driving this beat up rustbucket Mercedes 560sec with 400k miles to my corporate job. It's embarrassing.

Just seeing if anyone's interested in a meet that we're trying to schedule. There's two actually, The NY area meet is already set up and scheduled, and the Boston meet me and a few people out of boston are scheduling as we speak. the Boston meet will consist of Paintballing/F1 Boston karts/beer/partying. I don't know too much specifics yet but i know there's another forum involved too so it should be wuite a turnout.

If anyone's interested, post up and i'll try to coordinate with the other forums, and BigTdogg from Nico as well..