View Full Version : Rotella T 15w40
03-19-2012, 07:52 AM
I searched for this topic and was unable to find any information on it. I would like to know if anyone has any experience running Rotella T 15w40 oil in their stock KA24DE. It is on sale where I work for $12 per gallon right now and I due an oil change. I have only had the car about a month and I am not sure what the previous owner was using. With spring/summer right around the corner I was thinking that it may not hurt to run something a little bit thicker I am just not sure if 15w40 is to thick. Any information is appreciated.
03-19-2012, 08:28 AM
I think its retarded how people run desile oil in a car or bike
Dont you think if it was good for a car it would be branded so? Read up on it. Its ment for a desile, that revs to 5k on a good day. Thats the newer ones. There a million times more dirty. That rotella does not have the cleaning agents a motor oil does.
03-19-2012, 11:06 AM
Thanks but you do not have to jump my shit about it. I simply asked a question. Also, according to the information on the back of a bottle of Rotella and a bottle of Castrol GTX they actually meet some of the same requirements, that is why I was asking. Another thing is that after reading the back of the bottle of Rotella, I realized that it does not say anywhere on the bottle that it is specifically for DIESEL engines. It simply says suitable for all modern low-emission heavy duty engines engines and no, I do not think that my KA is a heavy duty engine.
03-19-2012, 11:15 AM
I think its retarded how people run desile oil in a car or bike
Dont you think if it was good for a car it would be branded so? Read up on it. Its ment for a desile, that revs to 5k on a good day. Thats the newer ones. There a million times more dirty. That rotella does not have the cleaning agents a motor oil does.
Don't you mean diesel? And also thicker oil may not pull the utmost performance out of a motor but it does somewhat prevent oil consumption and extends engine life. In our cars, almost all of them nearing 200k miles or more, if the engine hasn't been rebuilt the bearings/rings/everything else have loosened up. The thicker oil can help fill up that space. Also diesel oil has a higher sulfur content, which is better for your valvetrain.
03-19-2012, 11:25 AM
Depends on how many miles you got on it and if its been rebuilt or not. But just use regular oil about 10w-30 if you think it has a lot of miles. But rotella is mostly for DIESEL not gonna murder you if you use it personally would just spend the money on castrol or royal purple depending on how good you treat your cars.
03-19-2012, 11:41 AM
Yeah, you guys are silly.
Rotella t will work just fine. It has cleaning detergents to keep your motor spiffy on the inside, plus it doesn't break down under the extremely high temperatures of a diesel application.
To the guy saying that "if it were to work on cars, why wouldnt it be labeled as so?"; Well, heres the thing; It's labeled as diesel oil because it has properties that are beneficial to diesel engines. This does not mean that these properties are harmful to gas engines. This is Shell's way of simply letting diesel owners know which oil to purchase, not tell gas owners what oil NOT to purchase.
To answer the OPs question, I have always ran Rotella T in all my race applications and will continue to do so.
03-19-2012, 11:46 AM
^ +1. i've been running Rotella T 15W40 for a couple years now in my SR. daily driven, drift events every month or two, autox too... i never have any problems at all.
03-19-2012, 11:47 AM
I'm using this stuff right now, seems a very good break-in oil. Was recommended by a engine builder.
03-19-2012, 11:58 AM
i am running it on my SR and its been great no problems yet
03-19-2012, 12:10 PM
The only thing is you guys are running sr's, turbo motors run hotter he's running stock dohc ka. No need to run that thick of an oil in it, like I said before its not gonna kill you to run it but I would run a little thinner just because of the warm up effect. When oil gets hot it thins out, 15-40 is perfect for turbo applications, that thick is just more work for your STOCK motor to be pumping through its system.
03-19-2012, 12:32 PM
ive run this oil on 3 ka24des, 2 ka24dets, 1 sr and 1 4.9L v8 in my daily driver cadillac.
03-19-2012, 12:57 PM
I run Rotella T on both my NA/KA 240 and on my Kawi 636.
The engines run a bit better, and the oil gives me peace of mind on the track.
And the fact that it's cheaper than most other oils doesn't hurt either.
Sent from my Motorola STARtac using Tapatalk
03-19-2012, 01:02 PM
Wow i really didnt know you can use rotella on gas engines. I had the impression it was a diesel oil. learning something new everyday . lol
I will give it try since i been seeing alot of good feedback.
03-19-2012, 01:08 PM
Its just something i would never do. Ill stay with mobile or castrol
If it works go for it.
03-19-2012, 01:08 PM
Yeah, you guys are silly.
Rotella t will work just fine. It has cleaning detergents to keep your motor spiffy on the inside, plus it doesn't break down under the extremely high temperatures of a diesel application.
To the guy saying that "if it were to work on cars, why wouldnt it be labeled as so?"; Well, heres the thing; It's labeled as diesel oil because it has properties that are beneficial to diesel engines. This does not mean that these properties are harmful to gas engines. This is Shell's way of simply letting diesel owners know which oil to purchase, not tell gas owners what oil NOT to purchase.
To answer the OPs question, I have always ran Rotella T in all my race applications and will continue to do so.
Pretty much this. I've been running Rotella on my vehicles also and had no issues whatsoever.
03-19-2012, 01:41 PM
For the asshole that recommended Royal Purple, well, you're just an asshole.
03-20-2012, 01:02 AM
I always ran rotella 5w40 in my last sr with good success. Plan on running it in the sr24 as well......
Ran rotella 10w30 in my gas dodge truck
Rotella 15w40 in the powerstroke
03-20-2012, 07:36 AM
Yeah, you guys are silly.
Rotella t will work just fine. It has cleaning detergents to keep your motor spiffy on the inside, plus it doesn't break down under the extremely high temperatures of a diesel application.
To the guy saying that "if it were to work on cars, why wouldnt it be labeled as so?"; Well, heres the thing; It's labeled as diesel oil because it has properties that are beneficial to diesel engines. This does not mean that these properties are harmful to gas engines. This is Shell's way of simply letting diesel owners know which oil to purchase, not tell gas owners what oil NOT to purchase.
To answer the OPs question, I have always ran Rotella T in all my race applications and will continue to do so.
thanks for the chime in vas
were in florida its hotter and synthetic on a boosetd motor sucks
rotella 15-40 is all i use..
boosted non boosted...with no problems
for those who want to waste money on names and promises..
go ahead...
but rotella rocks and its a damn good price
03-20-2012, 08:29 AM
I do not understand how synthetic on a boosted motor sucks.... Do you care to elaborate?
15 is also a tad thick to pump at startup for no reason
Their synthetic 5-40 is great
03-20-2012, 10:18 AM
Wow I would always wonder about this oil when I would go buy oil to do an oil change...I'm a castrol guy but with all this good feedback ill give it a shot and save some $$$$......learn somthing new everyday sweet!
03-21-2012, 06:37 AM
The synthetic breaks down too quick and is too thin
I don't like changin my oil an in a week its blk
Rotella holds up better for me
I also had 6qt in my sr
Oversized oilpan
Oilfilter relocation w gm truck filter
And oil cooler out issues at all
03-21-2012, 07:35 AM
Isn't motor oil supposed to turn black after a week?
03-21-2012, 06:52 PM
The synthetic breaks down too quick and is too thin
I don't like changin my oil an in a week its blk
Rotella holds up better for me
I also had 6qt in my sr
Oversized oilpan
Oilfilter relocation w gm truck filter
And oil cooler out issues at all
You should do more research on how oil works. Explain to me how 5w40 or 0w50 is any thinner than 15w40.
Its not, its just as thick or thicker, just easier to pump at startup. When warm they are all of the same thickness, well 0w50 will actually be thicker yet should still flow better.
Since when does synthetic break down quicker? Are you assuming this by color or do you have oil anylisis to prove this? I ask because i have seen numourious oil analisis to prove otherwise.
Also have an uncle that is in charge of a lab for a company that checks all of their fluids on all of their equipment. Its cheaper for them to use synthetic because of how much longer it lasts and how much longer it makes their equipment last
03-25-2012, 01:04 AM
Im going to run Rotella Tsyn 5w40 on my freshly rebuilt KA. Used it in my 350Z before without issue. Its good stuff.
04-17-2012, 04:01 PM
walmart sell's them for $12.97 a gallon Shell Rotella T 15W40 Motor Oil, 1 Gal: Automotive (
04-19-2012, 02:46 AM
Don't mean to take it completely off topic, but would like to add that Mobil Delvac is also considered a "diesel" oil. But I've had it in my n/a KADE for the last 8 oil changes using Bosch oil filters. No issues. but reading all of this, I might try out the Rotella next time I'm due.
04-22-2012, 08:07 PM
Don't mean to take it completely off topic, but would like to add that Mobil Delvac is also considered a "diesel" oil. But I've had it in my n/a KADE for the last 8 oil changes using Bosch oil filters. No issues. but reading all of this, I might try out the Rotella next time I'm due.
Delvac is a good oil without a doubt...some of our customers swear by it. We however are a Rotella shop.
I personally ran 15w-50 Mobil 1 forever in my 240, but when it became harder and harder to find, I decided to make the switch to Rotella T6 5w-40 and haven't looked back. More accessible to find, cheaper, and just as good (if not better).
04-22-2012, 10:12 PM
Ever since I switched to Rotella, my KA has been as quite as a mouse.
This maybe off-topic, but does the name Rotella sound like a name brand salsa?
EDIT: I was close. Damn.
06-28-2012, 02:21 PM
The rotella won't hurt you're engine if aney thing it will clean it out and cas its a thicker oil may make it run smoother and dont use castoil it sucks
06-28-2012, 02:28 PM
rotella on my wrx and ka-t good stuff all the subie people run it
06-28-2012, 02:36 PM
I've always used rotella in all my vehicles. My uncle has a freight and hotshot company he has owned and operated for 25 years as well as being a master tech mechanic in passenger vehicles and diesel trucks. He uses rotella in all his vehicles. Work and personal. The higher detergent content keeps the crankcase clean. When I got my z31 the topend was covered in varnish. Only using rotella and OEM Nissan filters within a year it was clean and spiffy. It didn't seem to coke as easily and break down in the turbo engine.
06-28-2012, 03:16 PM
i use it on my ka-t with 1600 miles on rebuild and i love it, cheap, everywhere, i done 6 oil changes with it since the rebuild and everytime the engine feels/sounds better and smother.
i kno a na ka and a sr guy running them after i convinced them and a guy i kno building a rb25 will be using it soon.
06-28-2012, 03:19 PM
I use Rotella T6 5W-40. Engine runs much smoother and quite than Mobile 1 or other oil I have used before....
06-28-2012, 07:24 PM
rotella t 15w40 triple protection ,ive been running it for a while and my ka-t loves it better than any other oil ive tried
07-01-2012, 01:39 AM
The synthetic breaks down too quick and is too thin
I don't like changin my oil an in a week its blk
Rotella holds up better for me
I also had 6qt in my sr
Oversized oilpan
Oilfilter relocation w gm truck filter
And oil cooler out issues at all
lol this is such a facepalm post... go learn about oil.
anyways like others have already said +1 for rotella i use the 5-40 with no issues.
i use to run 15-40, but i switched over to T5 synthetic blend- 10w-30
07-01-2012, 08:23 AM
Changed my oil in the STI at 1k after Subaru's "break-in" period with Rotella, no issues at all and it actually quiets the noisy boxer engine down some.
07-01-2012, 10:08 AM
My buddy just got a ka24e hb and it was making alot of noise from the valves, i told him to use rotella 15-40 and the car is so quite, And i have a built ka24det thats being finished and the shop owner that put my bottom end together told me to run rotella for break in he says thats all he uses...
Get it is good stuff.
07-03-2012, 01:24 AM
The synthetic breaks down too quick and is too thin
I don't like changin my oil an in a week its blk
Rotella holds up better for me
I also had 6qt in my sr
Oversized oilpan
Oilfilter relocation w gm truck filter
And oil cooler out issues at all
you sir are retarted oil does NOT break down it just gets dirty, i work for orielly auto parts and have been taught this stuff its dirty from the carbon and suet deposits on your cylinder walls in your motor. the piston goes up oil covers the walls and the deposits and the piston rings scrap the oil back down. also recycled oil is just used oil that has been filtered and has had detergints and additives added to it. syntetic doesnt break down either and its also dirty because the oil filter can only filter so much till it cant and the microns can pass through. also avoid fram filters would you want to protect your engine with cardboard, i sure dont thats why i use WIX or Mobile 1 oil filters.
07-03-2012, 01:53 AM
Opinions are like....oh Nvm.
I have ran rotella in every car I have owned sense 2000. Never had a oil related issue ever. Well take that back I had a 88 pulsar blow a rod through the exhaust manifold when a fram oil filter burst.
I have been running the t6 5w40 in my rb sense day one. I really like how stable the oil remains when im running on e85. A buddy of mine runs the amsoil and swears by it. Well if its such great oil why does it look like a milkshake after a month on e85.
07-03-2012, 02:10 AM
you sir are retarted oil does NOT break down it just gets dirty, i work for orielly auto parts and have been taught this stuff its dirty from the carbon and suet deposits on your cylinder walls in your motor. the piston goes up oil covers the walls and the deposits and the piston rings scrap the oil back down. also recycled oil is just used oil that has been filtered and has had detergints and additives added to it. syntetic doesnt break down either and its also dirty because the oil filter can only filter so much till it cant and the microns can pass through. also avoid fram filters would you want to protect your engine with cardboard, i sure dont thats why i use WIX or Mobile 1 oil filters.
How the fuck is beef fat getting in your motor?
07-04-2012, 01:44 AM
Suet. Funny. And oil can break down under heat. Also I had a el cheapo filter collapse on me one day. After that I only use Nissan filters. Wix or Motorcraft work well too. I don't know what he meant by saying the "microns can pass through" , that's a unit of measurement.
07-04-2012, 03:32 PM
sorry meant "soot" stupid auto correct on iphone lol i looked up suet and ya i feel stupid. and and a molecules are micron small sorry was half asleep when i typed that.
07-04-2012, 09:24 PM
just giving you shit.
07-06-2012, 06:47 AM
love rotella, using on my built ka-t.
07-06-2012, 12:26 PM
That Rotella oil is loved and approved by many members over at the forum. It's very good oil, and a killer price. The only problem that you might run into is if you run a catalytic converter. The higher amount of sulfur can wear out the catalytic faster i read...which is the only reason I'm not using it. If you don't have a cat I say go for it..its proven time and time again!
just my 2 cents.
07-06-2012, 12:44 PM
I've seen more and more people using this stuff. Personally its mobile 1 for me. I'm paranoid about switching oils. But people swear this stuff is good.
Sent from my SCH-I405 using Tapatalk 2
07-06-2012, 01:04 PM
Hmmm thinking about making the switch over. I currently run a stock KA in Florida heat. What would be a good weight?
12-13-2015, 11:20 AM
Hmmm thinking about making the switch over. I currently run a stock KA in Florida heat. What would be a good weight?
How about 15w40?
12-13-2015, 11:53 AM
Depends on your climate. In WA, I wouldn't run anything other than what is specified by the manufacturer, possibly running a different oil in winter vs summer.
12-14-2015, 11:07 PM
Im in Tampa and it get pretty hot here most of the year. Would 15W-40 be good for my KA? Has about 100k and runs strong besides leaky valve seals
12-14-2015, 11:49 PM
Been using Rotella for years. 15w-40 definitely good for the hotter climates like Florida. I'd probably use 10w-30 if I lived up north however.
12-15-2015, 03:56 AM
All I used for my hardbody and s13
12-15-2015, 08:27 AM
I'm on 5-40 in the Z or 10-40 I think. I run no cats so nothing to worry about here
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