View Full Version : Have you seen this engine??

03-06-2012, 04:22 PM
Have you seen this engine??

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7038/6960136985_de050c4b8e_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/sash_ak21/6960136985/)

Few months ago I made a bad decision to buy a complete sr20 swap plus other items from a member of this forum. I sent the money and was supposed to have it all shipped over on a pallet, this never happened. The seller told me the pallet was stolen from his driveway along with other items on the day it was supposed to be shipped out and refuses to refund me. I am now planning my next steps in this mess and figured this would be a good start. If you have seen any of the items pictured please let me know.

Here is a link to the sellers ad

03-06-2012, 04:25 PM
wtf, how is it your fault it got stolen from the driveway. that's shady as hell. ii smell scam.

03-06-2012, 05:20 PM
Defiantly feels like I got scammed, an honest person would refund the money... I know I would.

03-06-2012, 05:20 PM
Sounds like its time for you to take a road trip to the east coast and get your money back.

If not, you can start by calling his local police department and filing a complaint/report.

I kinda felt bad about his situation but after seeing this thread, fuck that guy. He should have gotten ran over instead of the car. Who the fuck leaves an engine pallet out in the open and not in his garage or atleast in the backyard? I don't even fucking leave my shredded drift tires out in the open...

03-06-2012, 05:26 PM
I remember this guy, hes the one that deleted his side veiw mirrors and windshield wipers and drove cross county and fucked his car all up.

Did you pay pal him? hopefully not as a gift?

what a douche if hes not gonna refund ur money cuz he left out his shit to get stolen

03-06-2012, 05:31 PM
Sorry to hear that, I hope you have all his information, especially if you made a BIG purchase like that over the internet, hope you get it resolved

03-06-2012, 05:31 PM
Sounds like its time for you to take a road trip to the east coast and get your money back.

If not, you can start by calling his local police department and filing a complaint/report.

I kinda felt bad about his situation but after seeing this thread, fuck that guy. He should have gotten ran over instead of the car. Who the fuck leaves an engine pallet out in the open and not in his garage or atleast in the backyard? I don't even fucking leave my shredded drift tires out in the open...

Im thinking I might just have to do that. I contacted the police right away but they havent been returning my calls and don't seem to care. About his car, Karma's a bitch.

I remember this guy, hes the one that deleted his side veiw mirrors and windshield wipers and drove cross county and fucked his car all up.

Did you pay pal him? hopefully not as a gift?

what a douche if hes not gonna refund ur money cuz he left out his shit to get stolen

I sent a down payment of about $700 over paypal and unfortunately it was as a gift and the rest was wire transferred through the bank which I have documentation for.

Sorry to hear that, I hope you have all his information, especially if you made a BIG purchase like that over the internet, hope you get it resolved

I was afraid of this exact thing happening so yah I got all his information. He talks to me and everything, just doesn't think hes responsible or that he should have to refund me.

03-06-2012, 05:39 PM
man this really sucks i hope everything gets resolved!

03-06-2012, 05:46 PM
Me to, hate to take this to court but if its what i have to do.

03-06-2012, 06:02 PM
holy shit worst story ever i fly to his house in a second....

03-06-2012, 06:32 PM
Wow dick move by him but i would have been suspicious already beforehand with his feedback on here.

03-06-2012, 06:34 PM
I delt with this guy in the past everything worked really smooth. if you search his email something shows that he owns or works at a shop. might want to look into that.

03-06-2012, 06:51 PM
O shoot I remember reading about his trip. What dick hole though, op hopefully your mess gets resolved.

03-06-2012, 10:17 PM
Wow. Even if it was actually stolen, how can he justify not refunding you the money?? What a dick

03-07-2012, 02:19 AM
Chop his fingers.

03-07-2012, 04:20 PM
I have his full contact information if you want it. I bought something from him too from the partout and it went smoothly. Sucks what happened to you though, hate it when stuff like this happens. If you need any help from the locals I'm from around there.

03-07-2012, 04:42 PM
I delt with this guy in the past everything worked really smooth. if you search his email something shows that he owns or works at a shop. might want to look into that.

He was part owner of a shop called Back Road Racing, dont know how that info could help me out though.

I have his full contact information if you want it. I bought something from him too from the partout and it went smoothly. Sucks what happened to you though, hate it when stuff like this happens. If you need any help from the locals I'm from around there.

Yah dont think ill be buying expensive items of the forums anymore. I have his info and all he just doesn't think he should be held responsible or refund my money which is dumb considering if did actually get stolen it happened so while in his care. What did you buy from him?

03-07-2012, 04:54 PM
If you sent a wire transfer bank to bank you can get that back (depending on the time frame) but the gifted 700 your fucked on.

03-07-2012, 05:16 PM
If you sent a wire transfer bank to bank you can get that back (depending on the time frame) but the gifted 700 your fucked on.

^^^$700 lesson on the worst fucking thing you can do online. If I do give a "gift" via paypal, its going to somebody I know and trust, and no more than enough money that I can live with if I get fucked over (no more than $50).

03-07-2012, 05:16 PM
If you sent a wire transfer bank to bank you can get that back (depending on the time frame) but the gifted 700 your fucked on.

How would i go about getting that back?

03-07-2012, 05:21 PM
How would i go about getting that back?

Start with talking to your bank...ASAP!!! There's usually a certain time window before they can't do jack shit and its not that much time. I'd be surprised if its more than 30 days before their hands are tied.

Also, another suggestion to everybody. When you use paypal, DO NOT USE INSTANT TRANSFER DIRECT FROM YOUR BANK ACCOUNT!!! Always use your credit card/debit card for transanctions. If something happens, you can go thru your credit card company (Mastercard, Visa, etc) and they usually have a longer time frame to cover you.

03-07-2012, 05:37 PM
dude your gonna have to take it to small claims but its gonna be really hard because no contract was signed stating what the money was for you may be shit out of luck on all of it

03-07-2012, 06:21 PM
Start with talking to your bank...ASAP!!! There's usually a certain time window before they can't do jack shit and its not that much time. I'd be surprised if its more than 30 days before their hands are tied.

Also, another suggestion to everybody. When you use paypal, DO NOT USE INSTANT TRANSFER DIRECT FROM YOUR BANK ACCOUNT!!! Always use your credit card/debit card for transanctions. If something happens, you can go thru your credit card company (Mastercard, Visa, etc) and they usually have a longer time frame to cover you.

Dont think the bank would be able to do anything, i sent the money over 2 months ago and hes already spent it.

dude your gonna have to take it to small claims but its gonna be really hard because no contract was signed stating what the money was for you may be shit out of luck on all of it

I may not have a contract but i have all of our emails, texts and im pretty sure the wire transfer form says what the money was being sent for.

03-07-2012, 06:33 PM
Shit man I'm sorry this has happend to you.

Seriously you should have been in contact with your bank as soon as this happend.

I almost bought something from that car from him, glad I didn't.

"Stolen" my ass. NOBODY is dumb enough to leave that engine outside all night.

03-07-2012, 06:36 PM
Probably decided to take advantage of the OP because hes in Canada. Mods should pink the seller until he can rectify this issue.

03-07-2012, 06:43 PM
That sucks dude, everything seems so shady recently. I felt bad for him, he refunded the guy who bought the turbo, and it was cracked, he said the shipping lady dropped it. Hope all is well and you get refunded, it is shady that a shop owner wouldnt refund an unsatisfied customer

03-07-2012, 06:55 PM
I been to his house to pick up some parts. He seemed like a legit person, but he is definitely dicking you over. The place he lives is in the middle of nowhere his driveway is up on a hill behind his house so it would be hard for someone to steal it even if he left it in the front of his house by the road his house is still up a a steep one lane road where no cars ever pass by. This is bullshit what he is telling you straight up.

You did fuck up wiring money and sending so much as 700 as a gift. Next time use a card that gives you some security in this case.

It is obviuosly his fault and not yours. I wouldnt be surprised if he sold it to someone local

03-07-2012, 07:06 PM
Damn man this sucks really bad. The gift thing to me needs to be revised by PayPal. Same shit happened to me dealing w lame ass Jason at emance. Since u sent it as a gift they won't even let u appeal it so basically shit outta luck is. Sorry man but GL

03-07-2012, 07:19 PM
Damn man this sucks really bad. The gift thing to me needs to be revised by PayPal. Same shit happened to me dealing w lame ass Jason at emance. Since u sent it as a gift they won't even let u appeal it so basically shit outta luck is. Sorry man but GL

No the gift thing does not need to be revised, people shouldn't use it if they dont wanna have the chance to get screwed simple as that wtf.

03-07-2012, 07:52 PM
I been to his house to pick up some parts. He seemed like a legit person, but he is definitely dicking you over. The place he lives is in the middle of nowhere his driveway is up on a hill behind his house so it would be hard for someone to steal it even if he left it in the front of his house by the road his house is still up a a steep one lane road where no cars ever pass by. This is bullshit what he is telling you straight up.

You did fuck up wiring money and sending so much as 700 as a gift. Next time use a card that gives you some security in this case.

It is obviuosly his fault and not yours. I wouldnt be surprised if he sold it to someone local

Yah thats exactly how he described his house and thinks the shipping company stole it, but he didnt see them. The thing is the shipping company said no one was ever sent out because the order wasn't even finalized. The entire things a mess and at this point ill be ok with losing the $700 as long as i get the rest back.

03-07-2012, 07:58 PM
That sucks dude, everything seems so shady recently. I felt bad for him, he refunded the guy who bought the turbo, and it was cracked, he said the shipping lady dropped it. Hope all is well and you get refunded, it is shady that a shop owner wouldnt refund an unsatisfied customer

Strange thing, i actually asked him about that because that turbo was supposed to be included and he told me he made that stuff up so he could sell it to me since i was buying the entire package.

03-07-2012, 08:01 PM
cops won't do anything, a few years back i was scammed on another forum (which starts with NI and ends with CO) for a laptop and the cops, the forum adms or anyone did anything to help the situation... neither did a online goverment thing someone sent me for when people are scammed...

03-07-2012, 08:05 PM
and pinking him on a forum won't teach him anything... take him to court if you can show every piece of evidence you have... people like this need to learn no to be such assholes... it's not your fault he got stolen... practically he is STEALING from you so to say... and NEVER give anything on paypal as a gift next time...

Banning him from the marketplace will at least prevent him from coming back to the forums when we have all forgotten what he has done and scamming others who may not be aware of his past history...

03-07-2012, 08:05 PM
Strange thing, i actually asked him about that because that turbo was supposed to be included and he told me he made that stuff up so he could sell it to me since i was buying the entire package.

not to sound dickish, but that would've thrown up a big red flag and I wouldnt have done business with him

03-07-2012, 08:46 PM
No the gift thing does not need to be revised, people shouldn't use it if they dont wanna have the chance to get screwed simple as that wtf.

Wtf? It needs to be revised in the sense that some sellers still request payment be sent as a gift wether it's on a forum, Craigslist or whatever and u should be givin the chance to submit an appeal and include saved inquiries to show that in case of a situations maybe not like this, but where money is lost due to gift upon request. Wtf

03-07-2012, 08:58 PM
Wtf? It needs to be revised in the sense that some sellers still request payment be sent as a gift wether it's on a forum, Craigslist or whatever and u should be givin the chance to submit an appeal and include saved inquiries to show that in case of a situations maybe not like this, but where money is lost due to gift upon request. Wtf

:picardfp: The point of paying with paypal and getting charged a fee is to help protect you in the case of a incident. If you are sending money as a gift and not paying a fee for the service, why the fuck will paypal help you if you decide to be cheap and not pay the 3.5% fee. I tell buyers sometimes when its over 100 to add paypal fees or send as a gift. It's the buyer's choice to decide what he wants to do.

Simply if you are sending a payment to someone and he tells you to send as a gift,but you dont trust him, dont do it. Just tell him you will add the 3.5 fee or whatever its at now. SO stop being a cheap fuck and crying when you get screwed out of your money( this is not directed to the op).

03-07-2012, 09:19 PM
Lol, was it directed Torwards me kind sir?

03-07-2012, 09:52 PM
No not just to you.Really anyone who complains about gifting in paypal. Dont take it to serious.

03-07-2012, 10:04 PM
Lol I wouldn't necessarily call it complaining. More like stating an opinion I have regaurding the gifting aspect of PayPal. But no hard feelings haha

03-08-2012, 09:26 AM
not to sound dickish, but that would've thrown up a big red flag and I wouldnt have done business with him

I already sent the down payment at that point and he was pretty convincing but yes i should of backed out of the deal after hearing that.

Banning him from the marketplace will at least prevent him from coming back to the forums when we have all forgotten what he has done and scamming others who may not be aware of his past history...

I agree although his car is completely parted out from what he tells me.

03-08-2012, 02:54 PM
Wtf? It needs to be revised in the sense that some sellers still request payment be sent as a gift wether it's on a forum, Craigslist or whatever and u should be givin the chance to submit an appeal and include saved inquiries to show that in case of a situations maybe not like this, but where money is lost due to gift upon request. Wtf

Actually, if you go in the FS section, one of the mods (PHLIP) got a sticky up top telling people its a baaaaaad idea to send money as a gift via paypal. I just wish people would actually read the stickies. They're permanently there for a reason. I'll report this thread to the mods in Premie Land, maybe they can atleast pink the SOB. Worst thing that will happen is that he'll make another account to get around it, then he can be perma-band from this forum. I fucking hate thieves and scammers.

03-08-2012, 07:24 PM
ok just to add my part here since an admin showed me this thread. this ENTIRE situation is sketchy and the OP is not explaining it all this was 2 months in the making though i gave him a quote for shipping not even a month after the transaction TWO the motor was "Stolen" the day it was supposed to be picked up by the shipping company the OP told me he finalized paperwork with and told me id be receiving a bill of lading from them via email which i never got theres MANY more details to this. also i got a phone call from a police officer 3 days ago stating that the OP wasnt returning THEIR calls and they are no longer investigating this.

so many details are missing from this story and given my evidence and information it leads to the engine being "stolen" by the shipping company or the OP himself somehow seeing as how he was the ONLY person who KNEW it was outside and if you knew where i lived no one would ever just drive by and see it trust me people i have cooperated with the OP and the police on this and i did not scam anyone i was also willing to work with the OP somehow before i was threatened with court which was a legit way of dealing with it on his part but dont expect my help if im going to get sued.
any questions for me can be taken to pm if youd like i have no issues talking about this all day

03-08-2012, 08:50 PM
Ahhh.... So I take back what I said. This dude^^^ thinks the op "could" be the one trying to do a scam, and the op believes that the "dude" is the scammer. So who is the real scammer tan tan tan..... the world may never know????

03-08-2012, 08:56 PM
I made this thread in hopes of locating the parts not to debate over the internet, this is why i kept it short and brief.

03-08-2012, 09:27 PM
this sounds fishy from MOT...??? I'm a driver that work for a freight company and it's ez to steal small sht but an engine? BOL is ez to get(make your own on a blank paper is a BOL as long as you know the buyer's addy).... info you need on bol is shipper's addy, buyer's addy, qty of merchant(engine, parts, etc), weight, and sign by shipper and driver who pick it up... b4 all this happens there is a process where the shipper calls the trucking company to pick it up... Driver come and pick up the freight and label it w. a tracking number, put the info into a computer system, and go... no way anyone can steal a heavy ass engine with all the info in the system..... this is stinky... I come to a conclusion, SCAM... had his friend steal that sht and claim he dont know....? Why keep the the OP's money... he didnt lose the goodies... refund that sht back...

03-09-2012, 07:28 AM
How would i go about getting that back?

Go to your bank, tell them the transfer you sent you isn't get the item or whatever back. If its been over a month or maybe 2 at most then your screwed out of all of it.

03-09-2012, 09:24 AM
Like I have said before I WISH I HAD A FUCKING GUN

03-09-2012, 09:34 AM
bad karma for the guy with bad luck.

03-09-2012, 09:58 AM
Like I have said before I WISH I HAD A FUCKING GUN


Sounds legit

03-09-2012, 10:38 AM
you guys are all fucking clowns i spoke with the OP last night and when he returns home from work we will be coming to some sort of agreement only reason i wasnt willing to do anything before was because i was threatened with a lawsuit and obv im not going to help out someone who is going to end up sueing me either way...oh and xeemersil80 bring your gun over thatd be funny ill give you my address if you want

03-09-2012, 10:49 AM
That sucks!
Freaking hate scammers.

03-09-2012, 12:01 PM
Try to do business locally and when making big purchases like engines, try to do them in person.

03-09-2012, 02:35 PM

that sucks

GLW this bs

03-10-2012, 12:34 AM
you guys are a with the OP last night and when he returns home from work we will be coming to some sort of agreement only reason i wasnt willing to do anything before was because i was threatened with a lawsuit and obv im not going to help out someone who is going to end up sueing me either way...oh and xeemersil80 bring your gun over thatd be funny ill give you my address if you want

Who the hell are you?? Are you the motherfucker who sold this dude the motor?? If not shut fuck up because you are just at fault with the dude who was selling the motor. If there some kind of lawsuit against ya then it clearly means ya idiots are bad business. Little advice to ya on how to fix this..give full refund back to this Guy and go to your local authority and file a report that your dumb ass friend left his shit out in the drive way to get it stolen. And trust me I will bring my big ass guns..lol

03-10-2012, 07:43 AM
^^^ Unless I read this whole this wrong. I believe he is the one that sold the motor to the OP.

03-10-2012, 09:16 AM
Wow he won't refund you because it was stolen while in his possession? Doesn't make sense at all.

03-10-2012, 01:52 PM
this sounds fishy from MOT...??? I'm a driver that work for a freight company and it's ez to steal small sht but an engine? BOL is ez to get(make your own on a blank paper is a BOL as long as you know the buyer's addy).... info you need on bol is shipper's addy, buyer's addy, qty of merchant(engine, parts, etc), weight, and sign by shipper and driver who pick it up... b4 all this happens there is a process where the shipper calls the trucking company to pick it up... Driver come and pick up the freight and label it w. a tracking number, put the info into a computer system, and go... no way anyone can steal a heavy ass engine with all the info in the system..... this is stinky... I come to a conclusion, SCAM... had his friend steal that sht and claim he dont know....? Why keep the the OP's money... he didnt lose the goodies... refund that sht back...

Nice to hear the process from a person who does it for a living, your right there's to many things that don't add up. I've already got documentation to rule the freight company out of this mess.

Try to do business locally and when making big purchases like engines, try to do them in person.

Ive purchased many things of the my350z.com forums and never had any problems, but after this experience I don't think ill be doing much of that anymore.

^^^ Unless I read this whole this wrong. I believe he is the one that sold the motor to the OP.

Yah, mot is the seller.

03-10-2012, 02:15 PM
mot seemed cool when i did my transaction with him for a set of jdm power folding mirrors but when i got them only one was power folding and the other was regular power mirror. i asked for either a partial refund or the correct mirror but i kept getting excuses from this guy and he would never respond to my calls or texts.

this dude is super sketchy.

@OP I hope everything turns out good for you and you get your money back.

03-10-2012, 03:00 PM
People are just plain idiots. Let me Paypal some guy I don't know 700 bucks as a a gift because I really really and I mean really want this motor. You deserve this. Maybe you did something in the past , so here's your karma ....

Sucks for you though.

03-10-2012, 06:27 PM
People are just plain idiots. Let me Paypal some guy I don't know 700 bucks as a a gift because I really really and I mean really want this motor. You deserve this. Maybe you did something in the past , so here's your karma ....

Sucks for you though.

No one deserves this, thanks for your useless comment.

03-10-2012, 08:34 PM
No one deserves this, thanks for your useless comment.

I agree with you. But only a gullible and to some extent ignorant person sends money to someone with out trying to protect their interest. Think about it... U Finance a new car, a bank will require u to get full coverage on your insurance... They are protecting their interest.... It's hard to have sympathy for people that set themselves up to get scammed. Whatever he paid, 3% more would have protected his full amount. Let's say 2k... So for 60 bucks u protect yourself from a 2 k loss that's good in my opinion. Lesson learned, I'm sure he won't do it again. But all I'm trying to get at, is that you always protect yourself first.

03-10-2012, 11:22 PM
ok just to add my part here since an admin showed me this thread. this ENTIRE situation is sketchy and the OP is not explaining it all this was 2 months in the making though i gave him a quote for shipping not even a month after the transaction TWO the motor was "Stolen" the day it was supposed to be picked up by the shipping company the OP told me he finalized paperwork with and told me id be receiving a bill of lading from them via email which i never got theres MANY more details to this. also i got a phone call from a police officer 3 days ago stating that the OP wasnt returning THEIR calls and they are no longer investigating this.

so many details are missing from this story and given my evidence and information it leads to the engine being "stolen" by the shipping company or the OP himself somehow seeing as how he was the ONLY person who KNEW it was outside and if you knew where i lived no one would ever just drive by and see it trust me people i have cooperated with the OP and the police on this and i did not scam anyone i was also willing to work with the OP somehow before i was threatened with court which was a legit way of dealing with it on his part but dont expect my help if im going to get sued.
any questions for me can be taken to pm if youd like i have no issues talking about this all day

So you think a guy who lives on the other side of the continent, not even in the same country, stole the engine and then made a post about it 2 months later? I'd start by thinking reaaaaal hard who else might have known you were selling an engine, I wouldnt be surprised if its somebody you know who ganked it from under you.

Explain to us you would just leave an engine out in the open. I dont know about you but until I know that something I've sold is out of my hands and got to the buyers hands, I'm not spending a cent of that money until I'm sure. Guy goes out on a limb to send you $700 via paypal as a gift, he stuck his neck out there and now he's gonna get fucked by it.

03-11-2012, 04:43 PM
you guys are all fucking clowns i spoke with the OP last night and when he returns home from work we will be coming to some sort of agreement only reason i wasnt willing to do anything before was because i was threatened with a lawsuit and obv im not going to help out someone who is going to end up sueing me either way...oh and xeemersil80 bring your gun over thatd be funny ill give you my address if you want

Agreement? What is there to agree upon? You need to issue a full refund to this guy. He can't help that you were careless and left a motor out in the fucking open. I'd be threatening a lawsuit as well if some dick tard told me he was keeping my money because someone else stole the motor from him. Fuck you man. You are a shady asshole and I hope your name spreads around the internet so that no one buys from you ever again.

03-11-2012, 06:36 PM
^ Seriously. That agreement better be a full refund.

You are 100% at fault not the OP.

I'd threaten your ass too if you wouldnt fully reimburse me cuz your a idiot and left an engine outside unsupervised.

03-11-2012, 07:40 PM
i would like to see how this one ends

03-11-2012, 07:55 PM

03-11-2012, 08:10 PM
you guys are all fucking clowns i spoke with the OP last night and when he returns home from work we will be coming to some sort of agreement only reason i wasnt willing to do anything before was because i was threatened with a lawsuit and obv im not going to help out someone who is going to end up sueing me either way...oh and xeemersil80 bring your gun over thatd be funny ill give you my address if you want

Hey jackass.


If it really was "stolen" then refund him and track down your engine yourself. Problem solved.

Judging by your posts you sure seem to care about keeping his money more than about finding the "stolen" engine.

BTW I laughed my ass off at your sob thread about your cross country trip. Shit was hilarious, but watch the road next time before you kill someone.

03-12-2012, 07:13 PM
So, can us zilvian members get an update? We need to know what the deal is w. this mot guy... If you clear it up then it's kool, but not, we all should pm's admins to banned this mot guys off the forum or any future event. Get rid of the diseases b4 it spread...

03-12-2012, 10:26 PM
:mrmeph::cops:This guy MOT better pay up...

03-12-2012, 10:50 PM
This makes me so sad, OP you should get a court date to this guy immediately. If it was me I would've called my attorney next day. There's absolutely no way they'd find it in his favor, anyone in the right mind would know that if someone sent you money and they got the item "stolen" that's their problem. You paid obviously more than a $1000 so if you can somehow prove this guy scammed you you can get this dickhead locked up with a felony for a long long time. Best of luck OP

03-13-2012, 06:31 AM
Wow! Worst lies ever! The engine got stolen? I wanted the turbo.... Listen dude why will you stay with the money when the engine was stolen (Sold localy) if you don't give the monwy back he can chqrge you more for his expenses. Time lost, ticket for the trip, and much more!!! It would of been to me and I would of talk with every police officer, and detective I know to get you arrested and pay...

03-13-2012, 08:10 AM

Refuse to refund money because of possible lawsuit, really.

So let me get this straight, instead of just giving back all the money, you are going to A) end up having to pay lawyer fees, B) pay his lawyer fees, C) pay court fees and fines D) still give his money back......sounds legit and a great way to do business to me!

Carry on, nothing to see here

03-13-2012, 09:29 AM
Agreement? What is there to agree upon? You need to issue a full refund to this guy. He can't help that you were careless and left a motor out in the fucking open. I'd be threatening a lawsuit as well if some dick tard told me he was keeping my money because someone else stole the motor from him. Fuck you man. You are a shady asshole and I hope your name spreads around the internet so that no one buys from you ever again.


Just issue the refund already mot, how are you part owner of a shop yet this retarded?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

03-13-2012, 09:50 AM
Yea your still a dick hole mot :)

03-13-2012, 09:59 AM
you guys are all fucking clowns

From my experience, someone who calls another person a "fucking clown" is 99% of the time a complete pos scumbag.

Must be scum bad dialect.

03-13-2012, 10:05 AM
From my experience, someone who calls another person a "fucking clown" is 99% of the time a complete pos scumbag.

Must be scum bad dialect.

AGREED!!!!!!! Hes a :mrmeph::mrmeph::mrmeph:

03-13-2012, 10:26 AM
Wow... i'm not going to jump into any opinions, but if what's said is the truth, that's pretty sad.

03-13-2012, 03:16 PM
Please Refund His Money It is Not worth it Mot.
Being hot headed now its understandable, but Think about it-
he was in full trust of you as a Man he trusted your word by sending you the payment.
When someone has trust in me, I would not break that trust.
money has no value compared to Dignity, Lets get this all fixed and move on No hard feelings. Lesson learned and guilty free you Both win.

03-13-2012, 09:32 PM
mot isnt replying due to the FACT he is scamming the OP.... I'm ragin coz this type of bs fawking gets to me... OP hard working money get stolen from him by a con-artist.... just sent the dude to prison.... he a disease.... FAWKING CANCER.....

03-15-2012, 05:01 PM
Like I have said before I WISH I HAD A FUCKING GUN

poor op hope you get your money back.

and what kinda retard won't refund op his money back if it was stolen on your end. even your excuse is fucking retarded and shady, "it got stolen on the same day it's supposed to be shipped out." if in fact it was stolen then just call the cops, op has right to be upset and sue your ass. dont get all pussy cuz op was upset over the phone.

03-16-2012, 11:07 PM
Come to think of it.. if that engine was "STOLEN" from his place.. then he might have post a stolen thread for the engine if it WAS in fact "Stolen".....

03-17-2012, 06:44 PM
I'm sure the damn engine is probably still hiding in his garage, did he make a police report when something of that nature got stolen? This kid is going to jail for fraud, the reason he isn't giving a refund is because he's probably broke and he already spent the cash

03-17-2012, 06:47 PM
Oh and don't reply to me "I got money" "I ain't broke" or some lame shit about me because if you did have money you wouldn't have a problem giving him his money back.

05-04-2012, 05:16 PM
any updates on this? keep this thread alive, where exactly does the guy live? I usually give the buyer an option to save a few extra bucks, which in a way sets them up to eventually get ripped off by a dishonest seller...

05-17-2012, 01:45 PM
wow.. what a fukin dick! I had the same shit done to me. Bought a motor from a member and it was supposed to include a new set of pistons for $2000 he shipped me the motor with no pistons. Lucky for me i did 2 trasactions on paypal and they were charged to my credit card. PayPal said the couldnt do anything for me b/c they had a tracking number but my credit card company said no problem.and took back the second charge of $800.00 from the seller. in other words he tried to fuck me and at the end he got fucked! he even called me and told me i know i told you the pistons were included but i sold them b/c i needed the money so i only sent you the motor tuff luck! he was even laughing saying you cant do nothing about it! then when my discover took the money from paypal, paypal took the money back from him, he calls me allmost crying please man i need that money bla bla bla! YOU DO NOT FUCK PEOPLE OVER! A MAN IS AS GOOD AS HIS WORD!!!!

05-18-2012, 07:52 AM
wow.. what a fukin dick! I had the same shit done to me. Bought a motor from a member and it was supposed to include a new set of pistons for $2000 he shipped me the motor with no pistons. Lucky for me i did 2 trasactions on paypal and they were charged to my credit card. PayPal said the couldnt do anything for me b/c they had a tracking number but my credit card company said no problem.and took back the second charge of $800.00 from the seller. in other words he tried to fuck me and at the end he got fucked! he even called me and told me i know i told you the pistons were included but i sold them b/c i needed the money so i only sent you the motor tuff luck! he was even laughing saying you cant do nothing about it! then when my discover took the money from paypal, paypal took the money back from him, he calls me allmost crying please man i need that money bla bla bla! YOU DO NOT FUCK PEOPLE OVER! A MAN IS AS GOOD AS HIS WORD!!!!

:) feels good to win haha, some asshole is trying to jack me $300, worst part is ive known him online for like 2 years and only bought this off him(emanage) because he was telling me hes having trouble staying afloat... So i help a buddy out and get scammed, cant trust everybody know adays. Its been 45 days and paypal is giving him another month to give a explanation why he sent me a wheel spacer isntead of emanage haha. Get a lawyer, get your money back from this asshole, profit

05-19-2012, 12:45 AM
https://www.facebook.com/motevo <-that's the guy. had a pic of his car posted on some fan page that he commented on

05-19-2012, 06:56 AM
yeah what ended up happening with this

05-19-2012, 09:33 AM
Probably nothing...OP sent him the money as a gift and is assed out the money since Paypal can't do jack shit with it. If he sent it as a gift and used his CC on it, he might be able to talk to his CC and get the charges reversed. But he probably used his bank account on it and is completely fucked.

So to everybody else, always give yourself some coverage. If you use paypal, NEVER EVER send money as a gift and always use your credit card and not your bank account!!!

05-23-2012, 08:59 AM
Probably nothing...OP sent him the money as a gift and is assed out the money since Paypal can't do jack shit with it. If he sent it as a gift and used his CC on it, he might be able to talk to his CC and get the charges reversed. But he probably used his bank account on it and is completely fucked.

So to everybody else, always give yourself some coverage. If you use paypal, NEVER EVER send money as a gift and always use your credit card and not your bank account!!!

Thats not true, paypal will refund it and allow you to dispute it if it was a gift if you explain to them you were conned into it.

05-23-2012, 04:30 PM
i would love to know how the mods havent gotten involved in this yet?? O_o?

05-23-2012, 04:43 PM
i would love to know how the mods havent gotten involved in this yet?? O_o?

What can they really do...there's a reason they got a sticky up top of the FS section saying not to send money via paypal as a "gift."

06-27-2012, 08:56 PM

07-08-2012, 05:36 PM
I know a couple of guys named smith & wesson and 15 of their friends that could get ur money back...they always help me when there's trouble

07-25-2012, 10:03 AM
Still waiting on an update?

07-25-2012, 11:33 AM
agreed how did this one play out\?

07-26-2012, 11:53 PM
I know a couple of guys named smith & wesson and 15 of their friends that could get ur money back...they always help me when there's trouble

hahaha i got a buddy named forty-five

07-30-2012, 11:58 AM
Wow what a shady guy.

08-30-2012, 10:18 AM
What's this stupid fucks problem

08-30-2012, 11:20 AM
its a spam bot, broke into zilvia's anti-spam strategy.. i ran a forum before and these things always got in..

10-04-2012, 01:36 PM
Wtf? It needs to be revised in the sense that some sellers still request payment be sent as a gift wether it's on a forum, Craigslist or whatever and u should be givin the chance to submit an appeal and include saved inquiries to show that in case of a situations maybe not like this, but where money is lost due to gift upon request. Wtf

they do that so there isnt a paypal fee, i never send money as gift even if they ask me to its no good and you are gifting money dosent take a lawyer to figure out you arent gonna get that back

10-04-2012, 11:00 PM
did he tell you to send it as a gift? You could actually stick it to him if he told you to do it. Then you would just have to argue he had the intention of scamming you. btw a deposit is a binding contract. the agreement was for you to give x in exchange for y, if he receives x but does not give y, then he breaches the contract and your entitled to you money. that's pretty much how it goes. doesn't really matter if a cracked out seagull beat him to death and took the motor from him. he didn't deliver your entitled to your contribution.

edit: gift and regular paypal is just so paypal can get your money back for you. but when it comes to court, emails and texts showing outline of said agreement. money transfer, lack of product. he's liable. the contract is the contract.

10-04-2012, 11:03 PM
Lol gift fail

emok z
10-09-2012, 03:59 PM
you are a moron, he is a dick... leanr from your mistakes...

10-10-2012, 01:36 AM
Oh, he has an evo now! Some one should go an part that evo out.

10-10-2012, 01:42 AM
i believe to have seen it on here and craigslist a month ago

10-12-2012, 12:38 PM

these things will never go away :( :(

11-11-2012, 02:50 PM
Take his ass to court!