View Full Version : s13 + bad nissan dealer... what to do?

01-20-2004, 09:25 AM
my friend has a 1993 s13 fastback. she recently took her car in for service at a nissan dealership b/c the car would continue running even after she keyed to off and removed the key. me, being the awesome friend i am, posted that question in the tech section since zilvia is so awesome and received a few replies pointing towards a bad relay. well she relayed (no pun) that information to the mechanics and they basically told her it was more likely a bad ignition switch. since she doesn't know zilvia rules so much she decided to go with what the dealer recommended. so they ordered the part for her, swapped out the ingition and guess what... it still had the same problem. so then they go back to her and say, 'hmm probably a bad relay' which was what she told them in the first place. she ended up waiting for 5 hours while they worked on her car (and racked up hourly labor $$$) when they finally said they would have to order another part??? anyway 1 week later the car is still at the dealer and is still not fixed. WTF. she wants to go there today, get the car and not pay them for any of the shit they did since the car STILL isn't fixed. at this point parts + labor has to be going $500 +!!! for such a stupid problem?? argh. any advice regarding this matter?

Bill Roberts
01-20-2004, 09:38 AM

Tell them to put the old ignition lock back in and deduct the labor for all BUT it would be to plug in a relay (1hr minimum usually)

Relay, 20 bucks, labot 60...if she pays more than 100, take it to the local news. They EAT UP stories like this. She needs to walk up the ladder to the dealership owner if need be. It is not her fault they are stupid and cannot figure it out. Nissan as a company does not stand for that crap either. Nissan is trying hard to earn peoples business.

IF they threw away her good ignition...then they need to give her the new one and still deduct labor.

Have her scream like a 4 year old. What a dealer can't stand is a female raising hell.

01-21-2004, 07:25 AM
Is there a turbo timer on the car, just a thought to help you out.

01-22-2004, 12:39 PM
very nearly stock s13... she's not a racer. no alarm, auto starter or turbo timer. thanks though. just oz rally wheels and an aftermarket head unit.

good advice bill... i showed her your response but i dont know if she has the inclination to start up trouble... she definitely doesn't want to pay the $$$ though. we'll see how it turns out. thanks again!