View Full Version : Drift Bible download

01-18-2004, 01:37 PM
Does anyone have a link so i can download it, bittorrent or anything please.I had it but deleted it by mistake.I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore, all the previous links are dead.And yes i know, "it isn't the be all end all of how to drift" and blah blah, i would just like to have it again, if anything just for entertainment.So anyone wanna help me out please?

01-18-2004, 02:48 PM
just cough up the $20 and buy it...it's not that much money, and if you find it that entertaining/helpful, its a small price to pay

01-18-2004, 03:05 PM
I guess that's what i'm gonna have to do.Also, it isn't about how much it is, it's just that i had it d/led already and now i feel dumb for having to buy it.Ah well karma i guess huh?...gonna go order it now.

01-18-2004, 03:07 PM
While i'm at it, are there any good best motoring, option, etc volumes you think are good enough to buy? Anyone? And do they come with subtitles?

01-18-2004, 03:09 PM
if you have kazaa its on there

01-18-2004, 04:26 PM
For those of you who are broke as a joke, and can't afford to buy it, use the new Torrent Search. click here (http://www.btsearch.net/btdownload.html) to download.

I started it before I went to sleep, and watched it when I woke up :)

01-18-2004, 07:31 PM
For those of you who are broke as a joke, and can't afford to buy it, use the new Torrent Search. click here (http://www.btsearch.net/btdownload.html) to download.

I started it before I went to sleep, and watched it when I woke up :)

Personally, I think the Drift Bible is the worst video released by best motoring. Not that the content is bad, but the HORRIBLE english translator really bothered me, he sounded really gay and did a poor job translating what Kei was saying. He had no personality and sounded like a whiney biatch.

The video footage and review on each car is good, but I think I've enjoyed watching the other best motoring videos much more than I've enjoyed watching the "drift bible" (and the name is really dumb too).

At first I was upset because I felt it was a US marketing scheme.. and it kinda is, but its not marketed like most american rubbish. There is a part of the film where they say "if you learn how to master these steps, you too can become a drift king" or something to that extent -- it really sounds informercial-like and bothered me. But if you think about it, Kei Tsuchiya is not a bullshit kinda guy.. and its true, IF you do learn those particualr vehicle dynamics, I guess you will be a very good driver. I dunno.. just a silly thing to say though.

Its really not a great DVD to purchase, its OKAY, but its just not GREAT. Everything else I've seen by Best Motoring is unbelievably great.. just not this. This one's a "rental" in my eyes.

- Mike

01-19-2004, 02:59 AM
This one's a "rental" in my eyes.

A "bittorrent rental." I'm glad I didn't buy it.

01-19-2004, 05:30 AM
worth a watch imo...just one..for entertainment purposes only...

01-19-2004, 08:29 AM
worth a watch imo...just one..for entertainment purposes only...

ONLY ..... do not buy this

01-19-2004, 10:22 AM
muahaha finally found it again, my cousin had it lol.Eh now that i have it it kinda does suck, oh well :)

I do still want to order option vids, so if anyone knows any good volumes speak up ;)

01-19-2004, 11:40 PM
Get Drift Tengoku. Forgot what volume. Vol.4? I think? Content of the video was, Ken Nomura teaching some intermediate drift techniques featuring Koguchi and Imamura. Yashiro Factory guy and Taniguchi testing radiators. And finally, amateur drift contest.