View Full Version : Drewber2006

02-25-2012, 07:40 PM
Purchased a new peak performance trans mount from this guy. Has given me the run around multiple times. Excuse after excuse. For about two weeks.

Said package was @ USPS when he went to see where the package was. However while he was there he did not reship it. He supposedly picked it up, went home printed a shipping label and it is in his mailbox waiting to be picked up. You would think after waiting so long, he would have put it in a $5 priority flate rate box and shipped it with a confirmation number. No he didnt even bother doing that while he was at the post office. Obviously sketchy and he claims he has incurred $14 shipping and will not refund my money because he has already shipped it. But he messaged me saying it was in his mailbox waiting to be picked up? Why not take it out of the mailbox and just refund my money?

Still no tracking number. More run around excuses. Other members have had the same problem and had to file claims.


02-25-2012, 08:56 PM
^ Same exact experience as SMM.

I sent payment via paypal on Jan. 20. All seems fine. He even sends me a message to confirm my address to him which I do. He's a SoCal resident so shipping should have taken a few days, but after a week and a half go by and nothing.

Feb. 1 I contact him via text

http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a164/OneDeadLung/20120225-191724.jpg http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a164/OneDeadLung/20120225-191753.jpg http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a164/OneDeadLung/20120225-191812.jpg

Didn't get any text responses after that.

Feb. 3 I PM him:
Hi, not trying to hassle you or anything, but simply wanting to know the status on the mount I bought. I texted you a day or so ago and no reply yet.

My apologies if I come off rude, not my intention at all, but it's simply been two weeks on a part that should have been here in a matter of days really so it simply triggers a red flag.

Really don't want to go through the hassle of making a PayPal claim, so when you have a chance please reply here or text me at 8183599476.

Address by the way is:
123 Blah Ave
Blah, CA 12345

He responds that same day:
Hey sorry I dont have a phone right now, I dropped my Iphone into a toilet haha

I called them, followed up with them and they said that it was being held at the location near my house. I'm going to go on lunch today and pick that one up and send it out again.


My reply:
Thanks for the reply. No worries, I've had my issues with USPS in the past as well.

Just keep me updated. Thanks.

And it's true, sometimes issues come up. Labels being torn off or not being able to be scanned till it's delivered. Plus there are day to day things that happen as well that can lead to delays.

Anyway, Feb 6 I send another PM
Was wondering if there is an update on this?

I get no response and I'm just irritated. Logical thing is to open up a PayPal claim.

This gets a response from him and it's a red flag already.

I set up a USPS home delivery since my car is down. They are supposed to come tomorrow for the package. I have to cancel it if the PayPal clam isn't reversed tho

Currently it's simply an open dispute case and not a claim. Either way it does not affect delivery or scheduled pickups, PayPal isn't affiliated with USPS in that manner. Is there a tracking # for the package?

The issue I'd have with canceling the dispute is in the chance that I still don't receive the package I am no longer able to open a dispute. If this is an issue for you then I'd simply rather have a refund.

I've had my issues with USPS and simply managing my time in order to get a few orders out in the past. Not once has a PayPal dispute/claim affected me in dropping off a package or having it picked up.

Once the item is delivered the dispute gets removed. No harm, no foul. I'd rather have the part as mentioned before, but the savings isn't outweighing the hassle right now.

PayPal took the $52 out of my bank account and I have a negative balance now.

I've had all good itrader feedback so i guess you just have to go with it. I don't feel like it is safe on my end to send something out without payment for it. Especially because you can still claim as never received it and then I get jewd that money.

It also says you are banned on zilvia so that doesn't make me sleep tight knowing that.

lol I'm not banned I placed that there as a joke. I changed it just for you though.

PayPal puts a hold on the money. That's normal. If you have a tracking number it shows delivered.

Not to mention my itrader feedback speaks for itself.

At this point, I rather have a refund though.

I had changed my heading to "HONORABLE CITIZEN," I got a laugh from it. lol

Well I already paid for the postage online.... So what are we going to do...?
What's the tracking number? I've asked for this multiple times.

This is all I wanted from the get go. If he would have provided this from the start everything would have been fine, but obviously the guy was lying the entire time.

I get no response from my last PM so I send another.

Is there a tracking number for the package? Having this would make everything much easier or again as mentioned, a refund would solve the matter as well.

By now it's Feb. 7 and I realize he updated the for sale thread and it now mentions he has one more mount for sale when I had apparently bought the last one.

I send another message

So I take it you don't have plans on shipping me an item I payed for? I've been really patient and have been completely civil.

Considering you mentioned that you have paid for the label and even scheduled a pick-up for tomorrow I thought this would be something very easy to resolve.

He finally responds...
I will do the refund in PayPal right now
Alright, I'll be expecting it.

Sucks it led to this.

Later that day I get a message from paypal saying my dispute is closed and that a refund has been sent.

Few days go by, now Feb 10 and I get a message from paypal stating there is a delay in the refund. No funds in his account so they couldn't collect. They'll try again in a few days and keep trying till the 24th.

Pretty much he waited till he accepted another persons payment for the mount.

Feb 21 is when the refund finally cleared.

The first red flag should have been when he mentioned I could have sent the money as a gift.

Just noticed today that SMM was having the same issue I had and totally remembered I hadn't posted a review or itrader feedback for this guy.

Definitely someone to avoid. Glad it wasn't a more expensive item. Hopefully others either get their part or their money returned.

This person should be banned from the marketplace.

I apologize for the long post, but simply wanted to be thorough.

02-25-2012, 10:47 PM
I sent payment on the 15th for the mount. I had the exact same situation with this guy. Almost the exact same responses!!!!

BAN HIM! Ridiculous. I work hard for my money.

02-25-2012, 10:51 PM
If you haven't done so already, file a claim.

02-25-2012, 10:58 PM
I have filed. He replied with some bogus tracking, says no record of this item.

I also cannot add this thread now that it is being reviewed by paypal. I will be giving them a call tomorrow and notifying them.

This guy ruined like weeks for me, tranny is just waiting on the mount to go back in with new clutch. Probably going to order a mount elsewhere.

02-25-2012, 11:36 PM
Wow exact same experiece as the guys above....... Missed the first even of the season bc of this guy

wait. How many mounts did he supposedly sell???

02-25-2012, 11:47 PM
I believe he posted he had six.

02-26-2012, 10:26 AM
he posted he had 4 and i had the same problems


02-27-2012, 01:38 AM
ohhhh Drewber. (Andrew Bernard) Funny right? Fake name? or coincidentally this guy from the Office i know.


Did our entire transaction over text messages. I dont really know how to take screenshots with my android like dreamn but whatever. Went EXACTLY like the guys above. His story isnt straight between the two of us. SO little minor details were skewed.

I paypalled FEB 11 2012
Inquired the shipping status on FEB 13 2012
States trans mount shipped FEB 13 2012
Inquired about tracking number on FEB 20 2012 (stressing that I needed it really bad)
Stated he got an email saying it was shipped out and would check when he got home
Inquired about tracking number again on FEB 21 2012.
Inquired AGAIN about tracking on FEB 23 2012
dude i shipped out two. one to you one to another guy, and they both have the same issue. im going to usps place after work to see whats going on
I stress to him that i need it to get my car finished for an event..
USPS always fucks me over. FEDEX FTW I guess
idk man i always go with usps. i just sent a package to australia. got there in 4 days... pretty reliable to me. Did you get a tracking number???
I got a receipt but i lost it in my car. im going to work today to see whats up

FEB 25 2012 - Andy Bernard printed off a label from paypal which auto sent me an email letting me know it was shipped. REALLY? JUST NOW? But come to find out after running the tracking number multiple times nothing was ever dropped off that the post office. Texted him to see what the fuck was up

i dropped it off in the mail box near my house and i was waiting for it to ship but it didnt so i went after work and they were holding it there for some reason (?????) Im sending it out again today

So at this point he is making no sense. talking out his ass. printed the label off just to shut me up about a tracking number. after seeing this thread i filed a paypal claim.

According to andrew there was ONLY 2 MOUNTS shipped. when he advertised and took money for 4. obvious rip off.

To be honest im not pissed about the 50 bucks as much as i am that he KNEW i needed the damn mount to finish my car. Yet had the audacity to keep lying to me. It wouldve been 10 times better if he wouldve said. yeah..broooo. i ripped you off. sorry about it.

total fucking douchebag. zilvia has one of the best marketplaces on the net. usually there arent to many cases like this. sad really.

02-28-2012, 12:01 AM
^ Almost exactly what he did to me.

02-28-2012, 12:56 AM
who knows man. i opened a dispute still insisting hes legit. now that i opened a dispute the mail man came an took the mount out of the mail box and cant give me a refund. now tuesday. mail went on monday. tracking number still hasnt gone live.. what an idiot. all this for a couple hundred bucks.

02-29-2012, 05:34 PM
Same situation here. Saying no record of item , but USPS been notified to expect a package.

This kid seriously is pissing me off. I needed mount two weeks ago.

02-29-2012, 08:42 PM
NOTE FROM ANDY ( Andrew Bernard) Drewber 2006

I have sent you an email. I do not have a problem with any member on zilvia. I have sent the mount out to you and it is in the mail. I dont know why the fuck the tracking # isnt working because they took it from my house.

I am not a scammer. User "silvildo72" has already gotten his mount. He has not posted that up has he?

Check out his tracking #


Delivered. He even lied on PayPal and said that the item was not as described when... There are only 4 bolts, 2 washers, 2 nuts, and 2 sleeves that you need to put the transmount together, and I included those.

All of the mounts have been sold do you and the other two people who are complaining. They were sent out at the same time so this is why they are all having the issues.

I would like to resolve this, I am not a scammer or a fraud. I am unable to refund on PayPal because all of you have escalated to "claims"

If I could refund you I would at this point because I do not want to come across as a scammer.

Please let me know if you see your mount show up, you can send it back to me if you would like and I can give you a refund. You can cancel the claim on PayPal and I can refund you or you an keep the mount. I don't care at this point. This has damaged my rep on zilvia to a point that is not recoverable. Again I am not a scammer, I'm just an average joe trying to make money on zilvia.


02-29-2012, 10:11 PM
wow he copied and pasted that to me as well

Im fucking livid. he just left me negative trader feedback stating that i received item not as described?!?!?!?!



So let me get this straight. silvildo recieved his mount. but also filed a claim because item was not as described..


im not silvido. im CH#'s god damn it. He left someone elses feedback on mine.. this dude is a piece of work.

alright also get this. He posted saying he had *FOUR* mounts

the names so far that have dealt with this


thats 5. what the fuck is going on here..

03-01-2012, 12:03 AM
I have no idea, I also have no idea what paypal is doing about my situation. I have called them 3 times and provided them links explaining many other people have also filed claims against him for the same thing. They said they will review the info and get back to me asap.

He also has since deleted his for sale ad.

I have also contacted Zilvia, and I have no idea what they are doing about the situation either.

03-01-2012, 12:40 AM
This guy wouldn't look so bad if his story actually made sense. What really got to me was him just giving me the run around and trying to it seem like I was out to scam him when I filed a dispute.

I really do hope everything gets resolved for all of you. He could easily refund people money. Just needs to put funds in his bank account and issue refunds. PayPal doesn't remove the funds from his bank account just because you open a dispute/claim. It simply puts a negative balance on his PayPal account.

Definitely don't like that he's trying to make himself a victim here when clearly that is not the case.

ch1873857 (http://zilvia.net/f/members/ch1873857.html), report that negative review to one of the moderators or an admin. They should be able to take care of it. I believe there is a report option on the trader feedback page as well.

03-01-2012, 12:44 AM
Also, none of you should close your disputes. Paypal will not allow a second dispute to open after you've closed one if it's with the same transaction. That to me seems like a sure way to scam you out of your money.

That was the red flag that really did it for me.

03-01-2012, 01:28 AM
NOPE! No Commenting in your Review SectionResolution Center -> View Open Cases.

Should have a list of cases. Open any of them up and I'm sure from there you can find the option.

You issued a refund for me so not sure how you wouldn't know how to do it for others. Just make sure you have funds in your bank account so it doesn't take two weeks for a refund, as in my case.

To me the problem seems to be you weren't straight with anyone. Had you simply purchased the labels via PayPal's very accommodating service with USPS and dropped off the boxes as your local USPS office this would have been such an easy process for you and us. PayPal would have updated everyone of their shipments and tracking would have been provided instantly. Though, that wasn't the case.

I would have been even more patient with you had you provided a tracking number from the start. You never provided one even though you said you purchased a label and later mentioned you had even scheduled a home pick-up (typically only available with on-line purchases which have delivery confirmation). However, that was not the case as well.

Would have easily given you the benefit of the doubt of being a sketchy seller especially considering I've been in similar situations. All my buyers haven't been 100% satisfied, typically due to delays on my end or small issues I've had with USPS (labels not being able to be scanned or being torn off packages), but at least they've all gotten their parts.

03-01-2012, 02:22 AM
I replied. I don't mind helping if you're actually trying to do your part to resolve the matter.

If anyone receives their mount please post that you did and cancel a claim you may have. If a refund is issued, send the part back if you do receive the item. There is no need to be a poor sport on the matter if at the very you got what you paid for.

03-01-2012, 03:55 AM
Finally. Real Talk. I told andy in an email that i would be glad to close the claim if i got the part (because i havent gotten a refund) . basically im not closing out the claim unless i have money or the mount. Im only protecting myself.

In the event that you give me a refund and i receive the mount. I will send you the 50 bucks back. Logistically its the easiest thing to do. A) I NEED the mount. B) I would have to pay to ship it back C) I would have to buy another mount and wait for it D) Andy will have another mount to sell which will be hard considering all of our experiences.

Does that sound fair?

Andy, I don't know what really happened with this whole deal. I personally have had no issues with the post office. However, maybe next time you should hand deliver your packages to the post office and not put them in your mailbox. Also, if USPS is the problem, use a different courier.

There were a lot of red flags that went up over the whole deal. But I thank you for actually making an effort to "correct" things.

03-01-2012, 08:30 AM
[QUOTE=SMM;4551710]NOTE FROM ANDY ( Andrew Bernard) Drewber 2006

I have sent you an email. I do not have a problem with any member on zilvia. I have sent the mount out to you and it is in the mail. I dont know why the fuck the tracking # isnt working because they took it from my house.

I am not a scammer. User "silvildo72" has already gotten his mount. He has not posted that up has he?

Check out his tracking #


Delivered. He even lied on PayPal and said that the item was not as described when... There are only 4 bolts, 2 washers, 2 nuts, and 2 sleeves that you need to put the transmount together, and I included those.

All of the mounts have been sold do you and the other two people who are complaining. They were sent out at the same time so this is why they are all having the issues.

I would like to resolve this, I am not a scammer or a fraud. I am unable to refund on PayPal because all of you have escalated to "claims"

If I could refund you I would at this point because I do not want to come across as a scammer.

Please let me know if you see your mount show up, you can send it back to me if you would like and I can give you a refund. You can cancel the claim on PayPal and I can refund you or you an keep the mount. I don't care at this point. This has damaged my rep on zilvia to a point that is not recoverable. Again I am not a scammer, I'm just an average joe trying to make money on zilvia.


03-01-2012, 01:15 PM
the time on the tracking number is off.. its a commun problem with usps, look it up..

Drift N Dragg
03-01-2012, 02:31 PM
No Positing in your Own Review Drewber2006

You are Pinked Until all is resolved.

You have 7 Days to Resolve These Issues or you will be Prema-banned.

03-01-2012, 06:06 PM
Silvido, did you really just get an empty box? Could you post a picture of the label please.

03-01-2012, 07:12 PM
omgwtfbbq. You Got an EMPTY BOX?

Who da fuck does that? I feel like i funded a crack addiction.

PS. I am now ordering a different mount. Im sure i will recieve nothing.

03-01-2012, 10:01 PM
I just ordered a mount from FRsport.

This guy will get what is coming to him.

Guys who have filed claims. This is how it goes down, just got off the phone with paypal.

They give xxx days for you to receive package after placing claim. If you dont receive and or receive an empty box you will be getting a refund.

You will get a refund no matter if he has the funds in his paypal or bank account. They will be sending refunds the day after the allotted time for you to receive the package expires.

He will then have a negative balance in his paypal account for the amount he has robbed all of us for. If he does not pay off this balance in xxx amount of days to paypal, they then file it on his credit via his bank account info.


03-02-2012, 07:08 AM
id rather have mounts than the money back since its the only thing left i need on my car, did you get the same brand on frsport or a different?

03-02-2012, 10:52 AM
I have to say sorry to Drewber2006 my freind works at the post office in ogdensburg and told me there was nothing in the box but he obviously was wrong since i got does mount today, I cancelled the claim. Dosnt mean he shipped it to everyone, but i got the mounts..

03-02-2012, 11:57 AM
post pic please lol

03-02-2012, 12:35 PM
That's one positive note to this. Hopefully mounts start showing up.

03-02-2012, 01:06 PM
its seriously, truly, honestly should not have gone this far. i received 2 peak performance trans mounts in the mail today. now I have to SELL one. jesus. who wants it 50 bucks!

closing claim.

also. it should not have taken 2 weeks to ship out. THAT im still pissed about.

03-02-2012, 01:18 PM
lol I'll give you for $40 for your extra one :D

Mount is now tainted.

You PayPal'ed 02/11 and he printed that label 02/23, but wasn't in USPS hands till 02/29. That right there tells you the delay everyone was facing.

This guy's main issue was simply lagging way to long to ship everyone's stuff. Had he been straight with everyone about that, no one would have cared. I mean hell, PayPal gives you 45 days to file a claim. I can deal with someone lagging, just really hate not being told the truth when it comes to sales.

BTW, edit the guy's address. Don't want anyone else on the forum having this guy's private info for some idiot to mess with him.

03-02-2012, 04:08 PM
Edit. Still have not received mine.

03-02-2012, 04:51 PM
good point. i just want you guys to see i got it.

03-05-2012, 04:00 PM
Still have no received anything.

He said " I would refund but I cant because of the open claim"

Which is BS, he can easily call and tell them " Hey I want to resolve this claim via a refund" and they will get everything sorted out....

Drift N Dragg
03-05-2012, 04:35 PM
And he shall remain in the status he is in until this is resolved.

SMM, PM me when it is taken care of.

I still plan on Banning him from the marketplace for 120 days, even after this is resoved.

03-07-2012, 10:31 AM
Well I still have not received anything in the mail.

However, he has stepped up to the plate and issued a refund.