View Full Version : WTB s13 shell.

02-22-2012, 04:20 PM
Im lookin for a s13 shell coupe or hatch doesnt matter but pref a coupe.

Needs to be somewhat clean (no major damage)And must have all exterior panels (bumpers are not an issue and a stripped interior is fine as long as it has the dash/steering wheel).

And has to be able to be rolled away (i can bring wheels but the suspension must be on the car)

Im looking to spend 800$ or less.

PM me with some sweet shells!!!

or text/call 760-58three-5309

eZiR- rps13
02-22-2012, 07:09 PM
I think I know a kid getting rid of a auto hatch

down in south chula vista

02-22-2012, 08:22 PM
pm me
msg lenght