View Full Version : fake??

01-16-2004, 01:29 AM
this almost seems fake to me just cause of what it is but i can't tell cause it also looks super real...



01-16-2004, 01:37 AM
cant really say:confused:

01-16-2004, 02:16 AM
damn that dood did one major backflip

01-16-2004, 05:16 AM
I'm pretty sure that wasn't real. Why would there be a guy just jogging on the side of a track. He wasn't even running away, just jogging. I think its chopped together. I could be wrong though.

01-16-2004, 08:40 AM
the first time i watched it i thought "hey, he could be a safety official runnig to the aid of a driver stuck in his car just off camera".... then i watched it again, and the guy just looks to be casually jogging along as if he's on a running path in a park, and he doesn't appear to have any sense of urgency.... but i dunno, it looks too real the way he flies off and hits the wall and such.:confused:

but wouldn't he hear it? the thing still getting me is the other two guys running ahead of him.

01-16-2004, 12:51 PM
I am pretty sure that one is real.

I saw that video about a year and a half ago at a F1 site and the video was posted the week after it happened.

I will look around and see if I can find the site and post the link here.

This stuff happens more then you would like to think. When I was at the F1 race in Monze 2 years ago, a track worker was killed when a tire from one of the cars came off the suspension during a wreck, the tire when offer the barrier and struck the track worker in the head, wasnt pretty. I saw the wreck but didnt see him get hit but i saw the aftermath. I am just glad the poor guy didnt feel anything.

01-16-2004, 01:37 PM
It looks fake also at the same time it dosent. Like when the car gets right behind him he is almost bigger than the car and the shadows arent right thats where it looks fake, but when he get "hit" it look real there. Hmmm.....

01-16-2004, 01:46 PM
ok, upon further inspection (watching it 15 times in a row with pauses) i have concluded that it is real...my theory:

the guy didn't hear the car because of the other road noise from the race...prolly nothing sounded out of the ordinary..those cars are not exactly quiet and there was another dozen or so within 30 yards of him...

also, slicks down squeel and scream like normal tires...especially when they are as hot as those cars get them...so that would be why it didn't alert him even when it was right behind him...

his running is corroborated by the other two individuals also running in the lower left of the screen just before the video ends...

maybe he was going to another wreck..or to his pit crew..or any number of things which distracted him enough to where he was unaware of the goings on around him...

the impact looks very real...the way he hits the wall and the reactions from all the people around where the impact took place also leads me to believe that it is real...


01-16-2004, 01:50 PM
If you go slow motion you can see that the door gets a dent in it before it even hits the guy, so they must have pasted a guy on top of some other object. Then again, it could be the impact on the wall that cause the dent on the door.

There isn't a shadow from the guy. It is fake, but some damn good fake shit.

01-16-2004, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by driftz240sx

There isn't a shadow from the guy. It is fake, but some damn good fake shit.

i think there is no shadow from him, as there is no shadow from the other 2 runners or from anyone else, because it is a very overcast day...the only reason there is a shadow under the car (and notice it is only DIRECTLY under the car) is because it is a large enough body to block out all light, even that dissapated by an overcast sky...the runner is just not large enough to do this...therefore no shadow...

01-16-2004, 02:40 PM
It's real, they played it on ESPN the day it happened.

01-16-2004, 03:41 PM
You're a retard for believing this is real... Especially Noah.

Look up the rules for behind concrete walls. They would slam this guy on the ground just to get his ass off behind the concrete wall.

Its Fake. Internet Retards.

01-16-2004, 04:10 PM

01-16-2004, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by TRUENOCOUPE
You're a retard for believing this is real... Especially Noah.

Look up the rules for behind concrete walls. They would slam this guy on the ground just to get his ass off behind the concrete wall.

Its Fake. Internet Retards.

Uhh ohh attack of the internet tough guy!!!

Internet tough guys are the best, they will talk shit from behind the keyboard but if it were real life there 150lb asses would sit there and say nothing.

01-16-2004, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by xTylerx
Uhh ohh attack of the internet tough guy!!!

Internet tough guys are the best, they will talk shit from behind the keyboard but if it were real life there 150lb asses would sit there and say nothing.


(Think StreetFighter)

01-16-2004, 10:18 PM
looks sorta fake to me. No one was trying to warn the jogger, he never reacts in the least bit, the car door does not dent (shadows make it look that way imo) and no one moves out of the way of the jogger flying over the wall.

01-19-2004, 05:20 AM
Uhh ohh attack of the internet tough guy!!!

Internet tough guys are the best, they will talk shit from behind the keyboard but if it were real life there 150lb asses would sit there and say nothing.

sorry for the 2 day bump...but i thought this was hilarious...

Al, do you even weigh 150lbs?..:p

01-19-2004, 09:10 AM
the impact looks very real...the way he hits the wall and the reactions from all the people around where the impact took place also leads me to believe that it is real...


i don't notice any reactions from the people behind the wall though, that's why i thought it so odd. i myself would at least take a few good jaunts backwards from a car barrelling toward me and i would also scream like hell if there was some guy running in the way of it.... nobody seemed to jump back from him flying over the wall nor did anyone point or wave their arms or anything to alert the guy. but the impact and the way he flips over and catches the wall looks real to me. i dunno :tweak:

01-19-2004, 09:36 AM
Uhh ohh attack of the internet tough guy!!!

Internet tough guys are the best, they will talk shit from behind the keyboard but if it were real life there 150lb asses would sit there and say nothing.

You are a fucking moron. Come over my house and Ill stick a dildo up your ass.

Serious note: Its teh goddamn internet. Get some help. Can't you take a goddamn joke yet a goddamn sarcasm?
