View Full Version : what kinda TB is this?!??? help!!

02-19-2012, 12:46 PM
so i have a s14 chassis with a s13 blacktop sr20 and i have a throttle body that looks like this...


with this kinda plug..


and im pretty sure i havent come across one like this before.. i think the automatic ones have two plugs in it, and the normal 5speed ones have a brown 3 wire plug which is what my other sr20 has..

anyway, im trying to figure it out because i wanted to buy a chasebays tucked harness and i need to know how to specify this, or if i can just get the harness they sell and buy a 5speed TB..

what do you guys think?

any clue on what kinda TB this is? or where its from?

thanks in advance!