View Full Version : wow this place got big

01-12-2004, 09:38 PM
i've been over at rx7forum for a while and thought i'd visit back here again. all i got to say it wow this place really got popular. probally the best 240 forum i've seen. keep it up.

01-12-2004, 09:44 PM
Why thank you. :bow:

Site really took off since the 240sx is on every magazine cover in the states :) :(

01-12-2004, 10:33 PM
Yea I remember back in the day when I joined. I think thier was only like 100 members then. Basically it was West and Boostaholic talking to each other on every post. Luckly people found this place and we have a vast abundance of information now.

thanks Zilvia

01-12-2004, 10:55 PM
I'm still not a mod though... and I'm here every day. One day my friends, one day.

J/k West and all mods, no hard feelings. I love this place.

01-13-2004, 12:03 AM
LSTONE - c'mon, man! you expect to be a mod with THAT kinda post count? You've got to be a total slutty post whore to be a mod. I'm amazed we don't have Dousan_PG as a mod.. :naughtyd:

01-13-2004, 01:17 AM
Yeah, gots to be a post slut to be a mod.

I have been here pretty much every day since I registered, I should of registered sooner though cuz I lurked for a few months. :)

I wouldnt mind being a mod, but my post count is probly not slutty enough. :D

01-13-2004, 01:40 AM
yeah i'm most def a post whore...:bow:

but i don't think i'd wanna be a mod...have to be too nice...
(not that it would be offered to me anyway..lol..)

i'd much rather play Devil's Advocate in every thread...

hmmmmm....someone with authority change my caption thingy from "team FSP drifting" to "devil's advocate"...:D..

01-13-2004, 04:57 AM
i havent reached full post whore status yet...i'm workin on it though. hahaha j/k :p Now if it was based on hours online...that would be a whole different story! I wouldnt mind being a mod though (like that'll ever happen! lol) . Although if i was, i'd probably be banned by the other mods for abusing my powers. I'd be banning people left and right! muahahahaha! :D Now, if you guys were to pick a new moderator, my vote would definitely be for Aaron (Dousan_PG)! He is the UNDISPUTED KING of post whoring! But he knows his stuff too!

Seriouslly though, you mods are doing a good job! Keep up the good work!

01-13-2004, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by mrmephistopheles
LSTONE - c'mon, man! you expect to be a mod with THAT kinda post count? You've got to be a total slutty post whore to be a mod. I'm amazed we don't have Dousan_PG as a mod.. :naughtyd:

I never understood how you were a mod with ~200 some posts :confused:

I just assumed that fellatio was involved


01-13-2004, 09:26 AM
i should be a mod? no way, i cant look the part and i dont like riding vespas..i like the safety of my car. thanks

Baka Sama
01-13-2004, 10:29 AM
Yeah I use to lurk arund this place all the time before i actually registered. This place has grown alot. Girls are stalked an praised... then later marrried... But I wont say any names.... You see people buy cars... build them up... crash them into odd things... then part them out here... Weird drifting groups are formed sportin' funky pink colors with too many inside jokes..
But one thing Im glad I did was read previous post ( back when they had the (1-44-??) at the bottom. You learn alot more by reading instead of starting new threads about the same old stuff...
<--- And it so happens that this is my 100th post! Dont I get a cookie or somethin'?? You can atleast pitch in an by me a bubble shift nob dang it! :mad:

01-13-2004, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Baka Sama

<--- And it so happens that this is my 100th post! Dont I get a cookie or somethin'?? You can atleast pitch in an by me a bubble shift nob dang it! :mad:

went ahead and switched your name from "Leaky Injector" to "Zilvia Member"...no need to thank me...:bow:


01-13-2004, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by Baka Sama
You can atleast pitch in an by me a bubble shift nob dang it! :mad:

you want one of these?

a little :ghey: dontcha think?

oh its

knob (not nob)
buy = to purchase

Baka Sama
01-13-2004, 10:59 AM
hahaha... no no no not a pink one, a clear one. Dont hate on the mad chick appeal of a bubble shift "knob" in a s13. Plus it helps your car um... drift better... yeah thats it..
talk about :ghey: pink things... http://www.geocities.com/pink_godzira/images/PinkGodziRa.jpg

Baka Sama
01-13-2004, 11:18 AM